water specs

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006

You're welcome. Things are looking a lot better now, but your tank's still cycling...

Test (ammonia...did you get that kit yet???, nitrites, and nitrates are the only thing you need to be testing at the present time) the water again tomorrow and post your findings. Do another 20-30% water change right after you do that (regardless of what the levels are).

That should bring the nitrites down to zero, and will allow you to skip Monday.

You can then another 20-30% water change on Tuesday (just re-test the levels prior to doing a water change on Tuesday---If nitrite is 0 and nitrates are 20 PPM or less, then wait another day or so until the levels rise slightly before you do another water change).

So, to sum it up, do a water change tomorrow. Then do a water change on Tuesday. Your levels may not be perfect on Monday, but we don't wanna do another water change then because it isn't critical, and it will only stress the fish.

Hope this all makes sense.

Good luck.
Big Vine

Feb 10, 2006
Bay Area, CA
Okay did a 30% water change. Good results today.

Nitrate: 20 ppm
Nitrite: 0 ppm
Hardness: 175 ppm
Alk: 100 ppm
PH: 6.8 (a bit low for my livebearers)

I haven't gotten a ammonia test yet. I'm thinking about picking one up today.

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Alright, lookin' good. Your ammonia level is probably at zero, but having the test kit still oughta come in handy for you.

I'd just wait and test your ammonia, nitrite, and nitrates on Tuesday. If ammonia or nitrites are present, and/or if your nitrate level is approaching or surpassing 40 PPM, then go ahead and do another water change at that time.

Otherwise, I'd leave it until Wednesday or Thursday.

Glad to hear that things are back on track for you. :)

Big Vine