What are they doing???


Large Fish
Jun 29, 2006
Brampton, Ontario
Hi Everyone,

Okay, I am trying to figure out what my fish are doing. I have seen them a few times but can't figure it out! One fish will go sort of diagonal to another fish and shake for a few seconds (4 or 5 seconds) and then the other fish will chase him.

Any Idea? I have asked the LFS where I purchased them and he told me he never heard of this. (Gotta love the LFS)

Any thoughts?


Large Fish
Jun 29, 2006
Brampton, Ontario
Thats cool! I thought maybe it was mating but figured they were to younge for that but dominance, that makes sence.

At first I thought it was something with the water, maybe I didn't clean it right or added to much or to little chemicals. But then they started to do it all the time. Now it makes sence



Large Fish
Jun 29, 2006
Brampton, Ontario
Hi Everyone,

How old are cichlids usually before they start to breed? My guys (and gals) are probably around 5 - 6 months old. I didn't expect to see any juvies in the tank for atleast another 4 - 5 months.

When i do a water change i add a chlorine remove to the water as well as bio support, oh and also some salt. Both the chlorine remove and the bio support are added to the water before i add the water into the tank. And i poor the water onto rocks so that i don't disturbe the gravel.

Has anyone ever used a waste remover? I purchased some last week for the tank and I am not sure if it's doing that great of a job. I followed the directions perfectly but all I see now when looking into the tank is long strings of a almost clear poop. I think I am gonna stop using it. I originally purchased it for the frontosa because they don't like dirty water.


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
I don't think that a waste remover would poison the water, but it most surely won't remove any waste. The only thing that can be done for better water quality is more water changes. That's it, nothing else will work.


Large Fish
Jun 29, 2006
Brampton, Ontario
Yeah, I think I am gonna stop using the waste remover. I only bought it for the frontosa as the malawi's like to go to the washroom alot.

So you wouldn't recommend the bio support? What about all the new water that goes in.

Also, can anyone recommend a clean up crew for cichlids? I have a pleco and he is doing a good job, but because he is so big he can't fit near all the rocks. He cleans the glass good. Also, I have a plant (fake) in there and its got so much alge on it, i want to take it out but my husband loves it and wants it to stay in. I was thinking of like a snail or something to go into the tank to clear where the pleco can't go. Any thoughts?

OK I saw alot of things in this post that look like potential probs..........as quoted by Milo...

" I see now when looking into the tank is long strings of a almost clear poop."

If they have long stringy transparent feces...it is a sign of sickness,ie: Internal parasites, poor water quality....could be a number of things.

Milo states:" Has anyone ever used a waste remover? I purchased some last week for the tank and I am not sure if it's doing that great of a job."

Never heard of a waste remover...

Milo asks.."Also, can anyone recommend a clean up crew for cichlids? and ...I was thinking of like a snail or something to go into the tank to clear where the pleco can't go. Any thoughts?

As for a cleanup crew with Africans.... you have to do your own housekeeping. Mbunas will kill the snail.

AND you have a Frontosa with Mbunas?
As in previous posts...y ou know they should not be housed together.


Large Fish
Jun 29, 2006
Brampton, Ontario
Hey CinInk,

I saw some waste remove products at the store and thought I would purchase some. It says it will safely remove poop in the tank. I figured I would give it a try. I don't think it is parasites or poor water quality because it started the second i put the waste remover into the tank. Also, for the "clean up crew" I wasn't sure if there was anything that could go into the tank other then a pleco, but thought I would ask. And, I know about the frontosa, read post "frontosa & Malawi" He still seems to be doing fine, the other fish arn't even touching him. He swims peacefully, dorsal fin is down and seems to be doing good in the tank. I promise, the second I see him getting picked on he is out of the tank


Large Fish
Jun 29, 2006
Brampton, Ontario

Just as a note for everyone else, ever since I started to use the Waste Remover, it looks asif my tank is getting more dirty. *note to self, stop using it*


Large Fish
Jun 29, 2006
Brampton, Ontario
Oh I really need to think before I hit send. Has anyone ever heard of Red Worms? Apparently someone I know is using them in her red devil tank to clean up. Apparently, they clean the tank but don't harm live fish? Anyone heard of this? I know a little off topic.

*okay, think, anything else???? I think thats it... SEND*

Milo said:
Hey CinInk,

And, I know about the frontosa, read post "frontosa & Malawi" He still seems to be doing fine, the other fish arn't even touching him. He swims peacefully, dorsal fin is down and seems to be doing good in the tank. I promise, the second I see him getting picked on he is out of the tank
Dorsal Fin down? Clamped fins......sign of stress.............He isnt happy.....


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Yes, stop using the wast remover. As it doesn't work, and is just more chemicals in the water. The Bio-Support is just a waste of $ also and again just adds more chemicals to your water that your fish do not want nor need.

The clamped fins on the Front are a sign of stress, could be water quality judging by all that is being put in this tank. Also check your nitrates. If they are over 10ppm increase your water changes. Then again he may still be trying to settle in (as he is still pretty new) but may never settle in without company of other fronts.

No need to keep posting new posts when you hit send and forget something. Look at the bottom of your post and click the edit button. ;)

edit: about the new water needing the bio stuff: Hoarse puky! The majority of active bacteria colonies in your tank are on the surface of objects, gravel (is a big one), glass, and filter (another big one). Hardly any is in the water column and thus doesn't need replacement or additives added when doing a water change.

Last edited:


Large Fish
Jun 29, 2006
Brampton, Ontario
Hi Pure / Cinlink

Thanks for the advise.

CinLink - I am gonna keep a closer eye on the frontosa. I havn't heard of clamped fin before. All i thought was that if the cichlids dorsal fin is up, this means that he is stressed and is trying to look bigger to all the other cichlids. All of the other cichlids dorsal fin was down so i didn't think much of it. I will keep a closer eye on him and see how he is doing. I wouldn't say that his fin is down all the time, every once in a while when another fish is staring at him his fin will go up but then will go down once the other fish swims away. Same with all the other cichlids in the tank.

Pure - Thanks for your advice on the chemicals I have been putting into the tank. I have always used bio support and Chlorine remover for the tank (even previous tanks) I think that my tank now has enough bio in it to go without. I havn't tested my water in a while and will do so next time I go to the fish store. Won't hurt just to check. Would you recommend that I continue using the chlorine remover? I have been told before to let the water sit for a few hours as this will remove the chlorine naturally. I find that its easier (on me, aswell as probablly better for the fish) to add the chlorine remover as the fish would have more room to swim in, but then at the same time probably bad for them as it is chemicals going into the water. What do you do?


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Naa the chlorine remover is harmless, and needs to be added. I use a python for water changes so I just add the dechloro to the tank wile refilling.

Letting the water sit overnight can remove the chlorine, but IMO better safe than sorry. So I even treat water that has sat.


Large Fish
Jun 29, 2006
Brampton, Ontario
Hi Pure,

Thanks, I use the python aswell. Find its great for cleaning the gravel. Alright, next water change, no more bio chemicals (my husband will be so happy!)*twirlysmi

But has anyone ever heard of red worms??? I believe they clean the tank. A friend of mine uses them to clean her tank and apparently they do a good job and don't harm her red devil? Any one heard of them? Don't think I am gonna add them to my tank, but just curious about them.
