What do I do???


Large Fish
Mar 9, 2009
Upstate NY
It really is best to get a test kit as Judy said. its the best 30 dollars ive ever spent. API Master test kit is the way to go.
good luck.


Large Fish
Mar 16, 2009
I gave away around 500 guppy and molly fry in one day on Craigslist. People are SO excited to get babies to start tanks with and its fun for them to watch them grow, especially children. Personally, I don't think its worth it trying to sell them to anyone. Profitable fish breeding seems like an expensive endeavor to me. You want to save them all. Remember that lots of drab fish are gowing to grow up out of your fry. The pet stores only get the ones that passed culling. Give them away to people that can't afford to buy 5$ fish. Its good karma and keeps you from a serious overpopulation problem. Besides, your 29g fry tank is no match for the population potential of your 9 livebearers. Those 500 fish came from a similar population in my tank. If you keep their water quality good, they will produce more fish than a 29g could ever hope to get to selling size. My livebeareres were in a 55g at the time. Those babies forced a 75g fry tank that was no where near big enough to grow them all out in. I now have the livebearers in the 75. I keep the fry in the tank(lots of plants). The strongest live. At about 8weeks, I CL them all. I make anyone wanting feeders go last and give them only bland ones. I know it sucks. But you have to rethink keeping livebearers to keep them healthy and happy and you sane. These animals were never meant to have a 100% survival rate or they wouldn't birth so many. If you try to keep up with them, you will spend all your time and money cleaning& water changing. It will become too much work and you won't enjoy the fish you started with. Been there, done that. Try a Craigslist day. Its really fun watching little kids get their bag of babies. And you get to do a little education with likely new fish owners too. You just might like it!

As far as cycling, just buy a bottle of Stability, move the fish and follow the directions. Problem solved.

Good luck!

Aug 16, 2009
SW Pennsylvania
Wow. Thank you, beckyd. Unfortunately, my mother keeps buying pregnant fish on purpose, which is annoying since I'm the one who takes care of them. I enjoy taking care of the babies, but at the same time I have way too many babies to take care of at the moment. (A platy just gave birth.) All our livebearers are about the same color, which cuts down on the amount of "drab fish." Also, she doesn't understand how many babies they have even though I keep telling them. My little sister is the same way. She just likes to see lots of babies.