What is your favorite Rams or Kribs?

Hello, i wanted to find out what is more popular Rams or Kribs, so that is why i started this thread. I hope that a lot of you have looked at my other thread "Breeding Options", and if you are interested at looking at my thread, just search for Breeding, then go to the 2nd page and look for one that is started by Silver Dollars. So i hope that i can find out what is more popular Rams or Kribs. In my opinion, Rams are my favorite because of how there colors are so bright and how they are so easy to breed. My Golden Rams have already bred about 9-10 times already and i have had them for about a month. So please read my threads.*celebrate


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Rams are touchy about water quality, if you can't keep them alive and have tried getting them from different sources..chances are you are not keeping up on water changes, not changing enough water, not doing a good enough gravel vac, or not keeping your filter clean enough.

Basically anything that can cause nitrates above 10-15 can be the source of your problem. IME for rams to live happy and healthy the nitrates need to be under the posted levels. Plants will help but not completely. Mine always get sick if I go more than 2 weeks without a water change, with low nitrates because of plants. And by that I mean by day 15 I'm seeing problems with some of them.

I often advise people wanting to get into discus to try rams first. "If you can't keep rams alive then discus isn't a good option for you."

Of course crappy stock (inbred to much) can toss this theory out the window. This is why I said "try getting them from different sources"