Rams aren't that hard to keep I didn't do anything special for them and mine stayed alive. I don't even do water changes.
what you choose to do is fine, but that is NOT a good practice to get into.... the benefits and science behind water changes is well proven and documented, to the extent that water changes should be a common practice of all hobbyists.
this is an paragraph from Dr. Uwe Romer's cichlid atlas for south american dwarfs about the blue ram Mikrogeophagus ramirezi:
"in contrast to common belief however, M. ramirezi is by no means a fish for the beginner. exceptional water quality is demanded. nitrogenous wastes have a distinctly negative impact on the general health of this species, resulting in an abbervaited life span."
"under optimal husbandry conditions, my specimens of M. ramirezi achieved an average life span of three years. this species usually perishes after just one year if its captive enviornment varies substantially from that of its natural habitat."
this has been my experience with blue rams on several occasions. no matter HOW many water changes i performed they would never live more than a few months in my semi-hard water (ph-7.8).
what type of new world cichlids are you talking about? dumping fish into your tank that you know nothing about is a bad idea to say the least.
not doing water changes to remove nitrates is also a very bad....and ignorant idea as well.