What kind of Cichlid's are better?


Medium Fish
Aug 2, 2006
Dimidiochromis compressiceps --I think these are attractive. The males are funky looking and blue. At the very least get some mubuna. Many to choose from, but make wise choices up front otherwise you will pay later on. Or I should say your fish will pay like mine have. The uneducated choices I made early on ment fish bones in my tank. I am not a big fan of labs...please no one shoot me. ANything but labs

I think a 55 g would be a great setup for a colony of Tropheus Moorii or any of the other Tropheus family. But you might have problems finding them. I know I have been looking for them in this area... but to no avail.
Here is link:World Cichlids Fish of the Month March 2004 - Tropheus moorii
They can be abit pricey... but in all beautiful but very aggressive fish.

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