I love active fish... especially barbs of any kind. But I do have a slow/old fish tank for quiet movement, lol
5 gallon-
33 platy fry (of which I have finally found homes for 7!)
10 gallon-
pair of honey sunset gouramis
2 bloodfin tetras (1 1/2 years+)
2 neon tetras (only one is old...)
25 gallon-
6 tiger barbs (soon to be 8)
3 black ruby barbs
4 platies
1 swordtail
1 red-tailed shark
5 gallon-
33 platy fry (of which I have finally found homes for 7!)
10 gallon-
pair of honey sunset gouramis
2 bloodfin tetras (1 1/2 years+)
2 neon tetras (only one is old...)
25 gallon-
6 tiger barbs (soon to be 8)
3 black ruby barbs
4 platies
1 swordtail
1 red-tailed shark