Whats in YOUR tank.


Large Fish
Oct 12, 2004
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I want to know what people have in there tank(s) ------- with out reading through everyone's signiture --

I think it would be a good reference to look at this post and see who could help you with what and who can recommend or discourage someone from getting or not getting something they are unsure of. Sure you can tell them to read books, but to know what someone else has learned from having something is alway helpful.

If you dont want to reply - dont i wont be upset but.. I have change things around a little from what i used to have i now have ....

3 29gallon tanks in an L shape in my living room.

#1 TANK has --- about 45 lbs of live rock, 1 galaxia, 1 toadstool, 2 open brains, star palaps, 1 flashlight fish, 2 percula clowns, my gravel is large shells along with fine crushed coral, 1 power compact, 1 ( extra ) blue actinic, also a varity of inverts, Large rio pushing water threw the tank. ( a BAK PAK is on this tank )

#2 TANK has --- about 20 lbs of live rock, 1 Frog fish, inverts, my gravel is crushed coral and fine sand, along with ghost shrimp, with a regular flouresent bulb, two little rio's pushing water into the other tanks. (AQUACLEAR 300 on this tank)

#3 TANK ( my girlfriend's tank ) has --- about 40 lbs of live rock, 1 rabbit fish, 5 chromis, flame angel ( traded in the coral beauty and two maroon clowns ), inverts, regular flouresent bulb. ( a BAK PAK is on this tank)

The tanks are connected by 2 u tubes on each tank, they are all on 3' stands, I have a spare 40 gallon high that im not sure if im going to do anything in it. I may start a sump one day but who knows.

Thank you for posting or voicing your opinion -- by the way i'll try to post some pic's but 1.) i dont know how and 2.) i have limited access to a scanner but i may try and go to my parents house and scan some ( OLD PICS ) and save them to a disc and learn how to post them when i get back to my computer tomorrow. I look forward to seeing what you all have to say.


Large Fish
Apr 21, 2003
Delaware County, PA
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I think this is a good idea for a thread. You can read as many books as you want. But there is still a sense of intimidation reading a book written by an "expert."

You can learn as much as you want from the "experts" but hearing the experiences of the "non-experts" hits a little closer to home.


Superstar Fish
Mar 30, 2004
:D great thread idea, DSK. ;)

i have 5 tanks...one 55 gallon, one 29 gallon, one 20 gallon, one 10 gallon, and one 2.5 gallon.

in the 55 gallon, i have a 9" tiger oscar (favorite fish probably...hes awesome) and his two pleco buddies (both common plecos) which are about 7.5" and 5". my oscars great. he has an awesome personality, and like most other oscars, (or at least the ones that are cared for properly) he comes up to the glass whenever i go near the tank and follows me if i walk by the tank. they really get good coloration if you feed them a good variety of foods. i feed my oscar cichlid pellets, shrimp pellets (the shrimp pellets are actually for the plecos, but my oscar gets some), and frozen beefheart cubes. the cubes are his snacks. he has some pretty nice coloration.

in the 29 gallon, i dont have any fish at the moment. just plants for now. still not sure what im planning on doing with the tank...maybe apistogramma cacatuoides (cockatoo dwarf cichlids) or maybe itll be a home for my convicts when they get full size...who knows.

in the 20 gallon, i have my pair of convicts. their names are bonnie and clyde. theyre about 2" each. the male is a little bigger. theyre currently getting ready to spawn again. they ate their first and second spawn. they probably ate the second spawn because i went to chicago last weekend and they didnt get fed. i still have 14 of the fry from the second spawn in the 10 gallon, but the ones that i left with the parents were eaten. i really like my convicts. they both have great colors. the black and white colors are almost pure black and white. then they have blue on the fins and the female has the orange coloration on her belly. my male has very nice blue coloration in his gills and he looks great when he puffs out his gills to show off to the female. he also has a very nice pattern on the back of his dorsal fin. nice blue pelvic fins. i feed my convicts cichlid granules. convicts are awesome. easy to breed, easy to keep. good beginners fish.

in my 10 gallon, i have 14 of my convicts fry from their second spawn. theyre probably about a quarter inch each and about 4 weeks old. i feed them crushed up cichlid granules and the occasional frozen baby brine shrimp. the fry dont have much color yet, but are starting to get the convict shape and you can see their stripes if you look closely

in my 2.5 gallon, i have a blue and purple male twinlobe betta. hes pretty cool. one of the main reasons i bought him was because at the LFS, he was in a tank with another male twinlobe betta with some other fish...goldfish and such. of course, i picked the betta that looked better. i feed my twinlobe betta flake food, because his mouth isnt big enough to eat the betta bites i bought for him. ill have to try other betta bites and hopefully ill find some that are small enough to fit in his mouth.

i also have another male betta...but its not exactly mine. its really my mom's betta, but i feed it and clean its tank and stuff. he's in a bowl that is flat on the back. he's just a regular veiltail betta. i also feed him flakes. the betta bites dont fit inside his mouth either.

well, those are my tanks and fish. hope you had fun reading about them ;)

edit: wow...i am an idiot...i just noticed this is in the saltwater forum...oh well...sorry guys :p

(i just look at the threads that are on the front page of mft...i dont look through the individual forums usually)

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Superstar Fish
Dec 1, 2003
Lets see...

I have the 90 gallon FOWLR. It is lit by three 4ft VHO bulbs. I have a Emperor 400 for water movement and biological filtration, and a homemade wetdry filter with about 300bioballs. I also have a SeaLife protein skimmer. The tank has about 80lbs of live sand, and 70-80lbs of Tonga and Fiji Live Rock. There is a clean-up crew of hermits and snail. Fish are as followed. A 4inch Clark Clown, 3x 2inch Four Striped Damsels, 3 inch Passer Angelfish, 4inch Maculous Angelfish, 4inch Pacific Blue Tang, 2 inch Yellow Tang, 2 inch Sailfin Tang, Algae blenny and CLeaner Wrasse. Yes all the tangs and angels get along...but a bigger tank is on the way for them.

I have the 20gallon reef with a Skilter Filter, and a rio powerhead. It is lit by a 65watt power compact bulb. There is about 15lbs of Fiji Live rock. Substrate is crushed coral and live sand mixed. It is also a plenum system. I have a 6 inch Deresa Clam, a frogspawn, Hammer, Bali Green open Brain, some mushrooms, Green star polyps, button polyps, a Yellow Sea Fan, and an Orange Sponge. Fish are as followed. A Percula Clownfish, a Royal Dottyback, Flame Angelfish, and a Bangaii Cardinal. There is also a simple clean-up crew.

I also have a 20 gallon FOWLR. It has a Whisper 4 for biological filtration, a Seaclone skimmer and an internal filter for water movement and additional biological filtration. It is lit by a single fluorescent tube. There is about 20lbs of live sand and 20lbs of Fiji live rock. There is also a ton of Caulerpa growing inside the tank. The only inhabitant is a 26inch Yellowheaded Fimbriated Moray Eel. There is also a simple clean-up crew.

My last tank is a 3 gallon Eclipse. There is about 4lbs of live sand and 4lbs of Fiji and Tonga live rock. It contains a little Tomato Clownfish and some Electric Blue Hermit crabs.

I do a 15 percent water change on all my tanks twice a week. I add Calcium, Strontium, Iodine twice a week, and the ecosystem supplement for reefs and fish systems everyday. I feed the fish three times with Frozen Mysis, Squid, Formula One, Two, Prime Reef, Krill, and Silversides. Also Formula two Flakes and Kent Carnivore Pellots. The Eel is fed twice a week. He eats Silversides and Krill.


Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
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Hmmm well to start I have 55 gallon freshwater that I maintain for my father at his house, it has 7 lake Niassus ciclids in it medium sized sand substrate, driftwood and about 40 pounds of Rocks aquascaped into caves, there are also various plants ect...

At my 1 bedroom apartment i have a 40 gallon long with an aqua-c remora skimmer, 265 watts of pc lighting, pulsing xenia, caluerperla algea, hammer, frog spawn, leather corals, 2 X rose bubble tips, one for my 2 porcelain crabs, one for my 2 false percula clowns, a pepermint shrimp, 1 mithrax crab, 1 lawnmower blenny and 1 yellow watchman gobby, 50 lbs of fine carribean live sand, 75 lbs of live rock, 20 from fiji, 20 from tonga and 35 from the gulf of mexico that is aquacultured, really nice stuff, great sponges, coraline algea and what not on that stuff, various hermits and snails, and a sand sifting star, also i have 3 maxi jets hidden in the rock work for water movement.

At work I take care of and do all the purchasing( on my bosses credit card) for a 90 gallon with a 20 gallon sump, a turbo flotor 1000 skimmer, and 600 watts of metal halides. There is aproximately 175lbs of live sand and 140lbs of live rock. For fish there are 2 yellow tangs, 2 onyx clowns, 2 false perculate clowns, 1 yellow watchman gobby, 1 pistol shrimp, 2 pepermint shrimp and various hermits, snails, there are 7 large colonies of pulsing xenia, green star polops various mushrooms, a tree leather coral, also looking for more sps corals and what not to add as well as a 3 or 4 more fish (feel free to make some recomendations, there is the overflow return and a maxi-jet in there for water movement


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
55gal + 30gal sump (filled to about 15gal)
somewhere around 60# of LR
Aqua-C Urchin
265w PC (the coralife one)

3 Banggai Cardinals
3 Green Chroms
1 Maroon Clown
1 Eibli Angel

Assorted Crabs and Snails
1 Emerald Crab
2 Sand Sifting Stars
1 Red Brittle Star

A bunch of leathers, shrooms, zoos, ricordia, and xenia


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
240 litres (60 gallons approx), Deltec T5's customised into Juwel hood. 2400 litres per hour of water movement by 2 2 powerheads + skimmer out put + refugium output, soon to go up. Prism skimmer.

30 kilos live rock thin sand bed, much LR rubble.

35 litre upstream refugium with thin sand + LR rubble, 24 watts pc light (13 + 11)

Pair clarkii clowns
6 line wrasse
BiColor angel
BiColor blenny
Stenopus shrimp
Blood shrimp pair
Zoanthids, protopalythoa, other polyps.
Sarcopytons , fragged from 1 to 4.
Some scraps montipora
Random inverts. Crabs, snails, small brittles, sponges,.......

Also 70 litre tank for frags with 600 litre per hour internal filter. Only 50 litre water in this tank, 2 * 24 inch t5's hitting montiporas in only 4 to 5 cms water to surface. Eggcrate structure, 1 kilo live rock.


Large Fish
Oct 12, 2004
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WELL, I think that this is off to a good start we even get freshwater in there. I was really surprized to see how many people have clown's i though i would be close to the only person but thats cool. and thank all of you for writing "flex 26" is exactly right about what he said, so....

keep -m- comin.


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
oh yah, i should throw in this is a darn fine idea, thanks DSK...something worth considering stickying...since there are only about ten of us regulars it wouldn't get unweildy provided we used the "edit" button to update changes


Large Fish
Apr 21, 2003
Delaware County, PA
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Originally posted by 1979camaro
oh yah, i should throw in this is a darn fine idea, thanks DSK...something worth considering stickying...since there are only about ten of us regulars it wouldn't get unweildy provided we used the "edit" button to update changes
My only recommendation would be to keep it to a list rather than full paragraphs.... *cough* aresgod *cough* S. Reef *cough* Sorry about that little coughing fit ;)


Superstar Fish
Jun 3, 2003
Glendale, AZ
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29 gallon
-30 lbs Lalo LR
-3" crushed coral

-seaclone 100 (grr)
-2x 301 powerheads
-HOT Magnum with Biowheel (nitrates still good)
-19 watt NO flourescent fixture (upgrade to 130 watt PC's coming soon)

-1 clown
-1 astrea snail
-10 or so hermits (the blue legged variety)


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
unfortunately, we dont...a mod has to do it...i can pm someone, but i think if we are going to do this via a sticky we should start a new thread with specfic guidlines on what should be posted (how much detail, format,etc) and then not add commentary...cause already this is getting sloppy