I voted that I don't mind them because I honestly don't. I personaly don't own one (that I know of), but thats not saying that I won't in the future. I don't have nearly the experience that some of you all have but here's my two cents (and please correct me if I'm wrong):
So they're hybrids, cross-breeds, whatever! Its not their fault that "mom & dad" found an attraction to each other! Yes, maybe breeders shouldn't purposly be "promoting" it but either way its gonna happen. That's evolution! They deserve a chance to be happy just like all the other fishies. If you want a "natural" aquarium then do your homework. If you're worried about hybrids being released into the wild & messing up the ecosystem, what about the "normal" ones? Many of the fish that we put in our tanks do not belong in our "local ecosystem." Nature ALWAYS finds a way. Be it by some IDIOT that doesn't want his fish any more & flushes them or releases them into the wild, or by some other way.
There's always gonna be an "outsider" in "society." Let them have a chance at happiness. Have we banned interracial couples in our society? No! I personally have seen some very beautiful children as a result and have no problem with it at all. Now, of course, not everyone feels the same way. Some people are dog people, some cat, some both. I personally love 'em ALL!!! *GOLDFISH*