What's your take on hybrids/crossbreeds?

What's your take on Hybrids/Crossbreeds like the Blood Red Parrot?

  • Love 'em an got one!

    Votes: 3 11.5%
  • They're cool

    Votes: 2 7.7%
  • I don't mind them

    Votes: 8 30.8%
  • No way Jose!

    Votes: 13 50.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Jan 20, 2005
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What's so wrong w/ Flowerhorns? I think they are beautiful? I am definately not a "Fad" person either. Yes, they may be a hybrid. Yes, their price may be rediculous. If someone wants to spend their hard earned money on what they see as a thing of beauty, then so be it. Its THEIR money. I am still an amature at this hobby and admittedly nieeve to some aspects, but if we are able to breed new, stunnigly beautiful species of fish (and anything for that matter), then go for it. As long as it is done in a humane way! Consider me the "hippie of the fishies." Everyone make love!

Died or Painted fish, now THATS a totally different issue!!! :mad:


Large Fish
Feb 16, 2005
Gaithersburg, MD
About flwerhorns I read in recent Tropical fish issue: they have unique markings that can represent symbols from asian phylosophy or religion and it's why they are so valuable sometimes. Like, imagine having 1 foot fish whith your favorite sport team symbol or holy grail or Christ icon. People sell toasts with Christ toasted on it on e-bay! It is a hype. Plus, flowerhorn people are very skillful in interbreeding to get what they want. It is sort of mystic art. I can understand how people can fall for it.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
What's so wrong w/ Flowerhorns? I think they are beautiful?
To each his own really. I guess that its really the hardcore cichlid freaks like myself, Orion, and others that only keep pure blood in our tanks don't like these. Not saying you arn't, but i just know we like pure blood in our stock with no hybrids. I'd so much rather have as close to F0 blood as i can, i'm sure in most if not all cases Orion would too. Especially some calvus ;).

Why not just go for a Cichlasoma trimaculatum (Trimac cichlid) instead of flowerhorn? Its just as "beautiful" and for the most part, the same colors/markings as the flowerhorn....because it is one of the species crossed to make the flowerhorn.

I just don't know why people even create these "frankinfish" as they are usually called. Are the current fish not beautiful enough? I'd take a wild fish over any hybrid any day.

I guess it all comes down to what your motives in the hobby are and that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Well said C-man. (especially the calvus :D)

I really like the part of beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It is so true. For me, true beauty is seeing fish exhibit natural behaviour in my tanks. While little glass boxes in our homes isn't natural, to see that I am able to mimic the natural habitat enough for them is a big reason for me to keep it 'real'. :)

Jan 20, 2005
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EVERYONE has made an excellent point! I feel strongly about both sides of this issue. I totaly see what ya'll are saying C-Man & Orion. It is a beautiful thing to watch "natural" fish in their "mimiced" natural habitat display their exotic behavior. Prior to my little screw up http://www.myfishtank.net/forum/showthread.php?t=30601 I had a mainly Malawi tank and it was soooooo facinating to watch. Of course, the tank is still facinating to watch, but I do have fish of several different eco systems in there now. When I finally get out of my two-bedroom apartment and have more space (uh, & more MONEY*thumbsups ), I plan on having a PLETHORA of tanks, mainly cichlid. I plan on having one for each different cichlid eco system, one for a stunning assortment of "Frankenfish", and several communities as well as any other exotics I see fit. Oh yeah, also my 400 gallon custom built saltwater reef tank. *SLEEPING* ... *laughingc ...YAWN!...:rolleyes: WOW! What a wonderful dream!*BOUNCINGS