Everyone is different depends on if their interacted with. Ive seen full grown beautiful ones interact through glass, but you put your hand in and they hide and are afraid of you. My hands were always wet in the tanks though. Mine was just an "albino" but choose a variation you like. Only downfall is unless you have a huge tank they'll be mostly alone. If they grow up with them, as in you start tiny, you can get a smaller vichlid. Firemouth, acaras, uaras(sp?). But just have to see how they go together.
Also decorum takes up a lot of swimming space so you'd be limited.
But for a colorgul active tank go wit africans stick wit one type, Malawi or tanganaki(sp?).
Poseidon's Realm African Cichlids
i like tang, they seem to have varied shapes, while Malawi is Colorado. But not all fangs can be kept together...kc can give more educated input on Africans though. Id say browse youtube videos see if any catch your eye