White Sharks CAN jump ;)

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
cinlnk said:
I have been watching Shark Week too, just incredible. One thing I saw about the Great Whites is... That only off the coast of South Africa is where the Great Whites breach the water.... and not in any other part of the world. I wonder why that is? :confused:
From what i've heard it is because the sharks over near the California shore are much larger and may not be able to do a full breech because of their size. Not only that but the prey they hunt. Cali sharks hunt much larger prey like elephant seals where as the African sharks hunt the much smaller and much more agile fur seal. The fur seals, being that they can acctually give the shark a chase, would be better prey if they were ambushed. The elephant seals ain't going no where fast plus half or more then is below the surface of the water, no breeching needed to attack.