white spots on fish


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
was that supposed to say do i need to use salt??

I would use the following, Medaflex, Salt (medaflex brand fungus stuff) Heat and dark.

This solution may be not so good for your plants.... So anything super special should also be removed, maybe toss it in with the bn.

Before you add your pleco back to the tank do carbon for 3 days and a water change on each day. you can take your old carbon out and bake it in the over to reactivate it.

Also this is a lesson on the hospital tank. Make sure to quarantine anything new for 1 week min, some say two. PERSONALLY I think 7 days is enough to see if a fish is sick, but you may be better safe then sorry.

Assuming that it is fungal it will go away rather quickly, you should be in good health by the weekend. :) such has been my fungus exp. at least.


Large Fish
Nov 13, 2010
Northeastern Tennessee.
Hello; This is a proceedure I have tried when desperate to try and save a fish with a fungus infection. I would catch the sick fish and hold it in a wet net and dab methelyne blue dye (or some other medication.) on the affected spots being careful not to get in the fishs gills. I would also keep it in a medicated sick tank. My thinking was that a more concentrated dose on the affected area may give a very ill fish a chance. Did'nt work very often, but I had to try.


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
I have found with sick fish your chances are best when you treat early. Getting a slightly sick fish well is far easier then a very sick fish. Plus the infection can spread to other fish.


Large Fish
Nov 13, 2010
Northeastern Tennessee.
Hello; Going out on a limb with this response. While not sure, I think that the activated carbon grains attract material that can be driven off by the heat. This may be why in another post the attraction process was described as adsorption and not absorption. At any rate, I have baked carbon many times.

OK so I must have screwed up medication in the tank . I lost over half of my fish I'm so stupid here I was all concerned on trying to get rid of the problem with out thinking I may harm the fish. So this morning I did a 50% water change to get most of the medication out and I added back the carbon. Im going to do another water change tonight Mabe and then tomorrow after monitoring the fish I will jest do the treatment for fungus. then next week I will treat with pimafix and melafix. I'm realty lucky my angels never died needless to say this is first big f@*k up so far: (


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
Active carbon is made by baking organic material at a high temperature with low oxygen.

You can repeat this process and bring some of the absorbing capabilities back by baking it at 500 degrees. It is not good as new but it is better then it was. :) you can do this 2-3 times. Here are some instructions on reactivating carbon, they suggest 300 I always do 500, it's already burnt... How to Reuse Activated Charcoal | eHow.com

The fungus likely killed the fish, not so much the meds, (it's like a person who got real sick then on their death bed got medicine, the medicine just wasn't enough to save em)

Okay so as of today I onley have the angels left in my 55ga tank and today is day 7 of treating it for funguis but my angels still have eye clouded on there left eye and fin rot any one got any more digestions on what I should do the eye cloud has got a bit better but still there.