Who is attacking who?


Medium Fish
May 15, 2010
Montreal, quebec, canada
I confirmed with the guy, it is a male molly, so its either tetra, or guppy fry. its hard to tell as they move like neons but arent colored yet, just transparenty grayish.


Medium Fish
May 15, 2010
Montreal, quebec, canada
kk well either way they're cute lol. unfortunate i lost one of the two remaing angles today. The last one is looking like hes on his way out too.... my other concern is my farowella is looking not to lively either... yet my water conditions are perfect, and well i just dont know..


Medium Fish
May 15, 2010
Montreal, quebec, canada
based on the angelfish, it would almost look like fin rot.... and i noted my male guppy who was recovering from a fin nip from b4 i brought back the fish has a dark part of his nail now.... if this is finrot, what is the treatment? if it helps at all the appearance of the angles tail and side fins would appear that the skin/ membrane has eroded, and is down to bone... it is really quite depressing.. :( what should i do? gdi this just isnt my week...

Feb 27, 2009
The last one is looking like hes on his way out too.... my other concern is my farowella is looking not to lively either... yet my water conditions are perfect, and well i just dont know..
Farowella cats are very sensitive to water conditions and are easily outcompeted in an aquarium if there are other more aggressive feeders in the tank. What are you feeding it? Do you have driftwood in the tank and lots of horizontal surfaces for it to rest on? What are your readings for ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate now?

based on the angelfish, it would almost look like fin rot.... and i noted my male guppy who was recovering from a fin nip from b4 i brought back the fish has a dark part of his nail now.... if this is finrot, what is the treatment? if it helps at all the appearance of the angles tail and side fins would appear that the skin/ membrane has eroded, and is down to bone... it is really quite depressing.. :( what should i do? gdi this just isnt my week...
Fin rot is usually caused by poor water conditions that allow bacteria to attack wounds the fish have. Some have luck with antibiotics, but that can kill the beneficial bacteria in the tank also. The best treatment is more water changes to keep the water as clean as possible.

Just my 2cents.


Medium Fish
May 15, 2010
Montreal, quebec, canada
The water conditions are seemingly perfect, Ph 7, ammonia 0, nitrites pretty much zero (almost clear with a incredibly light tinge of pink), and nitrates of about 10.

But i lost the farowella today.... ugh... and for no apparent reason... there is plenty of hiding, i have two large pieces of driftwood, plants, and a artificial tree stump which is hollow for hiding. There is really no competition for it either. There is only 1 other bottom feeder in the tank. Thats all... So i have no clue as to why it died...

Also, i have a male guppy that missing this afternoon. It was there when i left at like 2:30, and disappeared by 5.... i have no clue whats going on.... fish are dying for reasons that i cant think of... Same thing with my neons, i had 10, in the first day was down to 9, now 7.... (they were disappearing before the black ghost knife in case that was anyone s suspicion)

Im going to start to water changes more often in hopes that it helps with the mysterious death... but as mentioned the levels are great.... :(

Also, there are plenty of horizontal, diagonal, and vertical places in the tank... i tried to set up in such a way to be a happy place for all fish...