Why are my platies/ mollies not eating? plus other questions.

Aug 13, 2010
Sicklerville, NJ
I have never used any of the cycle jump start products, so I am not sure where the beneficial bacteria live when you do, although I would think they would colonize on the filter media. Any who, when cleaning your filter your should almost never clean the bio media (either the sponge thing or the ceramic pieces depending on the style of filter you have). As for the mechanical filter, if you have only one in your filter, then just switch it around in either old tank water of clean dechlorinated water. If you have carbon, I would ditch it as it loses it's effectiveness after 2-3 weeks at best. You can add more bio media in it's place.

Oct 15, 2010
wow im learning so much.

Ok, thing is I never got a bio filter. I only got a regular mechanical, power filter and just replaced the cartridge with a new one. I guess I'll go get the ceramic pieces. But I don't think I have a filter for that (do i need one?). Don't really know how that works.

I'm thinking when I get a 29gal Ill probably have two power filters and a bio filter .As for jump start products, I used Top Fin Bacteria Supplement:http://www.petsmart.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2752206#prodTab1

I'm starting to think most biological additives don't work at all or can actually be damaging to the cycling.

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Oct 15, 2010
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Aug 13, 2010
Sicklerville, NJ
The sponge thing in the front closest to the water is the biological filter. I use Marineland filters and also Aqua Clear. I have 2 top fin filters as well I got in "whole tank" setup deals, they work OK, but I always use them on smaller tanks they are rated for.


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
Don't change out the filter cartridge. That's where you're keeping a good chunk of your cycle. Keep it in.

The bacteria in a bottle you got requires regular water changes. Monitor your ammonia and nitrIte levels closely. I would suggest a 25-30% water change daily until your liquid test kit starts showing 0 ammonia, 0 nitrItes and 10-20 nitrAtes.

NOTE: The stores never flat out tell you, but you really need a liquid test kit. At the very least it will tell you how often you need to change your TREATED water.

Edit: Don't worry about "upgrading" your filter. You can double them up if you want after your cycle is done. This will allow you to have pre-cycled media for any new or hospital tanks ready to go if needed.

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Oct 15, 2010
Wow I think that's why I've been confused mostly. My filter didn't come with any blue sponge thing. It only came with a filter cartridge.

And yes I will probably do water changes as often as I can instead of once a week. And I'll make sure to get that liquid test kit also.

Thanks everyone

Oct 15, 2010
Well just a quick update...

Been doing regular water changes and the platys and mollies seem fine.

Also just got a 29 gal. tank. And added 2 peppered coryfish. I kept my top fin 10 gal filter and got an aquaclear 20 gal. filter also. Also bought the api liquid test kit and the readings are 2.0, 2.0, 5.0. The platys and mollys look a little cautious and not exploring their new 29 gal tank so far. The coryfishes settled right in pretty quickly and scavenging the gravel already.

Everything seems fine, just gotta wait for the cycle period to finish now. Thanks everyone.


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
Did you move the filter media over from the 10 gallon, or did you just move your fish from the 10 to the 29?

If there's nothing in the 10 gallon right now take the filter and stick it behind the filter in the 29 gallon.

If you're using the same substrate (gravel) as you were in the 10 gallon you can take a few shovels full and put it in the 29 gallon. Otherwise, you can put it in some panty-hose until the rest of the tank cycles.

The big trick with cycling is if you already have an established cycle from one tank you can move it over to another tank.

Oct 15, 2010
Aite so I just did the water change. I've practically did 6 water changes in one week.. also I just got the 29 gal and put in new water earlier today. I didn't know 2.0 was that bad. Unfortunately it was actually worse when I had my 10 gal tank and I was doin 20% water changes everyday

Aak... Yeah Im usin the same filter from the 10 gal. Plus a new and better filter. Everything from the 10 gal. is practically in the 29 gal. now. The decor, substrate, water, and filter.

After the water change I just did tonight, the water seems a little clearer. I've yet to test it cuz its pretty late, and the fishies seem fine and settling in. Hopefully the new aqua clear filter does its thing. The top fin filter I had at first never had a bio filter.

Oct 15, 2010
Ok so just an update

Been doing 20% water changes 4-5 times a week, and I still can't get the 0-0-20. There was a period where the water was starting to clear up, and the readings was 0.25-0-0. So I thought I was almost there. But the water got cloudy for some reason and I added some water clarifier, which I now regret.

Unfortunately the readings started spiking up again. I was still doing the water changes, and now because of my mistake one of my platies is now dead =[

Hes always been lethargic and inactive. All the other fishes seem very fine. So I guess hes been sick for a while. The other molly always did chase and bully him around though. But he didn't have any visible physical wounds or anything. I wanted to add saltwater to ease his stress, but I also had corydoras.

R.I.P to Blackie =[

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