Would you eat yur pet fish?


Large Fish
Nov 9, 2002
Los Angeles, California
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Would you eat your pet fish?

one day my friend Tony said he say his neighbor have almost a two foot gold fish and he said if he ever got a goldfish that big he would eat that sucker by frying it on the frying pan. then i wondered how many people thought of the same thing.*laughingc i hope you guys have fun answering this question cause i just wanna see how many people will say yes they would eat the fish.*celebrate
p.s. i also want to know how to put a voting pole cause i have now idea how to so next time i get another question like this i wanna know how to post one.

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Medium Fish
Nov 7, 2002
Sunny SD
If i was able to get a tank big enough and the fishes get big enough...definitely....hehe :-D

alot of the fishes that i see at the pet store are also sold as seafood in alot of asian countries. example: clown loach, gourami, and so on. Why not take a visit to the seafood section of your local asian supermarket??...hehehe


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Calgary AB
Well, I did come across a page the other day on some europeans who kept pike... Mmmmm Good eatin :) I don't think I could bring myself to do it though!


I've put way too much medicine into my fish tanks too consider eating them.
I would love to travel to Sumatra or Borneo and catch clown loaches in the wild. I wouldn't mind eating a few if they were common enough.
I once had a betta jump out of its bowl. I found what looked to be a large blue cornflake later. I bet that if you salted them "betta chips" would be pretty good.
I love fish and seafood. My favorites are sauteed trout and dungeonous crab. I also like canned kippered fish.

Oct 22, 2002
Silver Spring, MD
well i heard from my lfs that this korean guy that comes in everynow and then would find the biggest goldfish or koi i think and he fries them up the guy keeps a big pond so i don't think he was kiddin asian ppl do eat pretty much anything edible my mom makes soup out of dried sea cucumbers and we fry up something that looks like silver dollors about 6" i don't eat the sea cucumber looks nasty enough all dried up lol if i didn't spend all my time and money keepin my fishes alive i'd probally do is... sushi anyone? lol

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Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Lancaster, Pa
Heh ... this topic just reminded me of the Simpson episode.

Homer: [eating, crying] Oh, man, that's good. [sob] Pass the butter.

Bart: Are you gonna eat that all by yourself?

Homer: Uh-huh. Pinchy would've wanted it this way. My dear, sweet Pinchy. [takes a bite] No more pain where you are now, boy. [rips him in half and sucks out the meat inside] Oh, God, that's tasty! I wish Pinchy were here to enjoy this. [takes more bites] Oh, Pinchy ...


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Omg lol. Aren't Arowanas expensive! I think juveniles at my lfs sell for about 80-100 CDN dolllars. I have a couple clown loaches and one of em is getting quite fat. Hes nice and colorful too, hehe. About eating the Koi I think i'd rather just go buy some fresh Salmon down at my grocery store. Who knows how healthy the fish might be. It could be just fine and tasty or you could end up going to the hospital. Dunno I would probably do it if I had no other food around, hehe.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Racine, WI
i dont really like fish anyway unless its breaded and covered in tartar sauce...and i cant even bring myself to eat that in front of my fish

i guess if i was starving i would eat my pet fish...people have done much worse things when starving that are better left unmentioned


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