Yellow Lab Questions


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
Hi everyone, I was at the LFS today looking at Plecs, when I stumbled across a tank of Yellow Labs.

I really like these guys, but I know almost nothing about Mbuna Cichlids (They are Mbuna correct? :eek: ) anyway, I've got a empty 20L that I was saving to do a little Convict breeding attempt, but I find myself re-thinking that now.

Is a 20L suitable for these guys? Would/Should it be a species only tank if so how many labs, 2-3? If a small community is do-able what would acceptable tankmates be?

Would this be the usual "rocks only" type tank? Or are plants possible?

If I've missed an important question, let me know :p


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2007
Sorry, a 20gal (regular, high, or long) is much too small for these guys. A trio COULD be doable in a 33gal or so, but I wouldn't really recommend it. These guys often get about 6" or so when full grown, and they really need at least a 3' footprint, preferably a 4'.


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
SinisterKisses said:
Sorry, a 20gal (regular, high, or long) is much too small for these guys. A trio COULD be doable in a 33gal or so, but I wouldn't really recommend it. These guys often get about 6" or so when full grown, and they really need at least a 3' footprint, preferably a 4'.
Yea, I was thinking that......I looked on our profiles section here on MFT, and it said 20G "species only" but I thought I'd post the question anyway :p

Thanks for the feedback Sinister! *thumbsups

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Me thinks IDunnoWhy has caught the 'cichlid bug', hehe...;)
You most certainly could get away with doing smaller cichlids in your 20L.

So, give it up, what other cichlids have you had your eyes on at the LFS?



Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2007
Oh, yes, there are definitely smaller cichlids you could put in there. Small South Americans, a couple species of Central, or some smaller Lake Tang species for sure. But nothing from Lake Malawi, I'm afraid.

And, if the profiles section here says 20gal, it seriously needs to be modified. I may have to talk to someone around here about that :p


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
SinisterKisses said:
And, if the profiles section here says 20gal, it seriously needs to be modified. I may have to talk to someone around here about that :p
Yea it says 20g for species only and 55g for community, which is why I posted this question, I thought maybe they'd get too big. (but I was secretly hoping they'd work in there :eek: )

Big Vine said:
Me thinks IDunnoWhy has caught the 'cichlid bug', hehe...
You most certainly could get away with doing smaller cichlids in your 20L.

So, give it up, what other cichlids have you had your eyes on at the LFS?
Yea maybe a little :p I just don't know if I want to do a whole "huge" cichlid setup, but I think I'd be cool to do a little 20L Mini Cichlid tank.

As far as what I've looked at? Nothing in particular really, these Labs caught my eye, because their color was so striking.

What I'm pretty sure I DON'T WANT are the usual "rams" or "apistos" (I already have Kribs) I was considering Convicts, but if I'm going to do a small "species only" Cichlid tank, I would like the fish to be more colorful.

If anyone has a suggestion on a Cichlid that would fit these criteria, post them here please.


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
Toam said:
you keep saying 20 litre, you do mean 20 gallon when you say litre right?
because 20 litres is much smaller than a 20 gallon
When I say 20L I mean 20g Long Tank

as opposed to:

20H (Tall Tank)

They hold the same amount of water, but have different footprints.


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2007
Well...other than apistos and rams, I can't think of anything offhand that would work in a 20long that is colourful like malawis are. There are definitely some beautiful fish, but not with that same bright colour. N. brichardi from Lake Tangyanika are a gorgeous fish, but don't have a lot of colour in the traditional sense. Maybe do a google search and see what you think of them.


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
SinisterKisses said:
There are definitely some beautiful fish, but not with that same bright colour. N. brichardi from Lake Tangyanika are a gorgeous fish, but don't have a lot of colour in the traditional sense. Maybe do a google search and see what you think of them.
My LFS has some that look Identical to those in Body and fins size/shape. But they are almost snow white (They were labeled "Various Lyretail Cichlid", everyone in the tank was the same type). Same thing? Albino maybe? Weird color morph?

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Sounds like the same thing, Denny.
I really had my eye on them too a little while back, and I know I'll end up keeping them someday down the road. I think they're gorgeous!

They do have the 'lyretail' shape to their caudal fins...mostly just the males have this, I think.

See what the other folks say about it though, since I've never kept em' before. I think Orion has kept brichardi in the past.



Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2007
There are a few tangs that have a lyretail...but I've never seen a white or albino brichardi. Maybe ask the store if you can take a pic of them to properly ID before buying?


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
SinisterKisses said:
There are a few tangs that have a lyretail...but I've never seen a white or albino brichardi. Maybe ask the store if you can take a pic of them to properly ID before buying?
I'll see if I can't get some pics today or tomorrow.

Thanks for the help everyone!!!


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
Hey Sinister heres a link that look identical to the ones at the LFS

It says albino......These would be very pretty in the tank I have "envisioned" what do you think?

If they would work, how many? 1 male 2 Female?.......more/less?

These guys are best in species only environment right?

The artical says "very hard" water pH of 8.6, mines only 7.6, but always steady, will this be ok?


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2007
Weird that a store would have them...I mean, I know there IS such a thing as an albino brichardi, but I've never even heard of something owning one, on all the forums I'm a member at, for as many years. They're extremely rare. Seems odd. Anywho, yes, DEFINITELY only a species tank. They get brutal when they start breeding. I'd buy a group of 4 or 5 juveniles, let them pair off on their own, and remove all but the one breeding pair. They'll very much prefer sand substrate, with a decent amount of rockwork. As for the water, personally, I try to keep all my tanks at a natural level. So my pH for my Tang tanks is about 8.5-9, and the water (GH and KH levels are very important too), is VERY hard. Store bought fish can likely adapt to a lower level, but I think its best to try to mimic a natural environment. If you buy them, I'd likely add them to your tank the way it is, and then slowly raise pH, GH, and KH levels up to a regular Tang environment after the fish have settled in.


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
SinisterKisses said:
Weird that a store would have them...I mean, I know there IS such a thing as an albino brichardi, but I've never even heard of something owning one, on all the forums I'm a member at, for as many years. They're extremely rare. Seems odd.
I'm still going to get a few pics of the actual fish to post, before I actually buy them. As I said they were simply labeled "Various" so I want to make sure what I'm buying (Safe than sorry). Especially if these guys really are that rare, I'd think it's more likely my memory sucks and I'm referencing them wrong.

Last edited:


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
I love my labs. had 3 then they died during a power outage and I went out and bought 6. 2 male 4 female. I love the bright yellow and the virtical bars on there sides look better then others that are solid yellow. at least I think they do.


Superstar Fish
Jul 15, 2006
Sounds good, birchirdi are awesome lookin fish...

IDunnoWhy said:
I'm still going to get a few pics of the actual fish to post, before I actually buy them. As I said they were simply labeled "Various" so I want to make sure what I'm buying (Safe than sorry). Especially if these guys really are that rare, I'd think it's more likely my memory sucks and I'm referencing them wrong.
One thing, THANK YOU for researching the fish before you buy them, I see too many people buying cichlids that are completely incompatible, then it turns into a blood bath. Either way, even if they arnt birchirdi, I still wanna see what they are, they sound awesome :D


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
Katie217 said:
One thing, THANK YOU for researching the fish before you buy them, I see too many people buying cichlids that are completely incompatible, then it turns into a blood bath. Either way, even if they arnt birchirdi, I still wanna see what they are, they sound awesome :D
I'm not too proud to admit that I've made some poor purchasing decisions in the past, Now I find it alot easier to ask questions (Sometimes dumb ones :p ) But, now all my tanks are much more pleasant to look at (Proper stocking levels), and the fish are healthy and happy (Correct tankmates).

I'll get pics up sometime tomorrow afternoon....stay tuned :p


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2007
exhumed07 said:
I love my labs. had 3 then they died during a power outage and I went out and bought 6. 2 male 4 female. I love the bright yellow and the virtical bars on there sides look better then others that are solid yellow. at least I think they do.
If you like the look of labs with bars better, I'm hardly going to tell you that you're wrong, lol, but labs that show bars are very poorly bred, or possibly hybrids. They're also just about impossible to sex without seeing them spawn, so unless you've seen each of the 4 females holding and both males spawning, then your numbers might be a little different than you think ;) I'm not criticizing, just letting you know.

I'm looking forward to seeing these pics, I'm completely curious now ;)