Zerbra Danio fry!


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2009
As Newman says, its water that is green! Algae and other tasty critters suspended in it. Fairly easy to grow if you have a small container and sunlight available. I use a glass jar that is meant to brew 'sun tea' and then can use the pour spout to take out the amount I need without making a mess.
ok cool, give me a bit of a run down, I get an old jelly jar or equivelant, add tank water.. sit in the sun??

Feb 27, 2009
ok cool, give me a bit of a run down, I get an old jelly jar or equivelant, add tank water.. sit in the sun??
I use a one-gallon jar, not sure how large the jelly jar you have is. I started it by adding some algae that I scraped off the wall of a friend's goldfish tank, and siphoned water off one of my planted tanks to fill it. I keep it inside on the sill of a window. It gets sun a few hours a day, but not all day (can overheat). Been going strong over a year. I top it off with water from one of my tanks when I do water changes.