<---- full of noobie goodness
No, I don't have any gold sevs, though I almost bought one last week
You know how at these pet adoption places they put the critters story along with it to 'guilt' you into wanting it? Well I was at Knoxville and they had a 3.5" gold sev with only one eye and they wrote on the tank that even though he only had one eye that he still had lots of love to give! lol I'm such a sucker. I really did almost bring the fella home. It was a very nice looking fish, even if it wanted to play pirate.
Jeff - I would not add the festivums with active fish just like you said. At least not any juvies. I don't know how well adults would fare as mine are still young, but I would think it would be along the same lines. I love mine though. When I had my dorsigera in with them they pesstered the crap out of the festies and I didn't get to see them much as they prefered to hide. But as soon as I moved the acara's out of the tank, they took right over and are more than happy to lounge about the tank where ever they please. I actualy have them in with a (hopefull pair) of apisto's, and no problems. The festivums are mid-top level guys and the apisto's rarely venture from the more dense growth of the bottom, so they really don't interact with each other much other than at feeding time, and then it's just a competition to get food. So far I think they are a great fish, and deffintaly one of the more oddly shaped cichlids. I personaly like the 'triangle' look they got going on.
I started with 6 festivums, but I'm pretty sure I lost two due to the nature of the dorsigera. Since I moved those guys out the four that are left have been fat and happy (knock on wood).
Are you ready for this Matt? I aint got no mo' african's. None. Nadda. I got rid of the last a while back, and actualy so far have resisted the urge. Don't scream to loud