Not Sure What To Do...


Superstar Fish
Jul 15, 2006
So lately in my 56gal mbuna/peacock mix tank, there has been LOTS of agression from the males towards the females in the tank. Currently, my female maingano is not doing to great (fins ripped to SHREDS, scales missing, cuts on face etc) and the same thing happened to my 3" female kenyi. I think I have an idea on the agressor, but I cant be 100% sure because whenever I'm in the room, I swear to god they know I'm in there and decide to play nice.
So, heres my thinking...
I've had the africans for a while now, and honestly lately I've been IN LOVE with CA/SA cichlids, and a 56gal could make alot of possibilities for some big fish in there.
And I've also had enough of the africans, I mean, they have lots of personality, but they dont really "get to know you" like my severum.

So, what do you all think? Keep the Africans and not be 100% satisfied with them? Or sell them off for, and replace them with some bigger CA/SA cichlids? If you agree with this option, go ahead, name some species you think would be a great replacement of the africans ;)

Matt, I'm terribly sorry, don't hate me too much!! :p

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Hehe...glad you finally came to your senses. :D
56 gal. to start out with (what is the footprint?), but I'm assuming you'll be planning an upgrade in the future for the fish you put in, or have I assumed incorrectly? lol

Either way, that size of tank could probably fit a lone JD okay fairly long-term, could it not? Anything bigger, and you'll need to have definite plans for a bigger tank. Of course, I'm sure you already know all this, so let's skip to the good part and figure out stocking plans, eh? :rolleyes:

With that being said, can someone else please help Katie with some suggestions since I completely lack experience with larger CA/SA cichlids. lol



Superstar Fish
Jul 15, 2006
Hmm...A lone JD would be nice...very nice actually, I really like the way their faces are shaped.
Viejas are pretty nice too, but around these parts you never see them, so I'd have to order them...


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
Why must you live on the oter side of the border? LOL I'd gladly let you take Blue off my hands if you wanted, and I know he'd be fine in your tank as he spent his whole life up untill I got the 220gal in a tank witha 55gal footprint.
(70gal tanks, the guy I got him from had him in the same tank my mom has that I QT'd him in)

I would say an Oscar is definitly the way to go if you want a single wet pet, but if you want some interaction in the tank, I'd say go with angels and apistos and/or rams or maybe some acaras, or possibly some firemouths.... there are alot of choices (coughoscarcough), but you should just make up a few plans that you would like and then think about each and see which appeals to you more.

I have to re-state some questions though.... what's the footprint? Do you plan on upgrading?


Superstar Fish
Jul 15, 2006
Uhh I dont think I plan on upgrading, but there is a slight chance that I might get a 72gal bowfront, or a 75gal standard. Thats the only chance of upgrading, and even then, its very slim. Depends on the mood of my parents when I ask ;)

The foot print is . . .
36" long, 18" wide
I think I'll go for an oscar, but the question is...Albino? or Tiger? lol


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2007
If you do an oscar, just make sure the tank is filtered to DEATH. With only a 36" footprint though, I'm afraid I have to bash any ideas of Midas, RDs, or Viejas...tank is too small for adults. So stick with your oscar idea, or the JD, or you pull a BV and have a solo salvini.

I think I have to go against the Oscar in a 36 inch long tank... Just not enough swimming room... Sorry Girlie... Imagine a 12-14 inch oscar in a 36" long tank... Not a pretty mental image... If you had the 48" tank I would say Go for it... But I just dont think there is enough length to it...

I like Virgos idea of the angels and apistos tho... I am seriously thinking about it for myself in a few months :D


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
I don't know dixie, it may be only 36" long, but the 18" wide makes up for that alittle, and since he would be a single wet pet, there is no worries about territory, so I say go for it! :D

As far as which type... you're going to have to see which one picks you... you can say you want (for instance) an albino, but when you go and this little tiger oscar is practically jumping out of the tank to get your attention... you'll change your mind LOL.

All of my oscars are rescues. Oscar was on craigslist because they wanted to switch their 29gal (I know, he was already 4.5" in a 29gal) to a SW tank. Surge was malnurished at one of the nastiest pet stores around in this tiny little tank (maybe 1-2gal). The unnamed one (my niece calls him/her Bob) was trapped in a 20gal with a 15" channel cat for a year and 1/2... and the most recent one I am trying to save is in a 55gal with doviis, dempseys, firemouths, etc... If I can just get these people to respond to my latest email!

One warning though... THEY ARE ADDICTIVE!!! (as if you can't tell ^^ LOL)

In all seriousness, I think I might get an oscar...I've been loving them for so long, and they grow quick :p
YAY!!!!!!! I have been wanting to get an oscar also, but no room right now. I say go for it or if you are still wanting some suggestions, i can name a few.....

Hounduran Red Points
Jaguar cichlid
Tropheus Moorii(5-6)
Herichthys carpintis "Escondido"
Yellow Jacket cichlid(Parachromis loiselli)
Herichthys bartoni
Cryptoheros Sajica(some of my favs:p)
Flag cichlids
Orange Chromid

I hope those are some that u are interested in. Good luck and sorry that u are having that problem.


Superstar Fish
Jul 15, 2006
Lol, Sorry Matt... I wont be getting rid of africans completely, I still have a female krib :p AND the little mbuna fry that are growing still! And I'm keeping one of the hybrid fry remember? :p

But, that brings up another question...
In my 56gal, there is crushed coral substrate, so PH is slightly high, I cant remember exactly but im going to say in the range of 7.8-8.2 , I know oscars are a highly adaptable fish, and I would rrreeeaaalllllyyyyy like to not have to replace 55lbs of gravel, so think the Oscar will be ok with the higher PH? I mean, if its going to be a HUGE issue (which i hope it wont be...) I will most definatly replace the gravel for the sake of the fish. AND that brings up ANOTHER question, I'm leaning towards an Albino, and the crushed coral is white, so think that'll be too much white?

Thanks for the suggestions Silver, a Jag would be cool because Jags are awesome, but simply not enough room :( . Jags are definatly on my list of fish that I will own one day though!

Oh and Matt, I think you need to open your eyes to Cichlids from other parts of the world too ;)

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Oh and Matt, I think you need to open your eyes to Cichlids from other parts of the world too ;)
I have, i just find it a waste dedicating a whole 56gals to 1 fish. Personally. It irks my nerves i guess you could say. I like seeing fish interact with each other and their enviornment.

And the pH should be fine.

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