29 Gal Build Log : My First SW Tank


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Ceriths will clean the glass and also the sand as they burrow through the sand. Nassarius are the real sand cleaners but make sure you get nassarius IBEX not the type they sell on ebay.....Olynassa


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
Yellow Watchman Goby . Really shy hiding behind the rocks. What do they eat ? what should i buy to fead him ?

This snippet of info I got from Liveaquaria

The Yellow Watchman Goby diet should include a variety of mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, table shrimp, and frozen preparations for carnivores. It should be fed at least twice per day.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
What do they eat ? what should i buy to fead him ?
you need to always research before u buy *crazysmil the lfs will sell u anything just to get your money (yellow watchman was a good choice though :p ).... i know its hard to resist but when u see something you like u wanna come home and do a quick reaserch on the net and make sure its something you really want
btw my YWG just sits in front of his burrow all day and catches little crumbs the other fish leave behind . mysis is a good food to start with since just about any fish will eat it


Large Fish
Aug 19, 2007
Springfield MO
Ok i will get a false perculsa clown Small , and a bi-color blenny . ? sound good ?

I have been looking at some corals and can get some nano frags pretty cheap . This is what i plan to get all nano size .

Fiji Orange/Green Zoanthid Mix , 12 to 14 polyp frag

Green/Blue Florida Ricordia Mushroom Live coral Single

Nano Green Centered Candy live coral ???

Neon Green w/Pink Tip Hammer Live coral Euphyllia ???

Aquacultured Twilight Pink Palythoa 10 Polyp rock

Neon Green w/Pink Tip Torch Live coral Euphyllia ???

and maybe a brain coral closed ???

what do you think about the ? marked corals , are they hard to kept ?

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Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
All of those corals you have marked will do fine in your tank. You do have the hammer listed twice. This will be the hardest of the group, but should be okay in your situation and lighting, place it higher up closer to the light and you should be okay. The zoas, palys and ricordea are all good choices and the trumpet/candy cane is also. Good luck, oh and the fish choices are good also.


Large Fish
Aug 19, 2007
Springfield MO
All of those corals you have marked will do fine in your tank. You do have the hammer listed twice. This will be the hardest of the group, but should be okay in your situation and lighting, place it higher up closer to the light and you should be okay. The zoas, palys and ricordea are all good choices and the trumpet/candy cane is also. Good luck, oh and the fish choices are good also.
Thanks , I fixed the post above . I will get this corals soon . *SUPERSMIL


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
mine doesnt always come out when i feed and mostly just gets what he can from sifting the sand.... btw mysis is so small you can thaw some in tank water and just suck it up


Large Fish
Aug 19, 2007
Springfield MO
Well i have bad news ....

I bought a clownfish yesterday . and this morning he has on my carpet . He jumped last night . What can i do about this . i guess i need a top ? is there a cheap top for A 29g or can i go buy a piece of arcylic and cut it to fit ?

what about gas exhange and light passing thru this layer ?

Thanks i want to buy a top today so i can go buy another clown fish .

that was just $25 bucks down the tolit


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
yes eggcrate though even this is no guarantee as some fish *my midas blenny* jumped through the squares........a freak chance but I lost my favourite fish just the same........ :(


Large Fish
Aug 19, 2007
Springfield MO
Tank Update 10-19-07

Full tank shot update . Now with a Eggcrate Top . I also now lowerd the light closer and iam very happy now . seems all the light goes into the tank now . *SUPERSMIL

New fuge light I bought a hora solar daylight 14 watt bulb . What K do you think this is it says 630 lumes . and the light looks cool blue ?

My cheato is growing like crazy and that was with a soft whit bulb .



Large Fish
Aug 19, 2007
Springfield MO
Yup, Eggcrate is what I have for a top.

I bought mine at Home Depot, It was in the lighting section, and was labeled "Light Diffuser Panel" it was a sheet 24" X 48" and was $12 +/-
I found it in the building supply isle . called eggcrate 2'x4', next to the other light defuser panels and frosted glass . cost $10.74 . Iam glad i went there this will work . and did not need a glass top Thanks Peeps *thumbsup2