29 Gal Build Log : My First SW Tank


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
you want your ammonia and nitrate at zero for at least a few days before adding the snails....i agree to just toss the sand/rock in the display and if i were you id add some more water to that bucket for the snails ;) oh and i have no idea what that attachment is mine didnt come with it ..i kno mine is pretty much open on the end so i guess its just to keep fish from swiming in who knows tho


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
I think the attachment is a fish guard....good idea I wonder why the 4's I have didn't come with it.......hmmmm unless this is something new they are shipping with them.


Large Fish
Aug 19, 2007
Springfield MO
Ok just got the snails and marcoalge and live rock rubble . I tossed the rock and marcoalge in the refuge . And they did not send any sand . Was suppose too . oh well just one pound of sand ...

I added the snails to the bucket slowly . First i just wrapped the snails up in the plastic them came in and let them flot on top the water . Then i poked a hole in the bag and slowly about 10 mins let the bag fill up . Then i droped them into the bucket Which is at 76 degs and s/g is 1.023 . They started moving right away . i gues there looking for food . What can i feed them i have no fish pellets or flakes . should i feed them tonight ? or tomrrow Becuse i will have to go buy some food .

These are ILYANASSA OBSOLETA Snails . do they eat algae too ?

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Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I guess you could do that. I guess you could consider it to be an experiment in ammonia effects.

While I didn't read the entire article, I did see that they tend to eat pods to the point of depopulating an area. This could be a future problem if you want the fuge to produce a lot of pods. You'll probably still have some pods in the tank, though.

I have a hermit and a shrimp in my tank that are evil. I just don't have the heart to kill them. I even had the hermit in a quarantine tank while it was at hyposalinity, and it didn't die... dammit.


Large Fish
Aug 19, 2007
Springfield MO
well i put them in the main tank if hey live they might be able to stay in the dungen, I mean the refuge .

Seems they like the climb the front glass they are not eating any algae. and stay in the jet strem of the korlina . I bet they are hot i guess .

also tested anmonia , I cant tell if its zero or .25 . It is yellow with a green tint after 5 mins . just i let it sit for 2 hours and it was zero and yellow .

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Large Fish
Aug 19, 2007
Springfield MO
so far both snails are going great . But i still dont know what they eat i wacthed them for 2 days now . They like the 3 clean glass's. they wont go on the back glass where all the ugly brown algae is growing . Thats where they stay most of the time and all at night (the clean glass). they only venture on the sand only during lights on .

Iam definty not gona get anymore of there snails . and seem them to be of no use for a reef so far .


Large Fish
Aug 19, 2007
Springfield MO
Pic tank Update !!! Brown Aglae ???

The ammonia test needs to be read when the instructions say. If you leave it longer, you'll get false readings.

Thanks for clearing that up for me . Then it was very in the middle of zero and .25 after 5 mins. I am going test it every other day until its zero . iam going check it here soon today.

Here is the Pics : The brown algae mostly on the uncured rock

Pic of some Dead Rock coming along .

Example of my Surface Movement with cureent setup .

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Large Fish
Aug 19, 2007
Springfield MO
Water Test Results

Ammonia = 0

Nitrite = 0

Nitrate = 5

PH = 8.2

S/G = 1.026

Temp = 79.8 F

I like to keep my S/g at 1.025 i need a top off about 1 gallon .

Does this mean my cycle is over ? Its only been about 18 days . I have did maybe 3 water changes due to changes in S/G level . Maybe this helped ? Also the rock never smelled a bit looked fresh . It looked better when i got it then , Now its covered in brown algae .

Also How long should i be kepting my lights on ? and what about the Fuge light ?

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Superstar Fish
Jul 15, 2006
Seriously, take controll of that hair algae. Look at my tank right now. I let it take over and now I cant get it to leave! SERIOUSLY take care of it!!
Nice tank though, you are definaltly off to a good start


Large Fish
Aug 19, 2007
Springfield MO
Ya i been keeping my lights on for 12 hours a day . So , should i leave the Daylight on for 9 hours and the antincs on 1 hour before or after . Or do you mean you leave your Main lights on ( Daylight and antincs) for a total of 9 hours ?

What about your fuge light ?

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Large Fish
Aug 19, 2007
Springfield MO
Seriously, take controll of that hair algae. Look at my tank right now. I let it take over and now I cant get it to leave! SERIOUSLY take care of it!!
Nice tank though, you are definaltly off to a good start
Wow whould i get rid of it ?

id keep watching it for a few more days just to be sure than start off with a small clean up crew :D
Yes i will retest monday . and if its all good . I will go down to the LFS and buy 5 astera and 5 cerith . is this small enuff to start out ?