29 Gal Build Log : My First SW Tank


Large Fish
Aug 19, 2007
Springfield MO
I'am getting some Marco Algae middle of this week in the mail . It was suppose to come with the sand but was not shipped .

so. hes sending some extra snails with the chaeto marco algae . Should i be able to add them to to tank . or should i make up a batch or 1 gallon fresh SW and have it mixing for 2 days beter for the snails get here . and put them in there ?

or will it be safe to put them in the tank ?

Test kit will be here tuesday .


Large Fish
Aug 19, 2007
Springfield MO
Orbit Light and Korlina 2 UPDATE !!!

Here is some Fresh pics of my tank with the new Light . And of course the korlina #2 moves some water around like a whrilpool almost .*thumbsup2

CLOSE UPS : *thumbsups

The Current Orbit is very Bright Very Nice Unit . I plan on buying a korlina #1 down the road . and Probaly a 50 watt heater for the Refuge . ( I think i might need the extra heat for the winters here ) Plus it will hide away in the fuge .

Oct 18, 2006
Oceanside California
Tank setup looks nice i will have to reference this post so i can start my SW when i get back, probably go for about same size if i can fit or something. I would definately fix the outlets, if you call landlord they should come fix it immediatley due to fire hazard. I had to have every single outlet in my house replaced because plugs kept falling out of sockets. But if you want the GFI you might need to purchase and install after landlord leaves, if they are anal. But they should replace all bad outlets if not pursue them legally for saftey and health reasons. I had family friend lose his mom and son to a fire caused by loose electrical outlet. Not funny stuff so need to get corrected immediately. But thanks for the detailed breakdown of what you got and what it cost and such, this is usefull for planning to all beginners in the SW area i think. Nice work


Large Fish
Sep 9, 2007
sunnyside of california
you think the #2 is giving enough flow? i have a #2 in my 29 and about to buy a #1 to go with it cuz i personnaly dont think its giving the flow i want.
do you know what that attachment is for that you put in the front of the hydor? i didnt put mine on since i didnt know what it was for.


Large Fish
Aug 19, 2007
Springfield MO
Tank setup looks nice i will have to reference this post so i can start my SW when i get back, probably go for about same size if i can fit or something. I would definately fix the outlets, if you call landlord they should come fix it immediatley due to fire hazard. I had to have every single outlet in my house replaced because plugs kept falling out of sockets. But if you want the GFI you might need to purchase and install after landlord leaves, if they are anal. But they should replace all bad outlets if not pursue them legally for saftey and health reasons. I had family friend lose his mom and son to a fire caused by loose electrical outlet. Not funny stuff so need to get corrected immediately. But thanks for the detailed breakdown of what you got and what it cost and such, this is usefull for planning to all beginners in the SW area i think. Nice work
Thanks Grumpy_Marine I have read your post and sounds like you really want to start up a SW tank soon. Good Luck Kick some @SS is Iraq for me !


Large Fish
Aug 19, 2007
Springfield MO
you think the #2 is giving enough flow? i have a #2 in my 29 and about to buy a #1 to go with it cuz i personnaly dont think its giving the flow i want.
do you know what that attachment is for that you put in the front of the hydor? i didnt put mine on since i didnt know what it was for.

Ya i also have a aquaclear 500 for a fuge , it adds some flow but not much,since i slowed to flow down inside the aquaclear. The Korlina is good but your right i will need to get a #1 down the road when i get some coral's .
The piece on the front is some sort of gaurd attement . i just stuck it on there . Dont know if its helps flow or not ? anyone know what is is used for ?

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Large Fish
Aug 19, 2007
Springfield MO
Update on place to keep snails .

I have 1 gallon of water mixing up tonight . i will get the snails and marco alge tommrow . Whats the best water Temp and S/G level for the snails ?

Right now the s/g is 1.022 and its 79.5 degs in the bucket .

He also ships a piece of live rubble rock and 1 pound of live sand with the snails. I will add the sand , rubble , and snails to the bucket .

what should i feed the snails ? in the meantime will pieces of the marco agle work . is that what they eat ? will one gallon be enough . Should i get another gallon of premix from the LFS ?

Here's a pic of the bucket ready for snails :



Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
The snails will eat flakes or pellets, etc. I think the SG is a little low, but I guess it's OK for snails.

Make sure you keep testing for ammonia and nitrites while they're in there. If ammonia is rising, you may need to put the rock/sand in a bucket (or the main tank) to cure.


Large Fish
Aug 19, 2007
Springfield MO
Should i not add the live rock and sand . and just throw some marco agle in there to hide in ?

and got buy some fish flakes . Also when can i add them to the main tank ?

When my amonia and nitrite are zero ?


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I think it would be better to put the rock and sand in the main tank. It's likely it will cause/add to the ammonia in the small tank. Of course, ammonia will kill the snails.

Yes, the ammonia and nitrites need to be zero in the main tank before you add the snails.