My 20g Journal "Pic Warning" (now a 29g!)


Large Fish
Aug 19, 2007
Springfield MO
I preety sure you can use your current 24 " PC Strips .Gut the fixture and reuse it in your custom hood . 150 MW and 130 watt Antincs , That would look nice .

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Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
1. The socket in that fixture appears to accept a "screw in" style bulb, is that correct (I always pictured MH lamps having pins on the ends)

2. There were quite a few choices as to what bulb you could purchase with it, some were 10,000K some were 20,000K and there were several manufactures to choose from, do you have a suggestion in that respect?

3. How often do you replace MH bulbs? Semi-Annually? Annually?

4. Is an actinic fixture something that I should install into the canopy as well (maybe I could salvage the actinic fixture out of my current lamp and transfer it over)

5. In the FAQ section it states that you should have glass between the tank and the fixture, yet I've seen people run MH on "open top" tanks before, what do you suggest?

6. What is the average life span of a MH ballast?
1. it depends on if you get a single ended bulb/fixture or a double ended ... single end screws in (thats what i have)
2. 10k is more of a yellowish light while 20k is blue... im using 14k and would highly recomend them ;)
3. id say 8-10 months but thats just my opinion im sure others may feel differant
4. yes actinics would get installed in the canopy aswell.... with my 14k bulbs the color is pretty blue so i currently dont run actinics
5. i have an open top... i had the glass canopy ontop but it was causing the tank to heat up so i removed long as the bulbs are high enough you shouldnt have a problem
6. not sure on that one :p


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
Thanks TRe!

I'll look into the 14K bulbs, they weren't listed as an option on the link you posted, but I'm sure they are listed somewhere else on that site. Do you have a preference in bulb manufacturer?

I'm going to look into a couple DIY canopy designs today (Mahamotorworks has a great one listed in our DIY section here). After I've taken some measurements, I'm going to buy the lumber tomorrow. :p

Instead of butchering my existing light fixture I think I'll just buy a new 30" PC fixture w/reflector to house a actinic lamp, that way I've still got my old fixture should I ever need one in an emergency, or maybe use it over a sump down the road.

As I said before, I'll probably not have the MH fixture until Dec. sometime, but I can at least build the canopy now.

I start twitching if I'm not tinkering with something LOL.


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
OK, like I really need to spend more money.....

OK, now that I've got the new lighting/canopy figured out (Thanks TRe) I bought lumber and started construction yesterday...I'll get pics up eventually, I have some questions on sump setups....

For starters I've got a 15g (tall) that fits perfectly in the stand under my 29. I'll be using my current 24" fixture over the sump (once I get my canopy finished) the 24" is a bit long, but it will fit.

I want to start a sump so I can hide some of the hardware in the DT down there, plus it gives me a little more "gallonage" to work with, so I'll be needing to purchase a overflow box & a return pump....

Any suggestions on either? (I'd rather not attempt a DIY acrylic unit)

I'll be moving my DIY fuge down there, or removing it altogether and install baffles in the 15 to separate a portion into a refugium, any suggestions on that process?

Before anyone suggests it....I know drilling the tank is the best option for installing a sump system, but that's just not an option in this case, for several different reasons.

Basically if I've missed something, post it here please :p


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
the 15g you have should work just like u said put some baffles in there and get rid of the HOB fuge you made...also iv got pc's lighting my fuge and i can say i dont have the growth in my chaeto i see others get from just regular flood lights from home depot so u may wanna consider that


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
Thanks TRe, I'll look at those flood lights when I'm out shopping today, do you have a suggestion on what overflow box & return pump to buy? You think I should go with glass or acrylic baffles (I'd have someone else cut them to my dimensions)


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
i got this overflow and it worked fine only i suggest getting a seperate pump to keep it primed like this one ... as far as the return pump theres many options and it really all depends on how much u wanna spend but you cant go wrong with a "mag" and if you wanna save a little $ i suggest a "quiet one" btw u wanna a pump thats around 600 gph
despite how many horror stories there are about aquatraders lights ive never had problems with the overflow box and at the time i got mine it was the cheapest around..

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Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
Thanks TRe!

While I was at the LFS today (finally got the peppermint later) I was looking at overflow boxes and such, they were WAY to much money, like $89 for the overflow :eek: no bulkhead nothing, just the dang box....

Now, does the return pump run constantly? How does it not overflow the tank, or does the overflow box return water to the sump at the same rate? Meaning if the overflow box will flow 600GPH get the return pump that will return 600GPH, what happens if the return pump is 700GPH? Overflow?

Sorry, I'm sure this is quite simple, but I just can't get my brain around it:eek:

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Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
the "overflow box" does just that it over flows... if it overflows 600gph you want to match your return pump so it doesnt go over 600gph and if it does the pump can be manually slowed down... the return pump runs constantly 24/7
read as much as you can on this site... i was kinda lost until i read it :p


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
10/16/07 Update w/ some critters

OK, I rearranged the rock work a little bit, and made some more hides/caves for future fish/inverts to hide in, I also bought one last piece of cured LR to add a little more to my pile (Total of approx 50-55 lbs.). I bought 2 Turbos and 3 Nassarius Snails (They immediately started burrowing, so no pics of them yet). I also bought 1 Peppermint Shrimp, but he/she went into hiding, so no pics of that either :(

I have started construction of the new canopy and hope to complete it this weekend (if time allows) I'll post pics of the DIY portion then. I intend to order up the retrofit MH kit this December so no "high light" corals for me just yet.

I have finished sourcing parts for my sump, unfortunately the 15g Tall is a bit too tall to fit inside my stand, and still leave room for lighting and maintenance, so I've decided to go with a 10g, not as much volume, but it will still accomplish what I need it to, except I'll still have to keep the Remora on the DT, as it's too tall to hang on the 10g I think, we'll see.

OK enough typing, time for pics :D

Here is one showing the full front of the tank. It's tough to see but the rock pile actually curves around toward the front on the left side. That flat rock on the top is to be the home for the GSP I'm getting next week, also getting a Pulsing Xenia, Leather & some Mint Chocolate Chip Zoos.

Here's one from the side angle.

Here's one of the newest rock, I hope I don't get any "unwanted" hitchhikers. Notice the VERY unhappy Kenya Tree....I think it's tired of getting moved.

Here's one that shows one of the new "caves" I made.

Here's one of the 2 Blue Legged Hermits grazing on some algae.

Here are a couple of the new Turbos, Wow these guys are mowing down what algae they find.

This last pic is of my Ricordia (Florida I believe) It looks much happier where I have it placed now.

Thoughts? Comments? Suggestions?


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
Looking Good ! I cant wait to get some corals like you . I like the new look of your rock work too . I also like GSP too . and want it to be one of my first corals too .

Thank You!

I was pretty stoked to find the corals I did (I pick them up on Tuesday)

It may have been mentioned over in your thread but, you should check and see if there is a "Reef Club" in your area. If there is, you should join and start looking for some coral frags, Most clubs have a buy/sell/trade section where people post their stuff. I'm paying $35 for the 4 frags I'm getting, I can't even find a single decent frag in the LFS for that $ :eek: Plus most clubs have "frag swaps" a couple times a year, that's another good way to build your corals. I believe Lotus & TRe have both bought some nice stuff recently at frag swaps.


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
10/21/07 Canopy Finished.....Almost

OK, so I got to work this weekend and finished up the canopy, it's still a little rough and needs a final sanding before paint, but I at least wanted to post some pics of the project thus far.

This pic is of the pieces of the inside upper support.

This pic is of the door with the front decorative trim being "mocked up".

This pic is of the inside of the canopy, showing the top piece, with the support brace and both side pieces.

This pic is of the canopy in it's upright position (note the supports that hold the canopy on top of the tank trim, have not yet been installed in this picture)

This pic shows the door installed with handle and trim.

This pic shows the door open (Note the inside lower support now installed, that support sits directly on the tank trim)

This pic is of a side shot, you can see I still need to finish sanding the "plugs"
that hid my screws.

All in all I think the project turned out well, it's not perfect, but it's pretty good I think. After I get it all sanded, I'll paint it black to match my stand, and tank trim.

The only thing I would change if I were to do this again is, I would use a piano hinge instead of your basic hinge, but the four I used on this project appear to be giving adequate support to the door.

When all was said and done, I spent:
$17 Lumber
$9 Hardware & Supplies
$3 Paint

$29 Total, not too bad for a completed canopy. ;)


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
10/23/07 Update w/ New Hardware & Corals

First Off, Thanks for all the comments folks, this project has definitely been an exercise in patience.....

OK we'll start with the finished canopy, it's now painted black (except the inside). It turned out well, you can still kinda see the wood grain through the paint, but I like it.

In this pic you can see how the hardware hangs in the back, those red hooks are what supports the rear of my current light fixture, eventually there will be a 175 watt MH mounted in there :cool: .

This pic shows the canopy from the side, sorta gives you an idea of how it all came together.

This pic is of my NEW skimmer.....OK before anybody asks...I use to have the AquaC Remora w/ the Maxi-jet 1200 pump, it is definitely a good piece but, I saw this Remora Pro w/ Mag 3 pump on my local reef clubs page for $160 only 1 month old (they sell for $227 on Marine Depot) so I snagged it, I figure I'm going to get a larger tank eventually, so I got a larger skimmer. I sold my Remora for $140 today so I basically only had to bring $20 out of pocket to pick up the new unit.

If I only have one complaint, it's this MASSIVE Mag 3 pump.

OK now for the "pretty" pictures...

Look who finally came out to say Hi.

Here's my new Pulsing Xenia.

Here's my new "Mint Chocolate Chip" Zoos

Here's my new Leather....Not sure on this one, looks a little weird/unhappy.

And lastly here is my new GSP, this one looks a little sick, but we'll see how it looks in a couple days.

OK I guess that's about it.

Thoughts? Comments? Suggestions?