A couple of points......remove the bioballs, you don't need them with live rock and they will add to nitrate problems down the road...... Your tank is not cycled and to add fish to it at this point is precipitous at best. You need to monitor the water extremely closely and if the ammonia goes up you need to be prepared to pull those fish out of there and let it cycle. A tank set up with live rock will usually have a reduced cycle, but believe me it will still need to be cycled. The process allows your hard surfaces to be populated by beneficial bacteria. That rock has some but not enough and there will still be some die off on the rock even though it may be minor.....if minor it may not be enough to initiate the ammonia cycle. A tank that is measuring zero for ammonia needs something to jump start the process, these fish will do that but the ammonia levels will likely kill them in the process. I can't believe there are lfs' out there that continue to tell people to cycle with fish. Then again I know they are in the business to sell fish at what ever the costs to the poor fish.
Another thing, even though your tank is new a good habit to get into is to quarantine your new fish BEFORE adding them to your main display as they may be carrying various pathogens that you may not want to be introduced to your costly main display tank. This is a habit that is good to get into. Your clown may very well succumb to ich or brooklynella due tothe stress from being placed in an uncycled tank so watch for the signs.....also, be prepared to do large water changes with any increase in levels....though water changes will not let the cycle progress either......so it is a touch and go.
One other small item.....You have a very nice set up and it looks great but it could be a fire hazard waiting to happen. I didn't see any drip loops in your electrical plugs....and they run straingt down to your power bar. My suggestion would be to get a gfi box and hang it on the wall with the plugs looping up into it. This will ensure that any water that gets onto the cords drips off to the floor before running into the power source and causing sparks, fire or electrocution........
On another more positive note....It looks great and will be a great set up, this hobby is extremely rewarding but remember things must happen slowly.....only bad things happen fast.....sorry I don't mean to be harsh if this sounded harsh.....