Shipped fish?


Superstar Fish
Nov 26, 2007
Charlotte, NC
So I asked dave this

I don't understand why my replacement fish were not included in your shipments this week though.

and this is my reply

On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 9:56 PM, David Soares <removed email addy> wrote:

It’s personal ---go away

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Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
As good as an idea that all of us emailing him sounds...that would just make things worse for alter. As would bashing his service across the internet on a webpage format. Wait until you get your fish then go from there.

I hope you are saving those emails though just in case


Superstar Fish
Nov 26, 2007
Charlotte, NC
These emails are staying in my inbox I have every single one from him.

I have emailed him back to his response so we will see what he has to say. I'm thinking that chance are I won't be getting these fish from him seeing how he is acting about the whole thing.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Worth, TX
I think now would be a good time to mention a few things:

I'm pleased with how well you guys have handled this thread and haven't turned to flaming; it speaks volumes about our members. Unfortunately, it's inevitable that there's not going to be a happy ending regardless of alter getting his fish or not. Having said that, be sure to keep all comments objective in nature. Facts about an experience speak loud enough without involving excessive emotion.


That is all. :)


New Fish
Feb 20, 2008
np I agree it would probally make things worse but I was just trying to do anything I could think of to try and help out.. I just hope you can get your fish


Superstar Fish
Jan 16, 2008
you should figure out how to add a link that has all the horror stories from buying from this guy.. as a pop up on his site! what a jerkass... we were right on the money brian.. sad... truly sad...

I bet he is reading this thread and is pouting that he is getting publicly trashed. I can tell you that everyone who isn't hiding under a rock on this forum will never buy from him. Not including all the visitors to this forum looking for advice. I actually hope that he figures out that he is being a child and holds up to his end of the sale..

sorry Eric that this is happening.. that sucks man..


Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
Well as you said dwarf we were right on the money..of all the things I enjoy being right about I would have been happy to been wrong here.

sadly the fact is that alter is now out almost $70 and there is know telling when or if he will get his fish. Hopefully this turns out well for alter soon.
I think from the aspect myself and dwarf where talking about has #1 been proven #2 been beaten to death and if anyone is going to disagree with it now I wont waste me time or energy repling. So unless we get an update from alter saying his fish are on the way then I will not be posting in this thread anymore.
Sorry Alter that your getting treated this way, hopefully it works out in the end.


Superstar Fish
Jan 16, 2008
totally agree.. I am not here to say .. "see I told you so" I just want you to get what you paid for is all. he just has complete control over the situation now. so you are going to have to play his game if you want what you paid extreme amounts of $ for. Keep us updated Eric.


Superstar Fish
Nov 26, 2007
Charlotte, NC
Well I decided to email Dave back and see what his issue is. Here is the email that I have sent to him so I guess i will just wait and see what he has to say. I will update this thread with any new information I have.

Dave I don't know what your issue is with me. I think that I have treated you with nothing but respect and haven't been gotten any service from you. I had fish that were dead when I received them and I let you know right away and you said you would get replacements out right away. The next week I got no emails and asked what was going on and you told me next week. The next week you said you couldn't ship them due to the holiday and then this week your going to pull this? I have paid you $70 for fish and I haven't gotten them and I haven't received any service from you either. I don't understand what the issue is or why I am being treated like this for trying to be patient and just get the fish that you told me that I would be receiving. If you can't provide the fish for me then send me the refund of the $70 that I have paid you. I don't know how you can treat a customer of yours in this way.


Superstar Fish
Jan 16, 2008
Well I decided to email Dave back and see what his issue is. Here is the email that I have sent to him so I guess i will just wait and see what he has to say. I will update this thread with any new information I have.

Dave I don't know what your issue is with me. I think that I have treated you with nothing but respect and haven't been gotten any service from you. I had fish that were dead when I received them and I let you know right away and you said you would get replacements out right away. The next week I got no emails and asked what was going on and you told me next week. The next week you said you couldn't ship them due to the holiday and then this week your going to pull this? I have paid you $70 for fish and I haven't gotten them and I haven't received any service from you either. I don't understand what the issue is or why I am being treated like this for trying to be patient and just get the fish that you told me that I would be receiving. If you can't provide the fish for me then send me the refund of the $70 that I have paid you. I don't know how you can treat a customer of yours in this way.
well... that was extremely professional.. I hope he complies with your requests Eric. If he is any type of man.. he will. I don't know that I would have been that subdued.
Good job at controlling your anger.. you definately don't need that clouding the real issue here... customer service

Jul 18, 2007

I am not sure if this is good news or bad news for you but I may be able to help assist why Dave took so long to get your fish to you. If you follow this link, it links your to a Cichlid page, in which I was looking for some BR's. The first thing I read was the name at the top... Website here.
I just received the order from David Soares. There are over 100 Apistogrammas, and some others.

That name stuck out, since I just read the pages. So maybe he is just backed up from the big order. I might stop by the store on my way home to see what he has. I know that you are still out $70 no matter what, but I can at least check this guy out and see what he is about. He has gotten some good reviews If the link does not work, you can easily find it.

So if things don't work out with Dave, then this might be an alternative to look into. The owner sounds like a good guy from what I have read but I will check that out. I might swing by there this Friday and I can update you on what I think of his place, if you want.