33gal Reef Setup


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
i was thinking about switching to a 150g room divider instead of the 125g but in order for it to fit as a room divider it would have to be a 48" tank (so 48"X24"X30") im not sure yet cause i really like the look of the 6' tank but at the same time if i do decide to go with a room divider it gives me twice the realestate since corals will be both in front and back of the tank.... but than again thatll take away from cabinet space aswell.... hmm maybe ill just go with a 210g (72x24x30) and keep it against the wall like my 125g... so many choices!

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Haha because 8ft might reach the other wall!

Went to the LFS's today. Picked up more coral (LOL i need to stop) and looked at tanks. Found the size i really want but its to expensive from that one LFS, gonna ask the other ones next time if they can get it for me cheaper.

Also caught wind today of a new tank coming out from Marineland....amazing dimensions. Should be out next month i think he said? Maybe May. It comes in all the standard sizes length 36, 48, etc but is 36" wide!! A 3ft wide tank! I think he said it was about 20-24" tall. Probably going to cost an arm and a leg, but its even making the owner think about not even setting up his new custom $2000 tank.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Oh see those arn't to bad, they don't go all the way down like the black ones. Did you have the tank drilled or drill it yourself?

I was thinking of doing an internal Horizontal/Calfo style overflow. Same concept as yours just running the width of the tank on 1 side and a bit shallower poissibly.

TRe you gotta get me some more info on that Marineland system man! ;) Should i start selling my kidneys?

You ordered it from Glasscages skratikans and got a delivery to your door? I thought they only did deliveries in bulk amounts.

Jul 19, 2007
they can do ups...only for acrylic...and a 60x18x18 was 270 with 120 shipping...i REALLY love the tank..I was hesitant..as i emailed them my custom dimensions..but it was a go and to the tee..the front is even rounded off ...i should post some pics...i actually drilled some holes in the top of it last night to put some fluval tubing in..i figured since we both live in sc...you could probably do a ups shipment if you wanted to

and you dont have to order in bulk..it can be a tank at a time

i know that i will never buy a reg store tank again...any dimension you want ...they make..all my future tanks will be custom like this..they will even build canopies and stands if you want..dont to mention overflows...and holes..

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Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
i had a glass cmpany drill the tank for me .... it was i pain in the you kno what though since there was a sticker on it that said "do not drill, tempered glass" and i basically had to argue with them telling them only the bottom is tempered not the back.... they didnt wanna take the chance but ended up doing it any ways :p


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I can never decide whether I like the acrylic or not. It's sure more sturdy than glass, which is good if you're planning to move the tank every few years. It's also nice and light, which means you don't need a team of six people to carry a large tank.

The scratching can be a pain. With coraline, it's really hard to get off without scratching occasionally. The good thing is that you can buff out those scratches. It's a bit of work, but it can be done.

Acrylic is also nice for that "rimless" look.

If you go with glass cages, you might want to get a Euro-braced tank.

Definitely get a RR tank. "Friends don't let friends do a HOB overflow."

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
so your actually guna go with a custom size now? like i said before IMO just go with a RR and save time,money,and lots of head aches
Just exploring my options. I have my eye and heart really set on the AGA 120gal 48x24x24 right now, just a matter of weight limits. Thats like 1400lbs with just water. If i went this route with glasscages i could possibly get them to go ahead and drill my holes as well as use some Starfire (low iron) glass.

See how undecided i am?

The 75 is great, until i look at a 90, and the 90 is good until i look at the 120. Thats why i've been wondering about this new Marineland system, i want width without sacrificing height and vice versa.