10 months since I got him (PICS)!

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
emmanualchavez said:
Wow, to think, those cute little 3 inch guys they sell you in an lfs get that big!
Yup, and this guy was barely half that when I first got him!
And don't forget, he's still got lots of growing to do. He's about 9.0" total length (TL) right now, and I'd say he's maybe barely a year old. Chances are he'll gain at least another 3 inches or so in length, and he'll become much thicker and more deep-bodied for the rest of his life. I expect him to at least double in terms of overall mass from where he's at right now. :eek:

Nice color to him.....this doesn't mean i like him. ;)
LMAO...thanks, Matt.

I must say, he's got the most vibrant orange on him of any oscar I've ever seen. It shows up even more prominently against his dark base coloration when I'm not taking pics. In the pics he typically looks lighter than normal, because he's all pi$$ed off. Getting decent pics involves turning all tank lights on and all room lights off, and this really gets him mad.

Thanks for the comments.

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Medium Fish
Sep 19, 2007
Atlanta, GA
Wow BV...he looks great! Since Beaudreaux's move to the 72 gal, he hadn't seemed to grow that much. But hearing Triton is 10 mo and 9" makes me feel better. Beaudreaux is about 8" and is about 8 mo. I guess I expected him to really bloom quickly in the larger tank. Pepe on the other hand is really catching up to him. He is probably about 6" and definitely a little upstart. He is a tank rearranger, pulling the plants out of the gravel; and, he backs Beaudreaux into the corner when he is really feeling frisky! Maybe I can get some pics posted in the next week or so...

Again, great pics of Triton. He sure is one gorgeous oscar...


Superstar Fish
Jul 15, 2006
nice BV!
i wish i could take pics of meaty that show how bright his orange colouring is now, its just like Tritons.
I should prob get some new pics of him, had him for 10months now too!

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Thanks all for the comments!

Kiwi...my camera is a Canon PowerShot A610 (5.0 megapixels).
It should be noted that I typically (including in those images I posted in this thread) sacrifice some image sharpness/clarity (by not using the flash) in favor of keeping the fishes' colors as true to real life as possible. In other words, I can show you higher-quality (from a technical standpoint) pics by using the flash, but they wouldn't reflect the fishes' true colors quite as accurately as not using the flash. Hope that makes sense.

Adorkable...his diet consists of about 90% pellets (mostly Hikari Bio Gold+, but also some Hikari Cichlid Gold which I am trying to use up). The rest is made up of freeze-dried jumbo krill (typically soaked in Boyd's VitaChem liquid vitamin supplement) and frozen silversides.

Jeff...that video was recorded exactly one week ago.
I'll be making an overall tank update thread shortly, including new pics of the salvini and more about that vid you saw. ;)