Emmanuel's 100g Tank


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
$275 for a brand new 75 gallon aquarium, stand and lights (i'll probably upgrade if they don't provide at least 2 WPG) - sound reasonable??? Im thinking about getting it sometime this summer, when I start working full-time again.

I'm going to work on my tanks today for a while - then I've gotta do some work (yay! I can work from home :D). I found someone on craigslist to take my guppies for me, they told me they've got a nice 29 gallon that's been cycled ready for them! So I'm comfortable giving them to someone who knows that they're doing! With that, I'm going to do some reshuffling. Peppered Cories and "Green" Cories will be in the 10 gallon with some ghost-shrimp and an oto until I can upgrade. I'll be putting one of the 5 gallons away.

I'll get some before and after pictures of my tanks, I'm going to go work on them now. I couldn't resist, so I went and bought some plants on credit today.


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
OK, redid the tanks, I'll post pics up closer to midnight for those who are interest, I've gotta do some work, I don't want to feel like a dummy for making my backpack extra heavy with schoolbooks and my work laptop on Friday for nothing. :D


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
First off - I want a verification. Is this a pondsnail?? It grew to about the size of a fingernail - I haven't seen any of the other snails I had grow that big, I guess it's because it's in the 15 gallon and it has more growing room? At least the 15 gallon hasn't had any snail infestation at the same scale as the smaller ones... this one only has had 5 or less through it's time. Hopefully it stays that way.

Now for the fun part. I redid one of my 5 gallons yesterday, and this is what it looked like.

Then after taking some WaterSprite from the 15 gallon, and buying some more plants today, this is what it looks like. I was thinking of using baby dwarf tears to cover the entire bottom toward the front, and dwarf hairgrass in the empty spots toward the side and back. Does this sound feasible with 2.6 WPG, and using Flourish, and a DIY CO2 system? (still have to work out the recipe, I'll probably search for one for a 5 gallon tonight) I may add a bit more Italian Val toward the back also, haven't quite decided yet.

This is the 10 gallon, haven't decided yet, but I may get a dwarf gourami to put in here after I rehome my guppies tomorrow, or I may just wait till I get the bigger tank. I moved the peppered cories and emerald catfish here, until I can get a 75 gallon (yeah, I saw the difference between the 55 gallon and 75 gallon tanks at an LFS today, and forget the 55, i'm going for a 75, especially at the price I saw mentioned above somewhere). These are all fake plants, and there's a small watersprite plant in here (it was easier to keep down using gravel, as opposed to the finer stuff in my other 2 tanks).

And finally - the current big kahuna. I think it's a bit too busy on the left-hand corner, next to the aponogetons. Too much Water Sprite. I'll probably pull some more out in the next water change, and add it to either the 5 gallon, or the 10 gallon. I was thinking of using Dwarf Hairgrass here to cover foreground, and some chunks toward the back.

Full Tank Shot

A Bit More Up Close

Any suggestions, comments? All are appreciated! :D

Sticky Fish

Medium Fish
Mar 7, 2008
i love the 10 gallon hands down. one thing i noticed is that there is a plant in "the big kahuna" that doesn't look like an aquarium plant so be warned. you have two of them and they are the ones that you see first. they kinda look like swords. i got something like those from petco and i had to toss them. so just keep an eye out.

the 5g looks nice now also. how is your diy co2 going?


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
I've had that plant underwater for nearly 2 months now without a problem, but the plan is to take it out. I'll probably just pot it and see if it survives like that. I don't really like it now. I don't know how to describe it, but it's very stiff, I'm probably going to replace it with some amazon swords which will move with the water. I was going to go to my LFS today after I was done with my GIS labs at school and probably get a dwarf gourami for my 10 gallon - since I just gave away my guppies and emerald catfish, leaving me with 2 peppered cories and an oto - and a couple of swords or some more val if they had anymore.

My DIY CO2 system for the 15 gallon is coming along fine. I've got the yeast, sugar, tubing, some 2L bottles. I'm just waiting for my dad and brother to finish off the soda so I can take the bottles. :D I've tried to drink some of the soda, but I'm not a big soda drinker, not like I was when I was in my teens. I was going to use both the 2L bottles for 1 CO2 system. I was going to fill one up with the CO2 mixture, and connect it to an empty bottle, and then connect the empty bottle to the filter intake. This way, I can hopefully prevent a disaster in which my mixture makes its way into my tank, killing everything! I just hope i don't get some back-syphoning action from my tank. I just ruined the airpump I had in there by disconnecting it before taking it out. I was goin to take the airpump out, but I didn't want to mess it up - oh well. Live and learn.

I still have to research a recipe for the 5 gallon, I don't want to risk suffocating the fish in there by pumping in too much CO2.


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
ggrr, the purple plant I have in the front of the 15 and 5 gallon tanks is a terranium plant called a purple waffle. Live and Learn again I suppose. I guess I really won't be buying plants from that LFS anymore. :(


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
Nothing new really going on. Once I get some dinero in my hands, I'm going to probably buy a pack of eco-complete from my LFS (YES! They carry it!), and mix it in with the gravel in the 10 gallon. I'm going to pull out all of the fake plants from the 10 gallon, and add live plants - the cories seem to have some damage over their heads from constantly swimming through the fake "grass." I'm thinking of putting some watersprite in here, since I have plenty in my 15 gallon, and it keeps growing, and I may add some pennywort, banana plants, dwarf hairgrass and baby tears, a small sword, and possibly some anubias nana (if I tie it to my ornament, will it root itself on it??). I'll be adding a DIY CO2 system here as well.

I've gotta remember to pull out the purple waffles from the 15 gallon and 5 gallon during their next waterchange this sunday....

15 Gallon

I threw in a couple of algae wafers in there, and there was a big commotion going on down there, so Clyde decided to check all that out.

this one is just to show how "fat" my white clouds are, there's that one I just moved into QT whose belly is starting to sink in... I think he ate one of the bloodworms i put in there, but he doesn't want to touch anything else - I do hope he makes it....

10 Gallon

One of my peppered cories

You can see my male dwarf gourami in his favorite hangout spot

This is the female DG, the bridge seems to be a favorite hangout place of the cories and DGs

The male joining in on some of that algae wafer, yum-yum

This picture doesn't do him justice, he looks at least 10x's better in person! :D

Here he goes chasing after his woman, he gets uneasy if she goes too far by herself


Sticky Fish

Medium Fish
Mar 7, 2008
looks like clyde was bout to have some lunch. i jsut got some honey gouramis and they are lots of fun. i love the little antennae they have.*thumbsup2 very friendly fish.


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
rescaped the 10 gallon. took out all the fake plants, and put live plants in.

I'm going to do a slight rescape again later this week, I'm going to bunch up the scarlet temples in the center of the tank, so that the anubias nana stands out some, and place the water sprite toward the sides.

my attempt at a DIY CO2 system using some CO2 tabs by jungle didn't work out...not sure if maybe I had too many gas separators........... :confused:
I'm going to do a yeast system tomorrow morning. hopefully the dwarf hairgrass starts sending out runners soon. :)

Once I set up the other DIY CO2 systems for the other tanks, and there's noticeable changes, I'll update again... I may borrow some Dwarf Hairgrass from the 10 gallon to put into the 5 gallon.


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
I was doing a bit of research on the types of shrimp i want to get for my shrimp only tank... and I came across ramshorn (?) snails. Looks like it, somewhat.

My 15 gallon has so much algae on the front glass, and it looks like the otos and the only snail that has survived my betta only like to eat algae off of the plants, driftwood, and back glass... I was thinking of getting a couple of snails to help clean it off some... or should I just scrape it off and not add anything else?


Superstar Fish
Jan 2, 2007
I have this fixture on my 14g planted. You will need to replace the actinic bulb with one for freshwater, so if you plan on using all 80w plan on spending another $20 for that replacement bulb you'll need.

I normally run both lamps for about 2 hours, then switch one off and just use 40w for the remainder of the time.

The cool thing about this fixture is the lunar light, which was a prime selling point for me. I could have just gone with the regular 20" Satellite for half the price (would still need to replace the bulb, though), but I wanted more than 2.5 wpg. Trust me, this fixture on your tank will be bright when both lamps are on.


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
OK dang, someone is obviously in my head, b/c this is almost exactly how I wanted to rescape my 15!

tmmycat Profile - Your Tanks

I've got a second possibility in my head in case i can't find any driftwood that looks very tree-like.

*EDIT- OK, I see Ishar has already seen this tank in the past.... maybe I somehow telepathically stole the idea from him? lol.

Last edited:


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
Updates concerning my 15 gallon:
Will be taking out all the water sprite. Will probably add more red scarlet (forgot scientific name, but i can recognize it if i see it, lol). Will be taking out 'light house'
Probably taking out Vals. spreading out aponogetons across back, along with a couple more from my 10 gallon. trying to go for the hairgrass carpet. keeping it simple as far as plants go.

Updates concerning 10 gallon: bad outbreak of BBA. going to try to get rid of it, then probably rescaping entirely, including substrate, then converting to shrimp only tank.

that is all for now. :)

Jun 1, 2008
the snail is a ramshorn snail and the plants that kinda look likes swords are hostas and are not aquatic.
by red scarlet you might mean waffle plant or purple crinkle or something like that, those are also not aquatic


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
I completely rescaped my 15 gallon while cleaning my room this weekend (still lots of cleaning to go, lol :p). I want to let the tank fill in a bit (and let the last of the bba die off from the hairgrass I got from the 10 gallon).

I'll probably be moving the guys from the 10 gallon into the 15 gallon, but I'll be leaving the 10gl open just in case the bettas don't get along... or is the female dg decides she doesn't like the male betta.

I got a 20 gl that I'll probably use as a shrimp only tank, and the 10 gl who knows right now....


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
So I've finally decided my scaping plans for the 10 gl.
I'm going to move all the Alternanthera reineckii into the 15 gallon, to give it a bushier look. The driftwood with anubias and moss on it I'll be putting into the 20 gallon. The aponogeton bulbs I may put into the 15 gallon as well along with the val. The hairgrass I'll probably put in the 15 also, although I think I have more than will fit into the 15 gallon.

I'm going to take out the gravel, and replace it with the eco-complete from my two 5 gallons. I'm going to give hc a shot as a foreground plant. I'm replacing the stock lighting, also giving this one an open-top with clip-on flourescent lights - up to 5 wpg (I'll probably use some lower watt bulbs to make it 4 wpg, depending on whether i get an algae outbreak.). I'm probably going to try growing the hc emersed. The driftwood I currently have in one of my 5 gl that looks almost tree like, I'll be moving into the 10. And that's it, that simple. Well, maybe adding a piece of red 'lava rock.'

I'll draw a plan later. :D