20 gallon. Open tank, two powerhead/sponge filters. 2 clip-on lamps, 4 wpg.
Substrate: Some of the gravel/laterite mix I had in my 10 gallon at the bottom, and playsand on top.
This is what I'm thinking as far as scaping.... I took the drifwood out after filling because it's a floater, and it's still releasing tannins. I've got it soaking somewhere else
That's hc that I plan on using as a carpet... that may change though, it doesn't appear to be doing very well. I'm hoping it's just readjusting to submersed from emersed. I wanted to grow it emersed, but I didn't have anything to cover the tank with to keep it humid inside, but still allow the light through...
Currently, I've got 2 DIY bottles of CO2. One is being fed into one powerhead for diffusion, and the other into a limewood diffuser, placed underneath the powerhead for futher diffusion...
I'm dosing Flourish Excel every day, and Flourish Iron 2x's a week, with Flourish Comprehensive once a week. I've got some Flourish tabs coming from Aquariumguys, I've got to put those into the sand pronto! I keeping my fingers crossed, and hopefully they help the hc recover.
If the HC keeps going downhill, I'm going to pull out whatever is left alive, and put into the 10 gallon. I'll probably replace it with Dwarf Hairgrass since I have plenty readily available in my 15 gallon, and I can get the pots cheap.
I have a TON of javamoss waiting to go onto that driftwood. So it'll have javamoss in some places, and it'll probably have some anubias on some of the branches too.
I've got to get a background also. I'm thinking black.
I'm going to make a canopy, like for the 10 gallon, to lift those lamps up a bit... and b/c i don't want any shrimp jumping out from that one piece of the driftwood that's sticking out of the water...
Comments? Suggestions? Thoughts on how to make the hc work? Do I need to up the lighting to 5 wpg, or 6??