Introducing... (load warn)


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Right on SK! :)

I think my baby Gold Saum is learning to type the English language. The tank is right next to my work desk and when I sit here long enough he just swims over to the nearest corner and hangs out like he's watching me. He doesn't do anything but sit and watch me. Kinda creepy sometimes, but neat in another way. The Blue Acara's don't do it as bad, but they do like to 'hang out' with us from time to time too. And I think my Heros tries to have conversations with me. You wouldn't think a fish could get facial expressions, but I swear he does just like people do when they talk. Well the festivums are a little 'off' in everyway possible, but still like to know just what the hell's going on around them.

And when I had me discus, they were just kind of, there. lol Not downplaying them a bit! But other than feeding time (which my cherry shrimp learned to do for heavens sake) they didn't interact much.


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2007
....he's absolutely stunning! Which species is he? My babies are doing well...except they're zebras, not quads ;) I just moved them from a 20long to a 33gal with a TON more cover, now I never see them, lol. Actually, mom and dad just mated again two days ago.

Thanks for the comments on my pretty pair everyone :)

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
My babies are doing well...except they're zebras, not quads ;)
Woops...I got them mixed up, lol. :p
Do you still have 'Genghis Prawn' though---isn't he the quad I must be thinking of?

That white fella' in my avatar is a Procambarus alleni...same as the blues I've got. Matter of fact, I've already mated him with the blue female, and I'm hoping to see a berry of pale blues anytime now. (on a sidenote, I'm currently growing out a batch of blues from when I had her mate with the blue male a few months back)

I really need to get a proper cray-breeding thread going on all that, don't I? :rolleyes:

Glad to hear your baby zebras are doing well!
Cut-up PVC segments work great as hides for the growouts. I'll post more about that in an update thread on my cray-breeding project...if I ever get around to it, lol.
BV ;)


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2007
No, we don't have Ghengis're right, she was the female quad who started the obsession; then we found Goliath, the adult male for her...but about a month later we had to move, and I had to get rid of most of my tanks. I kept the zebras over the quads simply because the zebras can stay in their 20gal long, whereas the quads needed such a huge tank that should have been used for fish...I was really upset about having to get rid of them though, they were so awesome.