I can't see any way to argue that.
On to other stuff...
People (not just you Brian
) want to compare the crossbreeding of Dogs and Discus, but that's apples to oranges. Dogs were selectively bred out over hundreds of years to emphasize particular traits. All the different types was no accident. It was very carefully planned, and because of this the types are strong and healthy. Discus are the same to an extent. People who knew what they were doing cross bred to bring out the traits they wanted.
As has already been said, most Malawi, SA and other cichlid hybrids are from from being planned. It just happened, so no one knows what will happen to them 10 generations from now, and then when other people who don't know what they are getting think it's a pure strain and the hybridization starts again. It's the same difference between a real dog breeder, and a puppy mill or someone who just won't take the time to get the dang dog fixed and it just keeps shooting out pups.
I too have bought the unknowing hybrid being sold as pure. $70 later I was ticked off to say the least.
Regardless of the view or opinion, I just can't see how anyone could argue with SK's statement I quoted. There is without a doubt a cichlid for everyone no matter what type of fish strikes your fancy, and nearly one for every tank size and budget.
Now if you want to play Dr. Frankenstein and hybridize weird fish in your tanks, no body can stop you. But for the love of all that is good in the hobby, keep them out of shops and out of the trade.