My smaller biowheel filter crapped out on me after 6 weeks.... nice... So my water quality has no gone to **** really. I found a good sale on a new canister that will be enough for my tank alone (since the one I have is only good up to a 40 gallon) Since its another fluval I hope I can just change the media very easy and there will be no problems.
I added all the tigers into the big tank and they look awesome schooling really nice and not nippy at each other at all really. Once I get the new filter up and running for a few days Ill add the other cherry barbs in and the tank will be stocked for the time being. Hopefully it will make the male cherries I have in there now much more social. The keyholes are still being aggressive and the male is chasing the female still. I think the BN ate there babies at night and now the male wants to spawn again but the female cant yet... Just like a man... hahha
Plants are doing pretty good still. I got CO2 working fine and the ferts are helping but i think the excel did do some work on the vals.
I went over to my friends down the street to check out his 55 and 20 gallon tanks. His 55 has 2 dempsey, 2 firemouths, 2 plecs and he just got some free blue/opaline gouramis for free. Knowing its a bit over stocked I took the smallest male blue gourami from him. He still has at least a male opaline, a male blue and a female blue. His 20 has some guppies, cories and a very tiny clown loach that looked very lonely. I plan on taking some more plants from him soon cause his 3wpg 55 gallon tank grows stuff pretty well.