46 Gallon Bowfront

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
Okay well the 46 is doing good, I should be adding new plants tomorrow and the keyholes have cleared a rock and layed eggs, I put up a thread about it with pictures and video in the breeding section..... Its good times over here

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008

tank right now... Ill being getting co2 back up once I get my diffuser in the mail and ill also be getting flourish/excel to add for the plants... My water sprite looks like ass but the new plants from eman look awesome!

If you haven't seen my other thread here's my keyhole babies... They have been moved off the rock to be more secure but I think they are still alive.


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
Haha, I didn't realize how big the vals had gotten.

Oh, and before I forget; be careful when adding excel in your tank, if you overdose, it'll melt the vals. You have to add just the right amount. Start dosing it in small quantities, then increase it slowly to figure out what the threshold is. I stopped dosing excel in that tank because I didn't want to risk melting the vals any further.

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
So on the baby keyhole front: there are some "free swimming guys" now but most of them didn't make it, I think I stressed them out too much and the parents kept moving them and they eventually died from it all... Also I have still been trying to get my tank stable with plants, CO2, plant nutrients, and stuff so I don't think I'm going to get any babies after its all said and done.

On the other hand, a weekend after I added CO2 again and some flourish and excel, my plants are looking pretty great. Water sprite is making a comeback and my large anubias is even growing new leaves. My Qt will be over for one of my tigers at the end of this week and the rest of the tigers and cherry barbs will be done in the QT around Tuesday of next week pending that there isn't any more ich.

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
My smaller biowheel filter crapped out on me after 6 weeks.... nice... So my water quality has no gone to **** really. I found a good sale on a new canister that will be enough for my tank alone (since the one I have is only good up to a 40 gallon) Since its another fluval I hope I can just change the media very easy and there will be no problems.

I added all the tigers into the big tank and they look awesome schooling really nice and not nippy at each other at all really. Once I get the new filter up and running for a few days Ill add the other cherry barbs in and the tank will be stocked for the time being. Hopefully it will make the male cherries I have in there now much more social. The keyholes are still being aggressive and the male is chasing the female still. I think the BN ate there babies at night and now the male wants to spawn again but the female cant yet... Just like a man... hahha

Plants are doing pretty good still. I got CO2 working fine and the ferts are helping but i think the excel did do some work on the vals.

I went over to my friends down the street to check out his 55 and 20 gallon tanks. His 55 has 2 dempsey, 2 firemouths, 2 plecs and he just got some free blue/opaline gouramis for free. Knowing its a bit over stocked I took the smallest male blue gourami from him. He still has at least a male opaline, a male blue and a female blue. His 20 has some guppies, cories and a very tiny clown loach that looked very lonely. I plan on taking some more plants from him soon cause his 3wpg 55 gallon tank grows stuff pretty well.


unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
I got the BN pleco.... My room mate wants to get cories for his smaller tank with the gourami. Over the summer every thing is gonna have to go in the 46. The 4 female cherries are going in the big tank as I type this.

My smaller bio wheel filter broke so the 205 fluval wasn't really enough anymore so I picked up a 305 fluval for about 100 bucks. After two days I see that the filter works fine, the media transfer went perfect so now I decided to finish stoking this tank for now.

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unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
So I have a female cherry barb that has seem to go to the dark side. No not saltwater but has turned very dark in color and almost black in some areas. The other cherries (3 other females and 2 males) have very bright color and look fine besides some possible ich. Any ideas why one of this cherry has decided to turn so dark?

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
picture update

Front shot

t barbs hogging the camera

RTS (sharky)

bow front shot

water sprite is growing again finally

keyhole pair, rts and dwarf sag.. needs to be rearranged cause ive never moved the new runners

anubias coff(w/e) some red sword that i got this week.. not sure how its gonna do (already dieing abit), anubias cogn(w/e)

one of my fav... larry