My latest Chiclid tank was a 55 gallon and consited of 2 Auratus, 2 Kenyi's, 2 JD's (didn't mean to buy these, they were listed as Jewels when I bought them) and 1 common Pleco. The tank ran well for about 6 months and then all in 1 week my Kenyi's killed my Auratus's and my JD's killed my Kenyi's. All thats left are my 2 Jack Demspeys, the bigger one keeps the little one in hiding and my hippy pleco who would hide the dead fish so that they couldn't be eaten. All in all I say it was a learning expierience, this was my first Chiclid tank and I failed.
I guess my point was that I only had 6 chiclids in my 55 gallon and it was disasterous, maybe I did a bad job of selecting IDK.
Good Luck and let us know how it worked out. I too am curious to know what stocking ideas your thinking of.