my red bellys had a big fight help

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Superstar Fish
Jul 13, 2005
Western NC
Damian, I can see why you want to keep rbp's. They are magnificent. And the fact that you came here seeking advice indicates your interest in their well-being. The best advice I can give you is to take some time to read, read, read, anything you can find online in regard to rbp care. Googling red belly piranha care is a simple and productive first step. Pay attention to info specific to the species that you own.

As you read, evaluate your tank size and setup, the number of fish you are keeping in regard to their natural behavior alone and in groups of various sizes, your feeding plan, your water conditions. As you read, many of your questions and concerns will be answered, including why this terrible occurrence took place in your tank.

Don't stop at one article, or three articles, or six. Keep reading until you have a good overview of rbp care and you aren't coming across radical new ideas anymore --- in other words, you already pretty much know what the articles contain. Today you can begin to get a pretty good idea about rbp care, but keep on reading for a while. Education is your best defense against fish loss and also against bad advice. You yourself should be aware of what is in the best interests of your fish.

Also, once you've educated yourself, you'll have better interactions with the forum members here, as we've all had to do the same thing, and none of us are equipped to take the place of all the information provided online on caring for and housing your fish.

In the meantime, as you read, just keep the water very clean in your isolation tank, along with the other measures set forth above that have been working to restore your fish's health.

Good luck with the information-gathering, and please keep us posted as to your fish's recovery and any recovery-related issues.


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
I didn't say you were using feeders, but that's usually what happens when they end up turning on eachother, they aren't getting enough good food. If they are hungry enough to turn on eachother and start eating one of their school, there's some sort of problem. Either their tank is way too small for that many or they aren't getting enough food. The fact that the fish got chunks taken out of him but wasn't completely eaten shows that maybe some are getting enough food while others aren't. Keep us updated on his progress. I'd love to see some updated photos. What kind of treatment did you end up going with?


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
Wow, I can't believe he's still alive! I definitely wouldn't add him back to a tank of piranhas. Even if his wounds heal, he is still handicapped with only vision on one side. Is he eating? Congrats, you've done a good job keeping him plugging along. He's definitely a novelty, it's rare for a fish to survive with damage like that. Keep up the good work!


Medium Fish
Jan 18, 2009
Euless, TX
That is a terrible example.
That is more an example of irresponsible railroad crossing. The owner shouldn't have crossed the tracks (while the gates were down!), and maybe the dog would not have tried to follow. The fact that the dog was a Pit doesn't even have anything to do with why the accident happened. It could have been a German Shepard or Lab or other big, strong breed that would have pulled that woman over the tracks.
It is indeed a tragic story, and I am truly sorry it happened.
If you're going to criticize irresponsible petkeeping, there are much better examples than this.


Large Fish
Mar 31, 2009
thanks miss fishy its been hard and endless hours of watching him to make sure hes ok but yeah he is one of a kind and ill never be stupid enough to put just 2 rbps together as for blue ram i dont no what his problem is im just ignoring his mesly comments he must just be jeleouse cause he hasnt got any rbps or they r banned in his country thanks again for the praise on keeping him alive your the only one who has asked and not givin me a lecture on how irresponsible i am.


Large Fish
Mar 31, 2009
(update) i just set up a 1 1/2 ft tanks wit my sick rbp and partitioned it off so i have 2 rbps in the tank trying to introduce him bk is it a good idea or not can update pics if needed


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
Damian, as I said before, I would NOT reintroduce him to a piranha tank. He is blind on one side and will never be strong enough to compete in a school of piranha. You don't want him to get ripped up again, he won't make it next time.

You also do NOT want to keep a tank with just a couple rbps, you really need a LOT Of them, or just one in a tank.


Large Fish
Mar 31, 2009
i was only tryin to see how they would act together but it looks like they want round 2 i have put the one without injury back in the big tank wit the others and just got chunk in a tank byhimself i did have a partition in wen i had the to together


Large Fish
Jun 21, 2008
That is a terrible example.
That is more an example of irresponsible railroad crossing. The owner shouldn't have crossed the tracks (while the gates were down!), and maybe the dog would not have tried to follow. The fact that the dog was a Pit doesn't even have anything to do with why the accident happened. It could have been a German Shepard or Lab or other big, strong breed that would have pulled that woman over the tracks.
It is indeed a tragic story, and I am truly sorry it happened.
If you're going to criticize irresponsible petkeeping, there are much better examples than this.
The dog dragged her into the train.


Large Fish
Aug 6, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
i was only tryin to see how they would act together but it looks like they want round 2 i have put the one without injury back in the big tank wit the others and just got chunk in a tank byhimself i did have a partition in wen i had the to together
Question; Why did you choose piranhas as your fish for your tanks, and do you really think you know what you're doing as far as taking care of them? This is serious.


Large Fish
Mar 31, 2009
i am havin no problem now cause of the help i have off the people that actually care about whats happenin instead of worrying about stupid comments on this stupid site all you ppl do is grief newbies like me get stuffed if you havnt got anything decent to say dont say anything at all ok


Medium Fish
May 18, 2009
I totally disagree. No one has ever "griefed me" Everyone has been extremely helpful. I think maybe because when you go to a site asking for help and help is given, it is expected that you take the advice. Not argue your point. I don't think anyone is intentionally being crappy to you, but you have kind of left the door open, if you know what I mean. You have been told multiple times DO NOT add the fish back with the others and you have done just the opposite. If your intention was to do whatever you wanted to do in the first place, why did you come here asking questions? Kind of seems like you are wasting people's time.


Large Fish
Aug 6, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
because they coud chew your face off lol stupid q
First of all, don't ever use the word stupid in reference to anyone more literate than you again. It's the only world you can seem to spell right when you type; at least spell/grammar check before you post.

Think about it, you purchasing piranhas when you CLEARLY cannot house them properly, or take care of them is absolutely stupid. You don't even know why your other piranha bit off the other ones head. Until you actually thought to do some research you had no clue what had happened, you just freaked out. IF YOU RESEARCHED the fish prior to buying, you would have never been in a position where the piranha was in a state to chew off the other ones head.

So let me get this straight, you want clear cut answers on solutions for your own stupidity? And then you get offended when people note, 'well you should not have done that in the first place'.

Let's say if you researched the fish beforehand, did more things right like housing, grouping, feeding, care, etc. 90% sure you will not end up with a handicap fish, and the smartest thing to do is when your lack of preparation = failed setup, stop continuing progress and return what you cannot handle, THE FISH.


Large Fish
Mar 9, 2009
Upstate NY
i am havin no problem now cause of the help i have off the people that actually care about whats happenin instead of worrying about stupid comments on this stupid site all you ppl do is grief newbies like me get stuffed if you havnt got anything decent to say dont say anything at all ok
ya stupid comments and stupid site ?
are you retarded ?
this site is awsome and so are MOST of the people on it


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
Glad people are finally realising how incompetent this person actually is as a fishkeeper. Seems to me the same's happening as in the thread emanuelchavez posted a couple of pages back, except it's taken a good 6 pages this time rather than a few posts.

Thing is Damian, you're only listening to what you want to hear. You want people to tell you you're doing the right thing and you're perfectly capable of keeping piranhas when, in actual fact, you've just continually proved you aren't. You want only people with "decent" input to post, but unfortunately to you that means positive feedback, and there's nothing even slightly positive to post in regards to this thread other than how the hell have you managed to keep him alive this long.

Stacic8679, I completely agree with your point. This isn't a stupid site, it's actually extremely helpful for newbies who are willing to listen to people who actually know what they're talking about. People, including myself, have only tried to point you in the right direction, and you've done the opposite, and then have got defensive when we've told you what you are doing is, in fact, wrong. The only people this site is bad for is ignorant people.

And actually I agree with blue_ram, this also reminds me of someone keeping a pitbull because they're cool and could "chew your face off", and then are shocked when they actually do.

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