brown algae

Feb 27, 2009
If I were you, I'd do several large water changes to reduce total disolved organics. Make sure light is on a timer and reduce the hours the light is on.

If you grow plants, add more fast-growing stem plants to outcompete it.


Medium Fish
Feb 21, 2009
It isn't brown algae, it is called diatoms. It usually becomes shortly after/during your cycle, and will go away on its own. Can also be the result of bad water parameters. So, if you haven't already, check them. If you have an established tank it can also be the cause of low light levels, or to much light. For the time being you can:
A. Just scape it off.
B. Buy so algea eaters ex. Otocinculous (sp?). But be warned no plecos unless you have a very large tank. Also, when they finish off the diatoms/other algae, make sure to supplement their diets with other appropriate foods.
C.water changes to fix your parameters.
D. You'd need to improve your lighting if you think this is the cause of your problems. Or reduce the amount of light the time is on.
(or any combination of the above)
I've also heard that plants can help, but have no personal knowledge of it.

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Nov 5, 2009
It isn't brown algae, it is called diatoms. It usually becomes shortly after/during your cycle, and will go away on its own. Can also be the result of bad water parameters. So, if you haven't already, check them. If you have an established tank it can also be the cause of low light levels. For the time being you can:
A. Just scape it off.
B. Buy so algea eaters ex. Otocinculous (sp?). But be warned no plecos unless you have a very large tank.
C.water changes to fix your parameters.
D. You'd need to improve your lighting if you think this is the cause of your problems.

I've also heard that plants can help, but have no personal knowledge of it.
thanks for the reply Stillness.

A. can't scrape it off as its on virtually every surface of the tank.
B. no room for more fish. i have a 5 gallon with 5 neon tetras, 2 little orange molly things, and a small albino catfish. i could maybe get a snail if that would help? unless you think that adding another small fish would not be overstocking. from I've read on here i'm pushing it as it is.
C. i do a 25-50% water change weekly. should i change that? i still need to get down to the pet store for a test kit but as all my fish seem healthy as can be i haven't made it a priority. i probably should get on that.
D. it's possible that the light could be too strong and like Orange said it's probably on too much during the day. it came with a 10 gallon and i'm using it with my 5.

i could also be overfeeding. what would you recommend as the best option?


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
I could be wrong, but that seems like WAY too many fish for such a little tank. How big are your fish and what kind of filter are you running? I think the "one inch per gallon" rule is what is generally used when stocking your tank (with special exceptions for bottom feeders like otocinclus cats that are small).

I was wondering about this too since I'm getting some of the "brown stuff" in two of my tanks. My 45gal I expect it in 'cuz I'm having issues with that tank anyway. But now it's invaded my Hex5 and I can't figure out why. The light is only on for *maybe* 8 hours a day (if that), it's a flourescent, I don't overfeed, and the tank is established. All I have in there is a male crowntail betta who is about 3.5 inches long. Could I maybe put my otos in there to help take care of it (I'm buying more otos soon for the 45gal, so I could leave the three otos from the 45gal in there permanently...Al won't bother them)?

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Nov 5, 2009
I could be wrong, but that seems like WAY too many fish for such a little tank. How big are your fish and what kind of filter are you running? I think the "one inch per gallon" rule is what is generally used when stocking your tank (with special exceptions for bottom feeders like otocinclus cats that are small).
ya its close. the big molly is about 2 inches. the small one is maybe an inch. the tetras are small, maybe 1/2 an inch each. the cat is also around an inch. i asked the guy at the pet store if i had too much and he didn't think so. its a small family owned fish store and they've always seemed very knowledgeable so i trust em.


Medium Fish
Feb 21, 2009
I still need to get down to the pet store for a test kit, but all my fish seem healthy as can be. I haven't made it a priority. I probably should get on that.
Well, when you get your test kit make sure it is a liquid kit. The strips are unreliable at best. API makes a good test kit. You really are overstocked. The biggest problem, IMO, is the neons. While they do stay small they like to swim. Is it an AGA, or hexagonal or what? The reason I ask is a rectangular tank allows for more swimming space.
People are probably going to disagree with me here, as I've read the otos should only be housed in tanks 15 gallons or above. But I really don't see a problem with 2 otos if you take out the neons, and keep up with the water changes. This should help you out with your diatom bloom.

But I'd deff. get on that test kit.

Nov 5, 2009
You really are overstocked. The biggest problem, IMO, is the neons. While they do stay small they like to swim. Is it an AGA, or hexagonal or what? The reason I ask is a rectangular tank allows for more swimming space.
ya its a rectangle. like i said the guy at the store said it wouldn't be overcrowding so i'm sticking with it for now.
People are probably going to disagree with me here, as I've read the otos should only be housed in tanks 15 gallons or above. But I really don't see a problem with 2 otos if you take out the neons, and keep up with the water changes. This should help you out with your diatom bloom.
could i only get 1 oto? i know some fish need to be around others of the same species. if i was able to get only 1 could i keep the neons? i really like em, they're the most colorful things in the tank:D


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
As far as I know, otos like to be in big groups...the bigger the better. I have three in my 45gal right now (they were in an 18gal prior to me getting the 45gal) and all they do is hide. I only know they're still alive because there are tracks in the algae on the sides of my tank and I know my female bettas didn't put them there. :p However, as soon as I can afford it, I am upping my number of otos to eight so that they'll be more comfortable and more active...and hopefully, along with the five black mollies I intend to get as well, take care of my algae problem.


Medium Fish
Aug 1, 2009
Hm, interesting. I recently started getting these, too. I had my 10g tank completely cycled, and it has been running for about 3-4 weeks now. I'm assuming it will mostly go away as the tank further stabilized. The water parameters are very good. I bought a Golden Inca Snail that seems to like to eat this stuff on the rocks and glass walls.


Medium Fish
Feb 21, 2009
Well, my apologies at risk of offending your fish store friends. But based on my experiences and those of others that I have heard, the people who work at the fish stores are less than reliable. A hex really further limits a fishes area to swim. Neons are far to active for a 5 gallon, despite their small size. Otos aren't schooling fish, as far as I know. Cories on the other hand are schooling fish. Personally I wouldn't keep him in there, based mostly on the hex-shape, but you could get away with one.
An oto or two. Really up to you.

Do you have live plants plants? It's fine if you don't but that would help balance out your parameters.
Also if you get otos they'd really appreciate a nice piece of store bought driftwood to hang out on.

Also the inch per gallon rule is completely, well terrible. Please do not use it. It is just terrible!


Medium Fish
Feb 21, 2009
Warning: Neon Tetra will become too large for your tank.
Warning: Pygmy Cory will become too large for your tank.
Warning: At least 5 x Pygmy Cory are recommended in a group.
Warning: Molly will become too large for your tank.
Warning: At least 3 x Molly are recommended in a group.

Recommended temperature range: 71.6 - 80.6 F. [Display in Celsius]
Recommended pH range: 7 - 7.6.
Recommended hardness range: 11 - 15 dH.

No errors.

Your aquarium filtration capacity is satisfactory.

Your aquarium filtration capacity for above selected species is 118%.
Recommended water change schedule: 52% per week. (You might want to split this water change schedule to two seperate 30% per week)
Your aquarium stocking level is 278%. [Generate Image] [What's this?]
You should consider a larger tank for this combination.
This is what AqAdvisor says about your tank.


Small Fish
Jul 1, 2009
a ten gallon wouldn't take up much more space than that 5 gal does ;) then you wouldn't be overstocked and you'd have a clean algae free tank (at least for a few weeks, lol).
If you moved everything in the 5gal over to the ten, you wouldn't even have an ammonia spike...
all kinds of used ten gal tanks for sale cheap on craigslist/kijiji etc...**wink**


Small Fish
Jul 1, 2009
My 2 cents on otos - they actually are a schooling fish. they do ok in lesser numbers, but they are happier and you definitely see more activity when you have a small school of them. I've got a pair in my 10gal, and 6 in my 77gal, and the difference in their behaviors is marked. I've had a plan for a while to get a snail for that tank, and bring the otos home, but for some reason snails don't come thru my fs very often.


Medium Fish
Feb 21, 2009
Well, although wood isn't a necessity, my otos like it. Given the size of the tank I was just saying that they'd probably appreciate the wood. That's all.

Nov 5, 2009
thanks for all the great info guys. here's the latest. i went down to the store today and bought 1 small oto. he and the mollies are happily munching away at the algae although the oto is very shy and skittish and is mainly staying hidden while the light is on in this artificial log decoration i have although in the last hour or two he has started venturing out more. as it stands i am most likely going to be getting a 10 gal for christmas so these guys will have sufficient room soon.

here's sum pictures of the nastiness and the new oto: Tank


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
Nice oto there :)
That tank is really not that bad at all. My 40 gal gets much much worse before i clean the glass off. i always leave one wall of glass full of algae for all my otos. so in theory you could clean off the front walls of your tank and leave a wall for the oto to eat.