A site that will help you determine what & how much you can stock


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2003
I believe the flow rate is advertised as with media, the reason I assume this is based on the fact that filters that use mechanical/chemical filtration have much higher advertised ratings than those advertised with biological/mechanical/chemical filtration. I did alot of research on filters last fall but would have to do some digging and emailing to verify this either way.

Sorry yhbae to jump tracks there for a minute, I have given my ideas for improvement elsewhere so I wont repost them here.

I own a Rena XP3 so I submitted a question on flow rating to them, they have always been quick to respond so hopefully in a day or so.
No problem with jump tracking - I think this topic is still relevant since it relates to this app. :)

I personally would not rely on manufacturer answers - they will probably say something close to what's written on the box. On the other hand, there are many hobbyists who used these filters for many years on different sized tanks and they have pretty good feelings on what works and what doesn't. I do admit taking only approx. 60% of the original capacity sounds a bit harsh but the feedback I am getting on this app by experienced users is that they feel it is about right given their stock/tank size/filter combo. At least for my setups in the past, they make sense. I guess it's kinda like reverse engineering.


Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
No problem with jump tracking - I think this topic is still relevant since it relates to this app. :)

I personally would not rely on manufacturer answers - they will probably say something close to what's written on the box. On the other hand, there are many hobbyists who used these filters for many years on different sized tanks and they have pretty good feelings on what works and what doesn't. I do admit taking only approx. 60% of the original capacity sounds a bit harsh but the feedback I am getting on this app by experienced users is that they feel it is about right given their stock/tank size/filter combo. At least for my setups in the past, they make sense. I guess it's kinda like reverse engineering.
You make good point but at the same time if the user is maintaining their filters properly you shouldnt have that much drop in flow. The only true way would be to flow rate it yourself which would consist of using a 5g bucket and timing the amount of time it takes to fill then do the math to get your actual flow rate.

Yes the optimum filtration should be atleast 2x the tank capacity per hour, but using your site with my current 90G tank listed me at somewhere around 150% filtration, now does that mean I should be at 200% or that I am 50% over what is recommended because the note says I have plenty of filtration?


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2003
You make good point but at the same time if the user is maintaining their filters properly you shouldnt have that much drop in flow. The only true way would be to flow rate it yourself which would consist of using a 5g bucket and timing the amount of time it takes to fill then do the math to get your actual flow rate.

Yes the optimum filtration should be atleast 2x the tank capacity per hour, but using your site with my current 90G tank listed me at somewhere around 150% filtration, now does that mean I should be at 200% or that I am 50% over what is recommended because the note says I have plenty of filtration?
Oh when I said 2x, I didn't mean 2x flow rate. I meant 2x recommended filtration capacity. The problem with flow rate is that different manufacturer
goes with different philosophy on how they design their filters. Eheim canisters don't have fast flow rates. Filstar canisters have much higher flow rates. Both work very well. This is why I didn't want to use just flow rate to determine the filtration capacity of different filters.

There really isn't any scientific proof that manufacturer quoted capacity (not flow rate) is reliable. I've simply learned from experienced guys before me and I am passing on to less experienced guys after me because it worked for me too. I believe once, I had a setup that had a filter close to manufacturer number and it did require more frequent cleaning due to the build up in the media. I think it was AquaClear 300.


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2003
Yes the optimum filtration should be atleast 2x the tank capacity per hour, but using your site with my current 90G tank listed me at somewhere around 150% filtration, now does that mean I should be at 200% or that I am 50% over what is recommended because the note says I have plenty of filtration?
Oops missed this one.

When it says 150%, it means you have 1.5 times more filtration than what's required based on your bioload. So that's good in your case. This is after discounting filtration capacity of the filter, so in your case you have plenty of filtration.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
The first time I used your site, I wasn't impressed at all. It was when I first joined MFT and was wondering about numbers of fish I could safely add to my 45gal bowfront without going over my bioload. It told me that with the nine female bettas and three oto cats I had in there, I was overstocked by something like 29% (so, I was at 129% stocking capacity). But, I know for a fact that wasn't true 'cuz I had all of those fish in an 18gal and wasn't overstocked in that.

Now, I find that your site is much improved! Not only is it easier (the first time I used it, I had to manually enter the dimensions of my tank and it didn't list my filter...okay, it still doesn't list my filter, but my filter model isn't made anymore, so...), but the bioload info was much more accurate. After entering what I project to have in my tank by the end of the year (the nine female bettas, plus 5 black mollies and 5 more otos, for a total of 8 otos), it said I would only be 79% stocked! :D However, it says my filtration is at 78%, but I've been told several times that my filter is fine for my tank, even with prospectively more fish going into the tank. Sooooo, all-in-all, I say the site is much improved and I would recommend it to others now. :D Great job!

Nov 23, 2009
Just tried inputting the info for my Roma 240 :(

A few of my stock are not listed:

Corydoras Schultzei (Black Cory)
Golden Ancistrus sp (Golden BN Plec)
Microglanis Iheringi (SA Bumblebee Catfish)

Even without these added, according to your calculations, my tank is 27% over-stocked and filtration is only 58%!

A Fluval 305 will filter a lot more than the 160 or so litres your site claims. It will cope with almost double that!

Even with the additional filter I have running (which is not listed so I substituted for one with similar spec), it still says filtration is inadequate, bringing the figure up to 68%.

It's a very good idea, but you still have a few glitches to iron out *crazysmil

Could you add a UK gallons measurement as well please?


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2003
The first time I used your site, I wasn't impressed at all. It was when I first joined MFT and was wondering about numbers of fish I could safely add to my 45gal bowfront without going over my bioload. It told me that with the nine female bettas and three oto cats I had in there, I was overstocked by something like 29% (so, I was at 129% stocking capacity). But, I know for a fact that wasn't true 'cuz I had all of those fish in an 18gal and wasn't overstocked in that.

Now, I find that your site is much improved! Not only is it easier (the first time I used it, I had to manually enter the dimensions of my tank and it didn't list my filter...okay, it still doesn't list my filter, but my filter model isn't made anymore, so...), but the bioload info was much more accurate. After entering what I project to have in my tank by the end of the year (the nine female bettas, plus 5 black mollies and 5 more otos, for a total of 8 otos), it said I would only be 79% stocked! :D However, it says my filtration is at 78%, but I've been told several times that my filter is fine for my tank, even with prospectively more fish going into the tank. Sooooo, all-in-all, I say the site is much improved and I would recommend it to others now. :D Great job!
Thanks. :)

Its only natural that site of this nature can only improve. It heavily relies on the fact that each species are different (not relying on general rules alone) hence data stored in DB is important. I've been getting hundreds of feedback on the accuracy (or inaccuracy :) ) and they have been fixed and still are being fixed. But for common species I can see that number of reports have drastically gone down which means I hope they are reasonably accurate.

As for the filtration, I am debating. I have to admit you like 100th person to point this out. :D When I was a newb like 7 years ago, I too asked questions like "is this filter enough" and the answers were always the same. No filters work efficiently forever (even with maintenance) at the manufacturer quoted levels. It was common to suggest at 50% of the quoted number. I started off at 50% and got lots of complaints. I raised it to 55% and still getting alot. :D I am thinking of going up to 65%.


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2003
Just tried inputting the info for my Roma 240 :(

A few of my stock are not listed:

Corydoras Schultzei (Black Cory)
Golden Ancistrus sp (Golden BN Plec)
Microglanis Iheringi (SA Bumblebee Catfish)

Even without these added, according to your calculations, my tank is 27% over-stocked and filtration is only 58%!
I'll add your species in the app. :)

It could be as simple as one of the species not being right. What is the dimension of your tank? Even better, could you post the link to the tank you configured at aqadvisor.com?

A Fluval 305 will filter a lot more than the 160 or so litres your site claims. It will cope with almost double that!

Even with the additional filter I have running (which is not listed so I substituted for one with similar spec), it still says filtration is inadequate, bringing the figure up to 68%.
I suspect it is because your tank is "overstocked" based on the current data. Filtration % is completely based on the bioload, not volume of water. If bioload turns out to be wrong, then this will be automatically adjusted.

Another point was explained in the above post. As I mentioned above, I may raise the level from 55% to 65%. But if you believe a filter can handle 100% of manufacturer's claim, then you are working on a thin ice... None of the Eheim canisters, Filstars, Aquaclears and Penguins I've used is capable of doing this. This is from both my own experience and from opinions of others couple of years ago. I doubt filtration capacity situation changed that much since then. :)

It's a very good idea, but you still have a few glitches to iron out *crazysmil
This I cannot deny because it is true. :) Just looking at # of feedback tells you this. I cannot keep up with the rate of arrival.. *laughingc But a good sign is that for most of the common species, I think its close to there - I get virtually no negative responses now. I do get lots of confirmed feedback. But I still do get odd ones here and there.

I'll continue to fix everything that are reported as inaccurate data in species DB.

Could you add a UK gallons measurement as well please?
Aha yes. Initially I didn't even know gUK was different. :) But I soon found this out. Its already on the wishlist. I should know this considering I did all my high school in Engliand! :D


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2003
Forgot to mention this. :)

Few weeks ago, I came across Betta experts who pointed out that the data for betta fishes were off in aqadvisor.com. And they kindly provided the expected numbers. So that was adjusted. So moving forward, betta numbers should be good.

Same thing happened to puffers about 2 weeks ago. He/she raises mostly puffers and she even operates her own puffer site. She gave me accurate data for 3 puffers and she will provide more soon for other puffers.

This is an on-going pattern. It takes just one experienced aquarist with good experience in one particular speices to fix data permanently and benefit many other less experienced users. Even for more experienced users it should become useful since they won't know hundreds of species. I personally only knew about 100 as it turned out even after endless number of tanks I kept all these years... lol.


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2003
What's new for 2009 12 01 build:

- Added Lyretail Killifish.
- Added Celebes Rainbowfish.
- Added Rainbow Snakehead.
- Added Sawbwa Barb.
- Added Chuco/Southern Checkmark Cichlid.
- Added Swift/Hangel Rasbora.
- Added Golden Wonder/Striped Panchax Killifish.
- Added Black Cory.
- Added Golden Bristlenose Pleco.
- Added Bumblebee Catfish.
- Added Platinum Hatchet.
- Added Phuket Loach.
- Added Sajica Cichlid.
- Added Shark Catfish.
- Added Sixbar Distichodus.
- Added Celebes Halfbeak.
- Added Dwarf/Tail Spot Pygmy Cory.
- Added Tiger Loach.
- Added Sailfin Pleco.
- Added Red Bellied Pacu.
- Added Black Pacu.
- Added Blue Tilapia.
- Added Zebra Tilapia.
- Added Redeye Tilapia.
- Added Redfin Tilapia.
- Added Nile Tilapia.
- Updated "mouth size" for all plecos. They have been adjusted to smaller sizes so that they are no longer seen as threats to smaller species up to certain point.
- Updated "mouth size" for all cory catfishes. They have been adjusted to smaller sizes.
- Updated size of Dojo Loach from 10 inch to 8 inch.
- Slightly decreased the bioload of Dwarf Puffer.
- Bioload for Fahaka Puffer has been increased significantly as they have been identified as messy species.
- Bioload for Green Spotted Puffer has been further increased.
- Minimum number for cories have been adjusted down from 5 to 4.
- Updated "mouth size" for Angelfish to be a bit smaller. Most of the cories are no longer a threat.
- Filtration capacity for all filters have been re-evaluated and increased by 10%.
- Added Hagen Stringray series filters.
- Added JBL CristalProfi series filters.
- Added Eheim 2211 filter.
- New Feature: "Start Over" link has been added.
- New Article: "How does AqAdvisor.com work?" has been added.
- Total number of filters in DB has been increased to 140.
- Total number of species in DB has been increased to 422.
- Added a new logo, drawn by my little daughter! I'm proud of her and her work. :)

To access this site, please click on AqAdvisor site.


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2003
What's new for 2009 12 06 build:

- Added Cynotilapia sp. White Top Hara.
- Added Black Fin Cory (Corydoras leucomelas).
- Added Dainty Cory/Venezuelan Pygmy Cory (Corydoras habrosus).
- Added Dwarf Rainbowfish/McCullochi Rainbowfish.
- Added Marble Hatchet/Marbled Hatchet.
- Added White Skirt Tetra.
- Added American Grass Shrimp.
- Added Japanese Algae Shrimp as an alias to Amano Shrimp.
- Red Top Cobalt Cichlid (Metriaclima greshakei).
- Current Bumblebee Catfish name has been extended with SA. Also minimum tank footprint has been reduced to 20x10.
- New feature: allows more than 2 filters. I have not set an upper limit so go as high as you need! It is fully backward compatible so if you have bookmarks with filters already selected, it will continue to work and also allow you to add more filters if you need them.
- New feature: grouping feature has been implemented. Now it is possible to define a group of species and use them for "Good Exception" cases. i.e. Angels don't touch any of the corydoras species even though some of the corydoras species are small.
- New feature: new attribute has been added for fin nipping species - if they exceed certain number, they will no longer fin nip. As a starter, Tiger Barb has been assigned a value of 10.
- Now displays for all plecos that they need driftwood.
- New species submission page is up. This is only for those who have real experience with species that are missing in aqadvisor.com. I will continue to accept new species directly so please use this only if you know the species well! Your submissions will be much appreciated!
- Total number of species in DB has been increased to 434.

To access the site, please use click on AqAdvisor site.


Large Fish
Oct 17, 2009
Frederick, MD

As always i love your site and the updates are beautiful, thanks for adjusting the aqueon filters.

I would like to see Pangio oblonga added to your list of wonderful fish. You may also know this by the name of "Black Kulhi loach" very similar to pangio kuhlii with a deviant of little bit smaller size.

Thanks as always! *thumbsups


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2003
As always i love your site and the updates are beautiful, thanks for adjusting the aqueon filters.

I would like to see Pangio oblonga added to your list of wonderful fish. You may also know this by the name of "Black Kulhi loach" very similar to pangio kuhlii with a deviant of little bit smaller size.

Thanks as always! *thumbsups
Of course. :) Will look into it.


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2009
Blue Acara

Hi yhbae,
I noticed in Aq Advisor the Blue Acara is listed as 'Aequidens latifrons'. I may be wrong but to my knowledge the 'Aequidens latifrons' is the Platinum Acara. The Blue Acara is 'Aequidens pulcher'.