A site that will help you determine what & how much you can stock


Large Fish
Nov 16, 2009
Mumbai India
are you taking any new suggestions for this web-app ?

I was dearly looking for site which suggest tank-mates for my goldies (which wont grow big and give nice company to my goldies, not that they need any but i want to ).

I came across this ebay store site, it has nice comparometer ( if i can call that ), i really wish you en-corporate this in your web-app , here is the link eBay Store - aquabreeder: Freshwater Brackish Compatible Char . This will make your site all-in-one site.


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2003
are you taking any new suggestions for this web-app ?

I was dearly looking for site which suggest tank-mates for my goldies (which wont grow big and give nice company to my goldies, not that they need any but i want to ).

I came across this ebay store site, it has nice comparometer ( if i can call that ), i really wish you en-corporate this in your web-app , here is the link eBay Store - aquabreeder: Freshwater Brackish Compatible Char . This will make your site all-in-one site.
I always take suggestions. :)

I just looked at that "comparometer". They take few species (or more like take a group of species) then display certain combinations of species based on hard-coded selection process. To implement it that way should be fairly easy. The problem for me is that I already have many times more species with more attributes than what he has already. Having said that, many users have been requesting for something similar - ability to suggest new species based on existing selection of species. This won't be easy to implement but it is on my wishlist already and I hope I will been looking at it in the near future.


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2003
What's new for 2009 12 10 build:

- Added Milomo Hap.
- Added Black Kuhli/Chocolate Kuhli/Java Loach (Pangio oblonga)
- Added Gardneri Killifish/Blue Lyretail.
- Added Blue Acara.
- Added Amazon/South American Puffer.
- Added Gold Barb (Puntius sachsi).
- Added Tiger Shrimp.
- Added Whisker Shrimp. This one is marked as Macrobrachium sp. which means it is likely to grow large (marked as 4 inches) and will likely to hurt community fishes of smaller sizes.
- Added Flowerhorn Short Body.
- Created "Shrimp" group. Now if users add puffers alongside shrimps, a warning will be displayed.
- Created "Snail" group. Now if users add puffers alongside snails, a warning will be displayed.
- Created "MbunaCompatable" group. Mixing species in this group and outside this group will show warning. All mbuna, synodontis catfishes and bristlenose pleco have been included in this group.
- Clown, Yoyo, Skunk and Dwarf Loaches have been marked as snail eaters.
- Adjusted the temperature requirements for Firemouth.
- Severum has been updated to be more friendly with smaller species.
- Severum size has been reduced from 12 to 10 inches.
- Severum has been marked as friendly with cories.
- Scientific name for Gold Nudget Pleco has been updated to Baryancistrus sp. L081.
- Size for Gold Nudget Pleco has been changed to 7 inches.
- Updated water parameter requirements for Adolofo Cory.
- Common name for Sciaenochromis Fryeri has been updated to Electric Blue Hap.
- Fixed the common name for Aequidens latifrons to Platinum Acara.
- Fixed bioload for Flowerhorn. Also aggression has been increased.
- Added Red Sea Deco Art Nano filter.
- Added Clear Seal Magi-series filters.
- Added Hagen Fluval Mini filter.
- Added Eheim 2032/2034/2036 Ecco Pro series filters.
- Added Tetra Advanced Filtration series filters.
- Fixed a bug: Now "Display only suitable species" mode will not reset to "Display all species" when you add or remove new species.
- Fixed a bug: Now it no longer displays that you need more filtration if no filters are selected.
- Fixed a bug: Used to display wrong betta in some cases when warnings are generated.
- Added more description on the submission page.
- Total number of filters in DB has been increased to 151.
- Total number of species in DB has been increased to 447.

Please click on AqAdvisor site to access the application.

Sep 15, 2004
Tucson, AZ
Visit site
Very nice site. I like it a lot. I did notice one thing though. I inputed a 75g tank w/ a marineland penguin 350 filter, clicking update after each input. I then added two bala sharks to the "selected species" column. I then removed one of the bala sharks. It then removed the bala shark from the "Choose fish species from" column" and the bala would not come up even when searched. It only did this with this tank setup (i tried a couple other tank filter combos and it worked ok) Just wanted to let you know. Other than that it has been working great. thank for all of the hard work you have put into the site. It is greatly appreciated.


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2003
Very nice site. I like it a lot. I did notice one thing though. I inputed a 75g tank w/ a marineland penguin 350 filter, clicking update after each input. I then added two bala sharks to the "selected species" column. I then removed one of the bala sharks. It then removed the bala shark from the "Choose fish species from" column" and the bala would not come up even when searched. It only did this with this tank setup (i tried a couple other tank filter combos and it worked ok) Just wanted to let you know. Other than that it has been working great. thank for all of the hard work you have put into the site. It is greatly appreciated.
Thanks. :D

I think there is a bug. Sometimes it automatically presses "Display only suitable species" which filters out only those species that can suitably fit based on the tank dimension. If you look at the button, it will toggle between this mode and "Display all species". Perhaps this is what's happening?

I did notice this but could not reproduce it reliably enough for me to debug it.


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2003
What's new for 2009 12 13 build:

- Added L018, L085 and L177 variations of Gold Nugget Plecos. L081 existed already in DB.
- Added Assassin Snail.
- Added Rainbow Cichlid.
- Added Five Banded Barb.
- Added Red Phantom Tetra.
- Added Sumo Loach.
- Added Chao Phraya Giant Catfish/Paroon Shark.
- Added Albino Bristlenose Pleco.
- Added Corydoras duplicareus.
- Added Starlight Bristlenose Pleco.
- Added Otocinclus vestitus.
- Added Golden Oto.
- Added Mrs Schwartz Cory.
- Added Rio Negro Dwarf Cichlid.
- Added Two Line Cory (Corydoras parallelus).
- Added Corydoras incolicana.
- Added Macmaster Dwarf Cichlid (Apistogramma macmasteri).
- Added Steindachner Dwarf Cichlid.
- Dojo/Weather Loach has been marked as snail eaters.
- Fixed a spell error for "Gold Nudget Pleco".
- Gold Nugget Plecos are removed from species that require driftwood.
- Added a note that L018 is a juvenile form of L085 Gold Nugget Pleco.
- URL format has been changed. Past bookmarks are not backward compatible with the current build. Please re-do your bookmarks if you have them already. This was done so that I can update future common or scientific names of existing species in DB without breaking bookmarks again in the future.
- "Lake Tang" group has been created. All species from that lake has been added, and if a user tries to mix any fishes not belonging to this group, a warning will be displayed.
- Fixed a bug: Sometimes, "Display only suitable species" was getting activated automatically at unwanted times. This has been fixed.
- Total number of species in DB has been increased to 468.

Please click on AqAdvisor site to access the application.

Once again, my apology - I couldn't add all requested species this time around due to lack of time. I'll add it for the next release!


Large Fish
Oct 17, 2009
Frederick, MD
Broken Link

Hey yhbae, just wanted to let you know while resetting my links to work with the update i noticed your "[Start Over]"
anchor is broken / unvaild, you need to update this to [Start Over]
by using a capitol letter A for aq and for advisor on your php anchor.


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2003
Hey yhbae, just wanted to let you know while resetting my links to work with the update i noticed your "[Start Over]"
anchor is broken / unvaild, you need to update this to [Start Over]
by using a capitol letter A for aq and for advisor on your php anchor.
Thanks for the find, I just fixed it. *thumbsups

It is annoying that on my dev site, it is case insensitive while on my live site it is case sensitive... Hmmm.


Large Fish
Oct 17, 2009
Frederick, MD

Thanks for the find, I just fixed it. *thumbsups

It is annoying that on my dev site, it is (not)* case insensitive while on my live site it is case sensitive... Hmmm.
As a web designer myself, i do find that annoying. Although it also depends on what programs you are using as you develop your pages, in the new version of dreamweaver (Cs4) which i use it pops an error to tell you.

If i catch anything else i'll let you know, thanks for adding my Black Kuhli's too *thumbsups


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2003
As a web designer myself, i do find that annoying. Although it also depends on what programs you are using as you develop your pages, in the new version of dreamweaver (Cs4) which i use it pops an error to tell you.
I'm more of a backend guy. :) I don't use any GUI tools - I just use Eclipse to produce a mix of PHP and HTML codes directly. And on my dev server (well, my home PC), I use Apache server.

If i catch anything else i'll let you know, thanks for adding my Black Kuhli's too *thumbsups
Welcome, and thanks again!


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2003
What's new for 2009 12 16 build:

- Added Silver Hatchet (as an alias to existing Hatchet)
- Added Paradise Fish.
- Added Kamaka Rainbowfish.
- Added New Guinea Rainbowfish.
- Added Eastern Rainbowfish.
- Added Macaw Cichlid.
- Added Zebra Obliquidens.
- Added Dwarf Petricola.
- Added Christmas Fulu.
- Added Labidochromis chisumulae.
- Added Green/Chinese Barb (Puntius semifasciolatus).
- Added Peppermint Pleco.
- Increased minimum tank space required for Betta imbellis to 16x8 inches (5.5g)
- Aggression defense ability for Tinfoil Barb has been increased. Previously it was marked too low for its size. (same as small barbs!)
- Aggression towards other species for Sumo Loach has been downgraded. This species mainly shows aggression towards its own.
- Size of Gold Barb has been adjusted down to 2.9 inches.
- Mbuna group has been split into two groups - Mbuna and MbunaCompatible. Only the species from Mbuna group will generate warning if mixed with species that belong to neither Mbuna nor MbunaCompatible group.
- Tang group has been split into two groups - Tang and TangCompatible. Only the species from Tang group will generate warning if mixed with species that belong to neither Tang nor TangCompatible group.
- Rainbow Cichlid has been updated to require at least a group of 3. Apparently, they are a social species.
- Size for Gold Barb (Puntius sachsi) has been updated to 3.8.
- Size for Golden Barb (Puntius gelius) has been updated to 2.4.
- Updated the tank dimension for Eclipse System 12.
- Added Aqua One Aquis 500/700/1000/1200 series filters.
- Added Aqua One Aquis 22x0 series filters.
- Added Interpet PF Mini filter.
- Added Interpet EPF series filters.
- "Start over" now retains all units but clears all other attributes and selections.
- New feature: Male to female ratio has been implemented. Platy/Molly/Guppy will display 1:2(M:F) ratio while harlem mbuna will display 1:4(M:F) ratio. Other species will also receive similar treatments when required. Now it is possible to say "1 platy is ok. But if you want to keep more than 1, then M:F ratio must exceed 1:2".
- New feature: "cm" unit is now supported. Tank dimension attributes can now be displayed and used in both inch and cm.
- New feature: When a species is added, the selection point will continue to remain on the same species.
- New feature: Sort by scientific name has been added. Now you can sort using both common and scientific names.
- Total number of filters in DB has been increased to 161.
- Total number of species in DB has been increased to 481.

Please click on AqAdvisor site to try out the site.


Large Fish
Oct 17, 2009
Frederick, MD
Generated Image Error

Hey got another error for you. Here is my Tank

When applying my settings + fish, and then clicking the [Generate Image] Button you recieve the following error:

The image
 cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2003
Hey got another error for you. Here is my Tank

When applying my settings + fish, and then clicking the [Generate Image] Button you recieve the following error:

The image
 cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
Thanks for reporting - will look into it.