A site that will help you determine what & how much you can stock


Large Fish
Oct 17, 2009
Frederick, MD
Sure... :)

Are these different from the common types in their behaviors?
They are somewhat different, preferring a softer water. Also Unusually for Betta, a pair (Male and Female) can be housed in the same tank; they are actually best kept in groups.

That is for the Betta albimarginata. As for the other wild types im not sure, but i believe most follow that rule. I could be wrong.

they are also mouthbrooders, and do not build bubblenest (at least not normally) and prefer a soft current in the water.

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Large Fish
Oct 24, 2003
They are somewhat different, preferring a softer water. Also Unusually for Betta, a pair (Male and Female) can be housed in the same tank; they are actually best kept in groups.

That is for the Betta albimarginata. As for the other wild types im not sure, but i believe most follow that rule. I could be wrong.

they are also mouthbrooders, and do not build bubblenest (at least not normally) and prefer a soft current in the water.
Wow those are totally different! I'll look further into them. Thanks!


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2003
LOL yeah, I don't think shrimps can interbreed with puffers... I'll fix that for sure.. :)

As for the smaller tank, my current bioload formula doesn't work very well on very small tanks (less than 2g). I should be able to improve this, but mean while, you can use that tank as a coffee mug... :D


Large Fish
Oct 17, 2009
Frederick, MD
LOL yeah, I don't think shrimps can interbreed with puffers... I'll fix that for sure.. :)

As for the smaller tank, my current bioload formula doesn't work very well on very small tanks (less than 2g). I should be able to improve this, but mean while, you can use that tank as a coffee mug... :D

YOU MEAN THERE IS NO POSSIBILITY OF PUFFER SHRIMP! :( all my hopes and dreams lol.

And a gallon of coffee... mmmm i just might do that hehehe


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2003
What's new for 2010 01 07 build:

- Added White Cichlid (Vieja argentea).
- Added Vieja fenestrata.
- Added Tailbar Cichlid (Vieja hartwegi).
- Added Black Belt Cichlid (Vieja maculicauda).
- Added Redhead Cichlid (Vieja synspila).
- Added West African Bichir (Polypterus retropinnis).
- Added Polypterus mokelembembe.
- Added Polypterus teugelsi.
- Added Saddled Bichir (Polypterus endlicheri endlicheri).
- Added Congo Bichir (Polypterus endlicheri congicus).
- Added Guinean Bichir (Polypterus ansorgii).
- Added Ropefish as an alias to Reedfish.
- Added Leopoldi Stingray (Potamotrygon leopoldi).
- Added Flower Stingray (Potamotrygon schroederi).
- Added Motoro Stingray (Potamotrygon motoro).
- Added Common Stringray (Potamotrygon laticeps) - requester please confirm if this is the right species for a "common" ray.
- Added Thinbar Datnoid.
- Added Florida Gar.
- Added Shortnose Gar.
- Added Longnose Gar.
- Added Aligator Gar.
- Added Cuban Gar.
- Added Tropical Gar.
- Added Lima Shovelnose Catfish.
- Added Cherry Red Cichlid as an alias to Maylandia estherae.
- Added Half Banded/Half Barred/Zig Zag Spiny Eel.
- Added Tiger Shovelnose Catfish.
- Added Domino Syno/Synodontis notatus/Synodontis notata.
- Added Redbreast Sunfish (Lepomis auritus).
- Added Green Sunfish (Lepomis cyanellus).
- Added Pumpkinseed (Lepomis gibbosus).
- Added Warmouth (Lepomis gulosus).
- Added Orangespotted Sunfish (Lepomis humilis).
- Added Bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus).
- Added Redear Sunfish (Lepomis microlophus).
- Added Spotfin Goby Cichlid (Tanganicodus irsacae).
- Added Tandanus Catfish.
- Added Polkadotted/Angelicus/Marble Loach (Botia kubotai).
- Added Copper Harlequin as an alias to Swift Rasbora.
- Added Maingano Mbuna (Melanochromis cyaneorhabdos).
- Added Redline Shark/Redline Barb as alias to Denisoni Barb.
- Added Glowlight Danio (Danio choprai).
- Added Blind Cave Tetra (Astyanax jordani).
- Added Peacock Bass Monoculus.
- Added Peacock Bass Orinocensis.
- Added Peacock Bass Temensis.
- Added Peacock Bass Temensis.
- Added Peacock Bass Ocellaris.
- Added Pike Cichlid (Crenicichla sp. Xingu).
- Increased bioload of Hypselecara temporalis.
- Updated Blue Gourami to be more friendly with smaller species. Minimum tank footprint has been adjusted to 30x12.
- Reduced size of Silver Dollar to 6 inches. Also minimum tank size has been reduced to 48x12.
- Renamed scientific name of Silver Dollar to Metynnis argenteus.
- Added a note to female betta - "can still become aggressive even if she doesn't show aggression right away. Not recommended to be mixed with peaceful community species.". Male betta already shows warning if more than 1 are selected.
- Aggression for Severum has been reduced. It should be more peaceful towards less aggressive species.
- Aggression for Blue Acara has been reduced. It should be more peaceful towards less aggressive species.
- Added some notes to Black Knife Ghost Fish.
- Added some notes to Clown Loach.
- Updated scientific name of Cobalt Blue Zebra to Metriaclima callainos.
- Updated bioload for Cobalt Blue Zabra. Also updated water requirements.
- Reduced bioload for Tropheus Duboisi slightly. Minimum number has been raised to 12.
- Reduced size of Tropheus Moorii to 5 inches. Also reduced bioload slightly. Minimum number has been raised to 12.
- Added Lifeguard Aquatics Bed Filter series filters.
- Added 45g tank.
- Fixed a bug: If you select a filter in Gallon mode and flip to Litre mode then do other operations, filtration capacities were incorectly displayed. This has been fixed.
- Fixed a bug: Exception list handling code contained a bug that caused AqAdvisor.com to report potential interbreeding possibilities when drwarf puffer & shrimps are selected. Fixed!
- Total number of filters in DB has been increased to 190.
- Total number of tanks in DB has been increased to 61.
- Total number of species in DB has been increased to 528.

I am still way behind going through the wishlist for the application. Still, please let me know if you have more suggestions - those are always welcome! :)

To access the application, please click on AqAdvisor link.


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2003
What's new for 2010 01 10 build:

- Added Black Bullhead Catfish.
- Added Brown Bullhead Catfish.
- Added Yellow Bullhead Catfish.
- Added Channel Catfish.
- Added White/Pacific Sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus).
- Added Shovelnose Sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus).
- Added Largemouth/Bigmouth/Black/Florida Bass.
- Added Smallmouth Bass.
- Added Aequidens diadema.
- Added Aequidens metae.
- Added Aequidens sp. Jennaro Herrera.
- Added Aequidens sp. Atabapo.
- Added Andinoacara stalsbergi.
- Added Andinoacara sp. Gold Saum.
- Added Andinoacara pulcher.
- Added Whiteseam Fighter (Betta albimarginata).
- Added African Leaf Fish/Spotted Climbing Perch/Leopard Gourami (Ctenopoma acutirostre).
- Added South American Leaf Fish/Amazon Leaf Fish (Monocirrhus polyacanthus).
- Added Bucktoothed Tetra (Exodon paradoxus).
- Added Hujeta Gar/Freshwater Barracuda/Slant Nose Gar (Ctenolucius hujeta).
- Added Leopardfish/Dusky Millions Fish (Phalloceros caudimaculatus).
- Added Striped Glass Catfish/False Glass Catfish (Kryptopterus macrocephalus).
- Added Angelicus Botia as an alias to Angelicus Loach.
- Added Yellow Perch.
- Fixed common name for Alligator Gar. Increased size to 5 feet. Also increased aggression.
- Added note to Tropheus Duboisi that they require controlled aggression when stocking.
- Added note to Tropheus Moorii that they require controlled aggression when stocking.
- Added notes to Hillstream Loach about waterflow and oxygen requirements.
- Red Tailed Black Sharks and Rainbow Sharks are marked as incompatible due to aggression to each other.
- Set max number of Red Tailed Black Sharks to 1.
- Set max number of Rainbow Sharks to 1.
- Aggression for both sharks towards other species have been reduced.
- Reduced size of Tropical Gar to 24 inches.
- Fixed a bug: Both pH and Hardness ranges for each species weren't correctly shown when conflicts are found. This has been fixed.
- Updated pH requirements for Lake Tang species - pH starts at 7.6.
- Updated pH requirements for Lake Victoria species - pH starts at 7.6.
- Updated pH requirements for Lake Malawi species - pH starts at 7.6.
- Added a warning if Lake Malawi species are mixed with other species, including mbuna species.
- Added Jebo 810/819 filters.
- Added Penn Plax Cascase series power filters.
- Added Fluval xx3 series canister filters.
- Added Fluval xx4 series canister filters.
- Added Eheim Liberty filters.
- Added Skilter 250/400 filters.
- Total number of filters in DB has been increased to 213.
- Total number of species in DB has been increased to 599.

Please click on AqAdvisor site to access the app.


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2003
Nice site! I think you should add a thing that askes if the aquarium is heavly, moderately, or lightly planted (it would make a difference in stocking % and filter capacity) Just a suggestion:)
This has been requested a lot but it is difficult to figure out what and how much effect plants would bring to the total system... I am open to suggestions as usual. :)


Large Fish
Nov 16, 2009
Mumbai India
some plants are extremely good at sucking out ammonia, some plants are good at sucking out bad nitrites. so they do heavily contirbute. :) i have seen the effects .

I agree there should be some proper measurement, like inches of some variety of plants and calculate how would they help (plus info on lighting is IMP. as it contributes to plant's workings)


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
all plants take ammonia, anshu...they take ammonia first, if that's not available then they take nitrite, which they convert to ammonia for use. if neither are available then they take nitrate, convert it to nitrite, then convert it to ammonia for use. lol kinda drawn out, but i learned this from Orangecones :)


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2003
all plants take ammonia, anshu...they take ammonia first, if that's not available then they take nitrite, which they convert to ammonia for use. if neither are available then they take nitrate, convert it to nitrite, then convert it to ammonia for use. lol kinda drawn out, but i learned this from Orangecones :)
That's an interesting fact.

I also read a while back that some toxins produced by fish (such as the one that stunts growth) are not absorbed by plants hence regular WC is still needed. In fact one of the article suggest that even with plants, do not reduce WC at all since although they are helpful, some toxins are not absorbed at all, hence they will eventually get to your fish if you don't dilute them through WC. I wish if I knew how to deal with plant situation. I get few of these requests every week!


Large Fish
Oct 17, 2009
Frederick, MD
Perhaps you could collaborate with MOA, his excel spreadsheet brings plants into it a little bit and its not a big step from excel to a form online, it might help you out a little.