If you want to save the fry, its best to have a seperate tank for them to live in.
I breed 2 species of egg scatterers and use a small tank covered in marbles, with a large piece of driftwood covered in Java moss. I add just the females at first, feed live foods for several days, then do a large water change right before adding the males. They lay their eggs in the moss, and I shake the moss several times a day for the 2 or 3 days I leave them in there. The eggs will fall between the marbles where the parents can't get to them, and once they are free-swimming, they will swim out of the marbles into their own tank, since the parents were removed to go back to their own tank before they hatched.
I add green water to the fry tank and there is infusoria in/among the moss, so they have foods to eat until they are large enough can eat commercially prepared foods.