Stocking a 10-15 gallon: Bettas or Barbs?


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Bass, are you going to do a thread on your breeding? Swipe that fancy D5000 and document your head off!QUOTE]

Yeppers, I am! It won't be for a couple of weeks since I still have to condition Alice (the female). I've got the breeding tank pretty much set up (need to run to Wal-Mart and get a replacement bulb for my hood since it just burned out yesterday*ALL*) and I've got which male I'm going to use as "bait" picked out (little Garrett, the first male in the pics I posted in this thread, is VERY fiesty, so he gets the job of being Al's "rival"...Al being the CT male in the second pic I put in this thread). I'm very excited! Newman bred his plakats and was very successful, so there is hope for me yet! *SUPERSMIL


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Thank you for the advice about the petco rocks. Now, whenever I rearrange things, is it always best to place each betta in a little cup?
I went to Goodwill and bought myself several 1gal vases, like what people usually keep bettas in :)mad:...yeah, can you tell that irritates me when people do that?). That way, as your females get bigger, you don't have to worry about them being all cramped in those little cups. I got most of my vases for $1 (or less if they were having a half-price day). I still saved my little cups for other things (scooping out water to put in the vases, that sort of thing).


Large Fish
Feb 11, 2003
Rhode Island
Visit site
i thought wrong when my plakat female demolished an LFS VT female.

I told you, plakats are crazy. They are so close to the wild caught strain they can be mega mean.

Yes, some female bettas would do better in a group of 4, but with a 12 gallon there really isn't room for that many bettas when you don't already know their personalities.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
chances are that if youre buying from an LFS, youre not getting plakats. King bettas from petco are as close to plakats as you can get, commercially available on a mass scale.
Plakat bettas have shorter fins to the point where an untrained eye will mistake a male plakat for a female betta.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
chances are that if youre buying from an LFS, youre not getting plakats. King bettas from petco are as close to plakats as you can get, commercially available on a mass scale.
Plakat bettas have shorter fins to the point where an untrained eye will mistake a male plakat for a female betta.
Totally OT, I know, but since you mentioned King bettas, I have to bring this up. Went to Petco today to get frozen bloodworms for Alice and Al and saw the PRETTIEST King betta! Most of the Kings I've seen have been darkly-colored, usually looking black with a reddish or bluish tinge. This guy was metallic blue and red, but looked more like Kenny's Heron (not sure if he has a pic of her up on here, though :/). He was incredible! If I'd had a place to put him and $14 to spend on him, he would have been coming home with meeeeeeeeee!

Last edited:
Aug 16, 2009
SW Pennsylvania
Totally OT, I know, but since you mentioned King bettas, I have to bring this up. Went to Petco today to get frozen bloodworms for Alice and Al and saw the PRETTIEST King betta! Most of the Kings I've seen have been darkly-colored, usually looking black with a reddish or bluish tinge. This guy was metallic blue and red, but looked more like Kenny's Heron (not sure if he has a pic of her up on here, though :/). He was incredible! If I'd had a place to put him and $14 to spend on him, he would have been coming home with meeeeeeeeee!
I know what you mean! It's hard to resist fishies sometimes!


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
I have a cory and an upside down cat in my 30 gallon, so I know how much fun they are. :D I think I'll get 2 or 3 ottos.
You won't regret the otos! Mine are so freakin' adorable! When I had the 18gal tall (and less places for them to hide), they'd go nuts when I'd walk by the tank, trying to get away. I swear I could hear them screaming "Godzilla! Godzilla!!!" in that cheesy B-movie Japanese accent. :p They were a funny contrast to the laid-back, "Hey what's up?" female bettas.