Good Community fish for a 15 Gallon Freshwater


Large Fish
Dec 11, 2009
Your Imagination
OH and also, I was wonering if my plants will ever take root. I think they are clippings, and I have been having problems anchoring them down. The perason at the pet store said that they will eventually, so I was wondering if that was true. Also, otos eat plants, right, so is it bad for the plants to keep otos with them, will the otos eat the plants faster than thy can grow?

Feb 27, 2009
I was wonering if my plants will ever take root.
What type of substrate and light do you have? Given the right root medium and light, they should root, yes. They like a minimum of 3WPG to thrive.

Also, otos eat plants, right, so is it bad for the plants to keep otos with them, will the otos eat the plants faster than thy can grow?
Otos do not eat plants. They WILL eat dead/dying/decaying plants though.


Large Fish
Dec 11, 2009
Your Imagination
OK, I was thinking about getting java fern and java moss because my substrate isn't really right for deep rooted plants. The flourecent bulbs say gental white light, 9 watts per bulb, but it also says equivilent to 40 watts. there are two bulbs in the aquarium makin it either about one watt per gallon, or about five watts per gallon, but I don't know which is the accual wattage. I'm pretty sure it is 40 watts per bulb.

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Feb 27, 2009
OK, I was thinking about getting java fern and java moss because my substrate isn't really right for deep rooted plants. The flourecent bulbs say gental white light, 9 watts per bulb, but it also says equivilent to 40 watts. there are two bulbs in the aquarium makin it either about one watt per gallon, or about five watts per gallon, but I don't know which is the accual wattage. I'm pretty sure it is 40 watts per bulb.
The substrate can be used (I have pea gravel in 2 of my tanks, fully planted) with rooting plants. I think the problem you are having is the lighting. The bulbs are not meant for plants and the 'equivilent to 40 watts' is what it LOOKS LIKE to our eyes, not what energy it puts out that a plant can use for photosynthesis. You need about 30-40 total watts over the tank to grow moneywort. Java fern and moss can exist in lower light tanks, so you might be able to grow them with your existing light.


Large Fish
Dec 11, 2009
Your Imagination
Ok, thanks. Will the moneywort still grow/live, or is it going to eventually die, because I'm not going to get the higher wattage light just to keep a two dollar plant alive. I might move them all to the five gallon eventually because i can use on bulb and at least get 2 watts per gallon, hopefully enough to keep them alive longer than in the 15 gallon. Thats very good to know, those petsmart people must not really know a lot about the section they work in, because they told me it would be fine. :( Thanks again OrangeCones:)


Large Fish
Dec 11, 2009
Your Imagination
Hopfully when run out of light bulbs I can go buy higher wattage ones and THEN go get some different plants, but that might be a whil, because I got a four pack and they're flourecent. :( But for now, I'll get the java fern and java moss :)

Feb 27, 2009
This website has a good plant guide. You can search for plants by their light requirement, placement, etc. Might help you pick out plants that will work for you (as well as avoid buying the non-aquatic plants that a lot of pet store sell for your aquarium). - Plant Guide

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Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
you cant be cant spare 5 seconds to drop 2-3 pellets into your tank for each night? -_-

Also cories will eat shrimp pellets, not so much the algae wafers, but certainly the carnivore catfish pellets :D


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
once again, cories wont really eat algae wafers with as much glee as shrimp pellets/carnivore pellets.
If the algae wafers are high in fiber/protein, like the hickari brand then maybe theyll decide to touch them..


Large Fish
Dec 11, 2009
Your Imagination
well, I guess you are right, I'll get them. And I am getting 3 Otos. So right now It's 3 marigold variatus platy, 3 Otos, 4 dwarf cory cats, and 7 harlequin rasboras. Thanks for making me stick with the corys!!! :)