Good Community fish for a 15 Gallon Freshwater


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
for standard T-8 lighting the rules are something like this:
low light - 2 wpg.
medium light - 3 wpg
High light - 4-5 wpg.

anything over is inviting more algae than most can handle..aka intense lighting that I don't even bother to research...
This is for FW.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
make sure they're fluorescent lights...

otherwise so what size is your tank?
and how much WPG do you have now with those lights? (divide total wattage by gallons of tank)


Large Fish
Dec 11, 2009
Your Imagination
Awesome!! I looked up hornwort online and found that almost all sites say you only need about 2 watts per gallon, so I got some, and it is very cool. Problem is that a few snails hitched a ride to. I got all that I could find out and put them into a water bottle. Once I have found that there are no more snails (waiting aa few weeks to see if I find any) I will add ONE. That is all though because I don't want an infestation! The tank is lookin' good, and my heater finally came, and is keepin the tank at a steady 75. Finally everything is coming together!!! it has been more than three and a half weeks, so I just wanted to ask if there were any signs that the tank is done cycling that I should look for. Thanks a ton!!!!


Large Fish
Dec 11, 2009
Your Imagination
Totally forgot to say my third and FINAL plan. I'm sorry Valrasbora, but the harlequins are out of the picture, but for a good reaon. I'm sticking with the three or four cory cats (probably julii corys), and three otos, but I'm going to make the tank South American themed, so I'm taking out the harlequins and gouramis, and replacing them with to German blue rams, and like 7 or 8 tetras. I can't decide between neons or rummynose. The rummynose defenintly look much cooler to me, but neons are really hardy and live a long time. I checked on that stocking site by ybet ot whatever his/her name is, and saw that if I got 5 rummynose and 5 neons, it would fall at exactly 100% for stocking level. I'm going to get a luster hydro sponge filter 2, so that keeps the filteration capacity high, but please give your opinions on rummynose or neon. (and sorry my posts are so long :( )


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
100% stocking is a bit much. make sure you do 40% water changes each week on that tank then and test water weekly...
I advise against putting one snail in the tank. 1 will become 100 in a month or two. most are asexual reproducers.