well, I'm basicly wondering if the heater is suppose to keep the tank at the same temp without going up or down. Like the temprature on mine keeps moving up and down between 74 and 77 degrees, and is not staying on one perfect temprature. I was just wondering if it is normal for the heater to make the tank's temprature rise and fall a few degrees instead of keeping it one degree. soryy, this is really confusing to say.
ok I think I get it. do you mean to say that this happens within a short amount of time? or is the tank 74F in the morning/night, and 77F at around midday?
This really depends on the ambient room temp. the colder it is at night (I'm guessing thats the issue for you) the more fluctuation. it's not very good for things in your tank....maybe you need a stronger heater or another heater thats the same as the one you have. running heaters helps out a lot especially if one was to fail
Ok, so I don't want to get the rams anymore because none of the local stores have them, and they are delicate, so what do you think would go good with 5 Neon Tetras, 3 Julii corys, 3 otos, and maybe 2 cherry shrimp?
I just had an awesome vision. I could get black skirt tetras to go along with it!!!! That well look awesome!! I'm going to do research on plants and the setup I sould make for an Amazonian look.
I heard that neon tetras aren't much of schoolers, like they stay kind of scattered, is this true, and if so, what would be a good colorful true schooling tetra to replace them?
My Chili Rasbora school together a lot, but when they are just chilling (i.e. not at feeding time or nothing big walking by the tank that scare 'em for a second), they scatter. What is fun to watch is how they all get into 'formation' when they know its feeding time!
AAAAAHHHHHHHHH CAN'T MAKE DESISION!!!!!!!!!! Can someone please help me to decide what to put in that is south-amercan!!! All I have is 3 otos,very good filterations, and a few plants, so everything else undecided! WHAT SHOULD I GET!!!!!!!