Bad to start a tank cycle with common goldfish?

Dec 3, 2009
Well I put the zeolite in it to bring down the ammonia levels just a little bit so that my tetras and cat wouldn't be over loaded from the goldfish.

I plan on taking the sack out tomorrow.

Dec 3, 2009
I used a 6 in one test. I had my LFS test my ammonia yesterday and it was slightly high. I don't remember the exact reading.

I just tested the water:

Nitrate: ~10 ppm
Nitrite: ~.5 ppm
Hardness: ~150 ppm
Chlorine: 0 ppm
Total alkinalinity: ~150 ppm
PH: ~7.0


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
he'll only come out at night and at feeding time.
but nitrite or ammonia in the water will cause it to hide more. not exactly fish-favored conditions =/

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Dec 3, 2009
I leave my hood lights on 24/7. Should I start turning them off at night? I know he moves around when I'm asleep cause he's always in a new spot in the mornings. For right now I'm letting him clean up the mess from my tetras. I will get him some freeze dried brine after a while.

I woke him up about an hour ago so my fiance could hear him "talk"


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
#28 didn't hold him up out of the water just to do that did you? -_-
You should really keep your lights on only during feeding time, unless your tank has live plants. then around 8 hours would do well. 24/7 will cause major algae outbreaks very soon =/

Yes turning the light off will cause you cat to be less stressed...and more active...

Dec 3, 2009
That makes sense about the algae, I just thought it flourished more in actual sunlight. I'll start turning the light off at night and only leave it on from 8am to 4pm.

And at the risk of being flamed, I woke him up by nudging him with a net and held him out of water to hear him talk. I know it's not recommended, but I don't do it daily. Probably not even weekly.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
either took him out of the water, or squished him against the glass. the raphs will click only when threatened in some way.

seriously, don't even do it monthly. I've owned my spotted raph for 8 years before i moved her, and I haven't ever bothered to hear her talk, just to impress visitors or friends ._. Not good for the fish.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
I actually enjoy fishing a lot. Fishing in the home aquarium or outdoor pond is cruel. I can say that because I've done it as a child. I feel horrible for catching the fish, and am glad i grew out of a stupid habit like that...
I still enjoy fishing for large-mouth in RIVERS and PONDS tho :p


Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
So in general, is everyone on this website opposed to fishing? Even with a catch and release method?
I am an avid fisherman and hunter. I dont care that you caught it for your fiance to listen to it talk, but if we are going to keep any animal we should try to provide the best living experience possible and do our best to give them a stress free life. As for the lights if it is not planted I would just leave them on when your home, turn them off at night when you go to bed.

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Dec 3, 2009
Well to explain myself to anyone that doesn't like me or my method of animal keeping. I'm a country boy. I grew up in the country shooting birds and snakes and any animal I came across with bb guns and a bow and arrows.

I wear boots religiously and spank my dogs for doing wrong. I probably have a different mind set from most people here as far as pets go.

I don't want to harm or kill any animals that I may bring into my household, but I can't say I feel sorry if an animal feels a little stressed.

Altho my methods may be unpopular or frowned upon, I'm hard-headed and if it's the way I wanna do it, it's how I'm gonna do it. If I'm doing something wrong, don't be affraid to give me advice. But please don't be butt-hurt if I respecfully ignore the advice. I take everything I hear with a grain of salt.

My whole out look on life is that animals, like people, should be tough. I think it's the way the world should be. I'm not a huge fan of technology and there's no such thing as perfect. I wish there was, but that's not how the world works.

Feb 27, 2009
So in general, is everyone on this website opposed to fishing? Even with a catch and release method?
Nope. I fish and hunt. I don't release what I catch unless its not legal to keep it. And I don't catch just to release, I catch to eat it. Don't see the point otherwise.

But I don't pick fish up out of the water just to hear them croak, nor do I poke a deer to hear it scream, nor do I corner a boar just to hear it squeal.

To each his/her own I guess.

For your cat, be careful using a net. They can easily get tangled up in them with their spines on the fins. Its best to handle them with a glass container or plastic bag.

Dec 3, 2009
The fishing thing is just a question because y'all didn't seem to like me picking up my raph cat. I figured y'all might feel the same about wild animals. I'm just having trouble finding the difference between wild fish and "domestic" fish.

Feb 27, 2009
The fishing thing is just a question because y'all didn't seem to like me picking up my raph cat. I figured y'all might feel the same about wild animals. I'm just having trouble finding the difference between wild fish and "domestic" fish.
Your catfish is a wild fish, not a 'domestic' fish. I think those here generally want to keep their captive fish in a humane way.

If you want to pick up your cat to hear it croak to impress your family and friends, have fun. It is not the best way to keep the fish, but as you said, you'll do it if you 'wanna do it,' so there is nothing anyone here could say to change your mind.

If you came here for advice, what do you want from those here that try to help? If you want to be "hard-headed" and "ignore the advice" and "take everything" you hear "with a grain of salt," what's the point, other than to start an argument?

I wish you be best of luck with your aquarium.


Large Fish
Feb 11, 2003
Rhode Island
Visit site
If you came here for advice, what do you want from those here that try to help? If you want to be "hard-headed" and "ignore the advice" and "take everything" you hear "with a grain of salt," what's the point, other than to start an argument?
prettymuch this. Feel free to do things the way you insist on doing them. You are like the guy banging nails into his wall with a loaded revolver. When you shoot yourself in the foot it isn't my problem. Also, when you run through a ton of fish because what you want to do is obviously way more important than what you should do, I don't want to hear it.

Quite frankly, you come off as someone that knows there is a better way to do things, but you want to do it "your way" just to try to piss people off and/or fluff your ego. Essentially, you come off as ignorant, and proud of this ignorance. IMHO there is nothing worse in this world than people that are offered good knowledge and reject it because it isn't something they thought of initially. Guess what, there are people here with more experience than you running amazing looking tanks. These same people can run the same tank and can keep fish alive way beyond their "average" lifespans by just doing their homework and some basic setup.

My signature may not show it (and my post count was reset a few years ago from my previous amount of over 3K) But I have previously operated a large scale breeding operation as a business and I have bred over 75 varieties of fish. A tiny bit of effort when you are first setting up your tank will pay huge dividends. Hell, for example, my mom has 3 high-fin black tetras that turn 10 years old this year. Not kidding. Normal life expectancy of 5-6 years. All because she did the right things in the bginning and got into the habit of doing things right. This isn't even talking about the 7 year old otto cat she has either, or her 7 year old albino cory.

Go nuts, go buy a dozen baby oscars and a dozen rafaels, I am sure some of them will survive awhile, and they will survive fine in a tea-colored, uncycled trainwreck. OR just start dumping chlorine bleach in your tank, I am sure the fish will adapt.