A site that will help you determine what & how much you can stock


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2003
What's new for 2010 01 21 build:

- Added Freshwater Shark (Wallago attu).
- Added Wallago leeri.
- Added Arapaima gigas.
- Added Wolf Cichlid (Parachromis dovii).
- Added Dwarf Chain Loach as an alias to Dwarf Loach.
- Added Queen/Bengal/Geto Loach (Botia dario).
- Added Forktail Rainbowfish (Pseudomugil Furcatus).
- Added Honey Blue Eye (Pseudomugil mellis).
- Added Delicate Blue Eye (Pseudomugil tenellus).
- Added Spotted Blue Eye (Pseudomugil gertrudae).
- Added Blue Back Blue Eye (Pseudomugil cyanodorsalis).
- Added Albino Tiger Barb as an alias to Tiger Barb.
- Added Abei Puffer (Monotrete Abei).
- Added Red Tailed Redeye Puffer (Carinotetraodon irrubesco).
- Added Brown Puffer (Monotrete Turgidus).
- Added Arrowhead Puffer (Monotrete suvattii).
- Added Mbu Puffer (Tetraodon mbu).
- Added Congo Puffer (Tetraodon miurus).
- Added Ceylon Puffer (Tetraodon fluviatilis).
- Added Pungas Catfish (Pangasius pangasius).
- Added Pangasius nasutus.
- Added Pangasius micronemus.
- Added Pangasius larnaudii.
- Added Piraiba (Brachyplatystoma filamentosum).
- Added (Brachyplatystoma rousseauxii).
- Added Cairns Rainbowfish (Cairnsichthys rhombosomoides).
- Added Allens Rainbowfish (Chilatherina alleni).
- Added Axelrods Rainbowfish (Chilatherina axelrodi).
- Added Blehers Rainbowfish (Chilatherina bleheri).
- Added Bulolo Rainbowfish (Chilatherina bulolo).
- Added Highlands Rainbowfish (Chilatherina campsi).
- Added Silver Rainbowfish (Chilatherina crassispinosa).
- Added Barred Rainbowfish (Chilatherina fasciata).
- Added Lorentzs Rainbowfish (Chilatherina lorentzii).
- Added Chilatherina pricei.
- Added Sentani Rainbowfish (Chilatherina sentaniensis).
- Added Tami River Rainbowfish (Glossolepis pseudoincisus).
- Added Grime Rainbowfish (Glossolepis dorityi).
- Added Salmon-Red Rainbowfish (Glossolepis incisus).
- Added Sepik Rainbowfish (Glossolepis kabia).
- Aggression of Clown Knife against other species have been reduced.
- Mouth size of Clown Knife has been reduced to 5 inches.
- Added a note to all eels that they may escape, lids are recommended.
- Bioload for Iridescent Shark has been increased.
- Elephantnose and other electrical fishes have been marked as more friendly towards smaller species. They are also marked incompatible with each other.
- Added Eheim Pickup range of filters.
- Added Cascade 600 filter.
- Added Boyu EF series filters.
- Total number of filters in DB has been increased to 230.
- Total number of species in DB has been increased to 671.

There's still quite a bit of species to add on my wishlist. If your species haven't shown up yet, please be patient!

Please click on AqAdvisor site to access the application.


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2003
This is really great. The only mistake I can see is when I add two mollies and four corries, I get an error reading something to the effect of "Any combination of 4 panda cory, adolfo cory, peppered cory, albino cory, and molly are recommended." But I already have a combination of 4.
Yes, that bug has been fixed in the current build sitting on my dev server. I will be deploying this new build this weekend on Sunday.

Thanks for reporting. *BOUNCINGS


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2003
What's new for 2010 01 24 build:

- Added Dario Dario as an alias to Scarlet Badis.
- Added Flyspeck Hardyhead (Craterocephalus stercusmuscarum).
- Added Bahia Red (Geophagus sp. Bahia Red).
- Added Tiger Muskie (Esox masquinongy x lucius).
- Added Sabretooth Tetra/Payara (Hydrolycus scomberoides).
- Added Red Tail Barracuda (Acestrorhynchus falcatus).
- Added Long-Tailed River/Antennae Stingray (Plesiotrygon iwamae).
- Added Apistogramma atahualpa.
- Added Apistogramma baenschi.
- Added Apistogramma bitaeniata.
- Added Apistogramma sp. Black-Chin.
- Added Apistogramma borellii.
- Added Apistogramma sp. Broad-banded.
- Added Apistogramma elizabethae.
- Added Apistogramma cf. eunotus Orange-tail.
- Added Apistogramma hongsloi.
- Added Apistogramma sp. Mamor.
- Added Apistogramma sp. Maulbr.
- Added Apistogramma panduro.
- Added Apistogramma sp. Parrot.
- Added Apistogramma cf. resticulosa Mamor.
- Added Apistogramma rupununi.
- Added Apistogramma trifasciata.
- Added Apistogramma uaupesi.
- Added Apistogramma viejita.
- Updated the size of Leopard Bushfish to 6 inches.
- Size of Neon Tetra has been reduced slightly to 1.5 inches.
- Mouth size of Angels and Altum angels have been reduced to 1.5 inches.
- Size of Harlequin Rasbora has been bumped up slgihtly to 1.6 inches.
- Ceylon Puffer has been marked as brackish.
- Updated minimum tank size for African Butterfly Fish to 24x12.
- Updated size of Denisonii to 5.5 inches. Minimum tank size has been set to 36x12.
- Minimum tank height requirement for Spotted Climbing Perch has been significantly reduced.
- Bioload for Angelfish has been increased slightly.
- Bioload for Altum Angel has been increased slightly.
- Minimum tank sizes for large species have been updated.
- Size of Geophagus brasiliensis has been increased to 11 inches.
- Size of Apistogramma agassizii has been increased to 3.5 inches. Also max pH has been reduced to 7.
- Size of Cockatoo Apisto has been increased to 3.5 inches.
- Size of Macmaster Dwarf Cichlid has been increased to 3.5 inches.
- Size of Panda Dwarf Cichlid has been increased to 3.5 inches.
- Size of Steindachner Dwarf Cichlid has been increased to 4 inches.
- Added Lustar Hydro Sponge H0 filter (on the last build to be more accurate).
- Hagen AquaClear filters have been also listed as just "AquaClear filters". Many people didn't realize that they were under "Hagen" brand name.
- Added Marineland Duetto series filters.
- Added Eheim 2080/2180 Professional 3 series filters.
- Added some more large tanks.
- Bug fixed: Sometimes, the app was mis-reporting a warning related to similar shoaling species. This has been fixed.
- New feature: Now juvenile sized species are supported! This feature was a huge pain in the <insert your favorite part here> to implement - there might still be some bugs related to this and overall bioload calculation on these sub-adult sizes, hence may require further fine tuning. Please let me know if it looks right. A bonus - once you enter your species in juvenile sizes, you can flip back and forth between juvenile mode and adult mode. When you flip, the application will automatically re-calculate stocking %, filtration capacity %, and water change % so that you know what you are dealing with once they are grown up. I did not change the warnings so those will continue to assume all species are grown up. Try it out!
- New feature: Now the app allows users to flip between two window sizes. One is ideal for laptop users and the other is ideal for those who use monitors with higher resolutions.
- Total number of tanks in DB has been increased to 66.
- Total number of filters in DB has been increased to 245.
- Total number of species in DB has been increased to 698.


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2003
What's new for 2010 01 31 build:

- Added Red Terror/Festas Cichlid (Cichlasoma festae).
- Added Gulper Catfish (Asterophysus batrachus).
- Added Debauwi Catfish (Pareutropius buffei).
- Added Leggetts Rainbowfish (Glossolepis leggetti).
- Added Spotted Rainbowfish (Glossolepis maculosus).
- Added Mamberamo Rainbowfish (Glossolepis multisquamata).
- Added Ramu Rainbowfish (Glossolepis ramuensis).
- Added Lake Wanam Rainbowfish (Glossolepis wanamensis).
- Added Colombian Tetra (Hyphessobrycon columbianus).
- Added Leggetts Rainbowfish (Glossolepis leggetti).
- Added Mamberamo Rainbowfish (Glossolepis multisquamata).
- Added Ramu Rainbowfish (Glossolepis ramuensis).
- Added Spotted Rainbowfish (Glossolepis maculosus).
- Added New Guinea Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia affinis).
- Added Ajamaru Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia ajamaruensis).
- Added Angfa Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia angfa).
- Added Arfak Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia arfakensis).
- Added Western Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia australis).
- Added Batanta Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia batanta).
- Size of Jack Dempsey (and equivalents) have been increased to 10 inches.
- Added warning message when CAE and Discus are mixed.
- Changed in how filtration capacity input is defined. Now it displays the manufacturer quoted filtration capacity but internally, the application uses more conservative number. This was done because I received many question on why his/her filter number was much lower than what was written on the box.
- Updated temperature range of Oto to 20-28.
- Added additional warnings to all bettas that baby ramshorn and pond snails will likely to become food.
- African Leaf Fish has been marked as Lake Tang compatible species.
- Upside Down Catfish has been marked as both Mbuna and Lake Tang compatible species.
- Fixed an algorithm error when exception warnings are displayed.
- Aggression defence for Upside Down Catfish has been increased.
- Added another decimal place for tank dimension to 2.
- Help added for Juvenile mode.
- Added Tom Aquatics Rapids Power Filter PF80 filter.
- Added Jebo 480 FC filter.
- Added some more tank dimensions.
- New feature: Printer friendly mode has been added. When you click on this link, all selected equipments, species and % numbers will be displayed neatly so that you can either print, or copy/paste into your forum messages. You can also flip back to "Edit mode" using the provided link on the printer friendly screen. Use this when you want to ask further in your favorite forums.
- Total number of filters in DB has been increased to 248.
- Total number of species in DB has been increased to 714.

Requester: Please let me know the scientific names of Dario Dario and Scarlet Badis. According to all the web sites I have checked so far, those two are supposed to be the same. Thanks.

To access the application, please click on AqAdvisor site.


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2003
What's new for 2010 02 07 build:

- Added Panda Garra (Garra flavatra).
- Added Common Whiptail Catfish (Rineloricaria eigenmanni).
- Added Dwarf Rasbora (Boraras maculatus).
- Added Melon Barb (Puntius fasciatus).
- Added Midnight Catfish/Zamora Woodcat (Auchenipterichthys coracoideus).
- Added Royal Farlowella Catfish (Sturisoma panamense).
- Added Zebra Oto (Otocinclus cocama).
- Added Metriaclima sp. Msobo.
- Added Redtail Splitfin (Xenotoca eiseni).
- Added Butterfly Splitfin (Ameca splendens).
- Added Tequila Splitfin (Zoogoneticus tequila).
- Added Nerite Snail.
- Added African Pike (Hepsetus odoe).
- Added Featherfin Cichlid (Cyathopharynx furcifer).
- Added Dwarf Green Pike Cichlid (Crenicichla compressiceps).
- Added Rhomb Barb (Puntius rhomboocellatus).
- Added Dwarf Orange Crayfish (Cambarellus patzcuarensis sp. Orange).
- Added Blue Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia caerulea).
- Added Waigeo Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia catherinae).
- Added Corona Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia corona).
- Added Crimsonspotted Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia duboulayi).
- Added Lake Eacham Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia eachamensis).
- Added Exquisite Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia exquisita).
- Size of Blue Acara has been increased to 8 inches.
- Adjusted aggression defense levels for small species to be more consistent with each other, especially amongst tetras.
- Updated scientific name of Scarlet Badis as Dario Dario. Also, Dario Dario entry as a common name has been removed. Dario is now known as dwarf variation of Badis species but since "Scarlet Badis" is a popular name used for what's now known as a Dario species, this name has been retained.
- Added Juwel filter variation - Jumbo/Bioflow Super + Pump 400 for Rekord 800 tanks.
- Added UNIMAX canister filters.
- Added Marineland HOT Magnum Pro series filters.
- Fixed a bug: User Defined value for filter is being reset to 0. This has been fixed.
- Fixed a bug: "Clear fish selection" link was affecting tank sizes. This has been fixed.
- Fixed a bug: Flipping units after selecting species didn't work properly. This has been fixed. (Last release was very buggy! I'm glad I am my own boss!)
- Changed the layout - now it is more friendly for lower resolution displays such as those found on netbooks. It will not go wider than 1024 pixels.
- Now when you select a species '1' is auto-populated in the Quantity box.
- Changed one of the message - instead of "too big" now it will say "may become food". Some species can still consume other species without becoming "too big".

- Total number of filters in DB has been increased to 255.
- Total number of species in DB has been increased to 737.

Requester: Pseudomugil Signifer was already on the AqAdvisor's DB.
Requester: Please provide a profile page on the web on the species "Feti Fetus". Could not find any reference to this species.

To access the application, please click on AqAdvisor site.

blue eyes

Small Fish
Feb 9, 2010
i got a 295% stocked that is no way right.

got a warning that tiger barbs should not be kept with cherry barbs as the tigers are to aggresive and i should have atleast a group of 5 cherry barbs. well i have 2 tiger barbs and 3 cherry ones, my tigers are not at all agressive they're really laid back and happy and my cherry ones are perfectly happy aswell. was also told that the pleco was to aggressive to be in with the barbs not once has my pleco been aggressive in anyway towards them and they all live happily together.


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
i got a 295% stocked that is no way right.

got a warning that tiger barbs should not be kept with cherry barbs as the tigers are to aggresive and i should have atleast a group of 5 cherry barbs. well i have 2 tiger barbs and 3 cherry ones, my tigers are not at all agressive they're really laid back and happy and my cherry ones are perfectly happy aswell. was also told that the pleco was to aggressive to be in with the barbs not once has my pleco been aggressive in anyway towards them and they all live happily together.
Depending on the pleco.. it could be more right than you think. Common plecos can reach 2ft.


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
Decided to put it here rather than PM! :)

Having had a proper look, I've warmed to it quite a bit, and I've got to be honest there's not much wrong with it.

Regarding my comments about guppies, it's worth having two different options for male and female guppies. Whilst females can reach 2 inches, males generally stay around half this size, and so have a different bioload with them being generally slimmer and smaller fish. Unfortunately I've realised that my source for this was a book, and I'm not sure how much you'd trust wiki but it also says it on there. The same applies to Endler's livebearers, although you don't seem to have those on there, which might be an idea, they're becoming quite popular (where I live at least!).

Also, a few species that spring to mind which I reckon would be appropriate for my eventual 6g are the microrasboras/microdevarios, such as Microdevario kubotai and Microrasbora rubescens, Danio erythromicron, and Microdevario nana. Though only rarely popping up, they're becoming much more popular. Probably worth noting that due to their extreme small size (2cm) they should not be housed with bigger fish, they'd quickly become dinner.

It'd also be great to see a few more european models of tanks aswell. For example, the 6g hex I've been looking at is a european model and has a built-in filtration system, and therefore it's difficult to identify the most similar filter. Juwel tanks also have filter built in, though I'm not sure if the Juwel filters on there are the same as you'd find in the tank, could you clarify? My first tank was a Juwel Rekord which unfortunately cracked due to some heavy-handed moving by my brother, and so if I found the same tank I'd want to know how much I could stock with the built-in filtration.

There are also quite a few african cichlids missing (unless they're listed under names other than the names which are common over here) so that might be worth looking into.

Other than that, it's a really good ap which seems to have come on a lot over the months, well done :)

Last edited:


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2003
i got a 295% stocked that is no way right.

got a warning that tiger barbs should not be kept with cherry barbs as the tigers are to aggresive and i should have atleast a group of 5 cherry barbs. well i have 2 tiger barbs and 3 cherry ones, my tigers are not at all agressive they're really laid back and happy and my cherry ones are perfectly happy aswell. was also told that the pleco was to aggressive to be in with the barbs not once has my pleco been aggressive in anyway towards them and they all live happily together.
Generally, Tiger barbs are known to be terrible fin nippers especially if you keep them as a group of 2 so people should know about it before thinking about getting only two if they don't have them already. If you have 2 already and if they are not causing any issues for you, then that's great. *thumbsups

As the above post mentioned, common Pleco, when they grow has been known to eat smaller fishes during the night when they sleep.

What is the size of the tank? Sounds like that 295% was single handedly caused by the pleco.


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2003
Decided to put it here rather than PM! :)
Absolutely welcome. :D

Having had a proper look, I've warmed to it quite a bit, and I've got to be honest there's not much wrong with it.
Nice to hear!

Regarding my comments about guppies, it's worth having two different options for male and female guppies. Whilst females can reach 2 inches, males generally stay around half this size, and so have a different bioload with them being generally slimmer and smaller fish. Unfortunately I've realised that my source for this was a book, and I'm not sure how much you'd trust wiki but it also says it on there. The same applies to Endler's livebearers, although you don't seem to have those on there, which might be an idea, they're becomig quite popular (where I live at least!).
I didn't know that about guppies. I have built the facility to handle male and female separately if needed (see betta) for the species that are significantly different. Let me read up on guppies as well.

I do have endlers on the list already. I've seen those - they are very cute.

Also, a few species that spring to mind which I reckon would be appropriate for my eventual 6g are the microrasboras/microdevarios, such as Microdevario kubotai and Microrasbora rubescens, Danio erythromicron, and Microdevario nana. Though only rarely popping up, they're becoming much more popular. Probably worth noting that due to their extreme small size (2cm) they should not be housed with bigger fish, they'd quickly become dinner.
I'll add those to my wishlist as well. One of the attribute for each species in DB is called "mouth size" and it is used to calculate whether one fish is capable of eating the other species or not. Another attribute I am always fine tuning based on user feedback. So anything that has been marked as mouth size greater than those sizes will produce warnings if you mix them.

It'd also be great to see a few more european models of tanks aswell. For example, the 6g hex I've been looking at is a european model and has a built-in filtration system, and therefore it's difficult to identify the most similar filter. Juwel tanks also have filter built in, though I'm not sure if the Juwel filters on there are the same as you'd find in the tank, could you clarify? My first tank was a Juwel Rekord which unfortunately cracked due to some heavy-handed moving by my brother, and so if I found the same tank I'd want to know how much I could stock with the built-in filtration.
Yeah I need to work on that a bit more. First of all, I don't have any 'L' based tank dimensions because when I started looking into it, it didn't add up. Most of the Juwel tanks over-quoted their volume by quite a bit and I couldn't really figure out the real dimension by looking at the spec alone. It appears that this way of quoting volume is common in Europe. If I can find a way to get more accurate dimension info, I would gladly add them to the list.

There are also quite a few african cichlids missing (unless they're listed under names other than the names which are common over here) so that might be worth looking into.
Yes I do believe there are quite a few that are missing. Currently I add species based on user feedback. I started this when I had around 200 species and now I have 700+, all came from users. I guess African species are less popular... :D If you have any specific ones, let me know as well.

Other than that, it's a really good ap which seems to have come on a lot over the months, well done :)
Thanks! :D


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2003
What's new for 2010 02 14 build:

- Added Betta macrostoma. Let me know if I got this right - HUGE conflicting info between profile sites on this species!
- Added Cuban Cichlid (Nandopsis tetracanthus).
- Added Blue Emperor Tetra (Inpaichthys kerri).
- Added Gold Tetra (Hemigrammus rodwayi).
- Added Green Fire Tetra (Aphyocharax rathbuni).
- Added Flagtail Prochilodus (Semaprochilodus insignis).
- Added Spotted Headstander (Chilodus punctatus).
- Added Telmatochromis brichardi.
- Added Hypancistrus contradens.
- Added Butterfly/Flounder Pleco (Dekeyseria brachyura L168).
- Added Bandit Cory (Corydoras metae).
- Added Microrasbora kubotai.
- Added Red Dwarf Rasbora (Microrasbora rubescens).
- Added Danio erythromicron.
- Added Nana Rasbora (Microdevario nana).
- Added Indonesian Tiger Fish as an alias to Finescale Tigerfish (Datnioides microlepis).
- Added American Tiger Fish (Datnioides quadrifasciatus).
- Added Lesser Spiny Eel (Macrognathus aculeatus).
- Added African Arowana (Heterotis niloticus).
- Added Garnet Tetra (Hemigrammus pulcher).
- Added Cutteri Cichlid (Archocentrus sp. Cutteri).
- Added Tiger Oscar as alias to Oscar.
- Added Spotted Rubberlip Pleco (Chaetostoma milesi L187a).
- Added African Pipefish (Enneacampus ansorgii).
- Aggression for Dwarf Puffer has been increased slightly.
- Aggression defense for African Dwarf Frog has been reduced slightly.
- Starlight Bristlenose Pleco has been changed to non-brackish.
- Added an L number to Starlight Bristlenose Pleco. (L183)
- Bristlenose Pleco and variations are marked as compatible with Tropheus D and M.
- Bristlenose Pleco and variations are marked as compatible with Lake Tang species.
- Bioloads for all Arowana species have been increased significantly.
- Water change factors for all Arowana species have been increased significantly.
- Size of Silver Arowana has been increased to 35 inches.
- Size of Asian Arowana has been reduced to 28 inches.
- Size of Australian Pearl Arowana has been reduced to 24 inches.
- Minimum size of all Arowana species have been adjusted appropriately.
- Synodontis catfishes have been marked compatible with mbuna species.
- Synodontis catfishes have been marked compatible with Malawi species.
- Gold Nugget Plecos have been marked compatible with African lake species.
- Added Elite Stingray 15 filter.
- Added Fluval EDGE aquarium tank dimension.
- Will no longer try to calculate stocking % if your tank size is smaller than 1.5g. AqAdvisor looses its stocking % calculation accuracy for really smaller tanks. If anyone needs this, I can address this in the future.

- Total number of filters in DB has been increased to 256.
- Total number of tanks in DB has been increased to 70.
- Total number of species in DB has been increased to 763.

Requester: I thought I was missing one of the small Eclipse tank dimensions but I don't think that is the case. If still missing, please get back to me.

To access the application, please click on AqAdvisor site.


Small Fish
Jan 20, 2010
I just stumbled upon ur site today and wish i would have had it when i started. I actually linked ur page into another forum before i relized you actually came from this forum. Lol anyways i like where its going and do appreciate the work you have done. Thanks


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2003
I just stumbled upon ur site today and wish i would have had it when i started. I actually linked ur page into another forum before i relized you actually came from this forum. Lol anyways i like where its going and do appreciate the work you have done. Thanks
Interesting that people still discover this thread for the first time even now... *BOUNCINGS

Glad to hear that you are finding the site useful.