Emmanuel's 100g Tank


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
On the prowl for some grub. They didn't seem to like the beef heart. They ate some brine shrimp, but went crazy for their afternoon bloodworms.

You can see the size difference between the bigger guys and the bigger of the juvies in the background. The juvies are growing rather rapidly as well, except for a couple of the finicky eaters that won't touch the beefheart or brine shrimp, and only eat a couple of bloodworms...

Introducing some blue colbalts!

Sometimes a few of the juvies will school with the big guys... I'll see if I can get one of those pictures.

The blue colbalts seem more partial to the bloodworms, but will sometimes eat a bit of beefheart or brine shrimp.

With flash to show the colors a bit better.

Luckily they're all eating some new life spectrum food as well. I love discus! :D


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
Now on to the discus! I can has bloodworms burger?
The tank and fish look as wicked as I expected :)

Maybe you should name one of the red melons "Diablo" I think that would suit one of them :p

Keep up the great work of caring for them. I can only guess at the money involved with setting up and stocking that massive tank x_x


Large Fish
Nov 16, 2009
Mumbai India
wow, absolutely stunning . great great pics of the tank.

Can you document the tank with details like , put some numbers (annotate) on the full picture regarding plants and wood and describe in details the tank accessories, plant-names, then list fishies and then mention soil substrate and then dosage of plant-food,co2,nutrients etc ? how you maintain etc.

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
wow, absolutely stunning . great great pics of the tank.

Can you document the tank with details like , put some numbers (annotate) on the full picture regarding plants and wood and describe in details the tank accessories, plant-names, then list fishies and then mention soil substrate and then dosage of plant-food,co2,nutrients etc ? how you maintain etc.
You can probably read the 40 page thread and figure it out.....


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
Hygrophila Corymbosa Augustifolia
Hygrophila Corymbosa Compact
Hygrophila Polysperma 'Rosanervig'
Cryptocoryne Wendtii
Lobelia Cardinalis
Staurogyne 'Porto Velho'
Helanthium Tenellum (Formerly echinodorus tenellus 'red micro')
Anubias nana 'petite'
Anubias nana
Anubias coffeefolia
- It's the big one in the right corner
Rotala Macandra Green
Rotala Rotundifolia (one lonely stem I found in my 29g)

10 pigeon snake juvy discus some 1" some 1.5" and they're growing very rapidly.
2 red melon discus (i listed them as blood pigeons before, but found the correct name) almost 4"
2 blue colbalt discus almost 4"
2 angelfish (one gorgeous koi, one black.)
2 german blue rams (m/f pair, used to breed, but stopped after my original 100g tank cracked)
5 bolivian rams (2 adults 3 juvies)
5 bn plecos (4 juvies, 1 adult, the adult is a regular, and the juvies are 2 regulars and 2 albinos)
30? green and regular neon tetras that have got to go!
2 female bettas...
9 mystery snails
3 olive nerite snails

Temperature has been at a constant 84F. I'd like to get it about 2 more degrees higher, but all my heaters are on high already. It shouldn't be too difficult to achieve warmer temperatures when summer comes around! :) I won't need that fan to cool down my tank anymore.

260 watt Coralife power compact lighting. 48" long, while the tank is 60" long.

Co2 injection.

ADA Amazonia II Substrate, with some laterite.

2x Marineland 350 Canister Filters
1x Marineland HOB canister filter

Since I started the daily waterchanges, I only dose potassium on the large waterchange days.

All fish have now learned to accept beefheart. I guess they learned that they weren't getting any bloodworms until they finished the beefheart. ;)

I'm feeding the fish three times a day on the weekends, and two times a day on the weekdays.

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Large Fish
Mar 9, 2009
Upstate NY
Wow !!! Those are beatiful pics !!!
I'm so gealous !! I think this spring I'm gonna start planning for my 75g.
I still don't know what I want to do, but I'm gonna take my time and do it right. I've been thinking about it for almost 2 years. Lol
I guess it's time to get serious. Lol
anyway beatiful pics bro !!!!


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
Wow !!! Those are beatiful pics !!!
I'm so gealous !! I think this spring I'm gonna start planning for my 75g.
I still don't know what I want to do, but I'm gonna take my time and do it right. I've been thinking about it for almost 2 years. Lol
I guess it's time to get serious. Lol
anyway beatiful pics bro !!!!
A year late... but thanks!