Good Community fish for a 15 Gallon Freshwater

Aug 16, 2009
SW Pennsylvania
I have sand and all you need to do is take a round siphon (the oval ones don't work as well) and swish it in small circles just above the bottom. Organic material is lighter, so the siphon picks that up and very little sand. It's easy to keep fairly clean. Cories help.


Large Fish
Dec 11, 2009
Your Imagination
k, but just another question, will 3 or 4 more shrimp get the job of bottomfeeding done as good as corys will? I was thinking about using maybe three ghost shrimp and three cherry shrimp insteed because I could get quite a few and they make very little bioload.


Large Fish
Dec 11, 2009
Your Imagination
Oh ya, my dwarf gourami died from constipation - long story short: Pet store told me feeding them peas helps with digestion, so I fed them peas and gourami got constipated and died :( So anyways, I was thinking about getting like five or six black skirt tetras, do you think they would do well with my neons?


Large Fish
Feb 11, 2003
Rhode Island
Visit site
Oh ya, my dwarf gourami died from constipation - long story short: Pet store told me feeding them peas helps with digestion, so I fed them peas and gourami got constipated and died :( So anyways, I was thinking about getting like five or six black skirt tetras, do you think they would do well with my neons?
the peas dont make them constipated, it actually does the exact opposite, it is a cure for when they are constipated. This is true only if you take the shell off the pea and give them just the meat inside.

and I bet that bullhead ate the snails, which is why you can't find them.


Large Fish
Dec 11, 2009
Your Imagination
tanks (get it, thanks but fish forum style) - bad joke :( anyways, I havent been on for a while, but I have two questions:

My ghost shrimp has laided her eggs but I have seen no sign of baby shrimp or eggs, do you think they were eaten?

Also, I got an awesome crowntail betta and I was wondering if they are ok with bright lighting, I have a 13 watt fluorecent for a five gallon. I have a few plants for cover and a fairly tightfitting cave, but he doesn't like to come out. I've only had him for like 4 days, so It might just be shock from going from a jar to a five gallon tank.


Large Fish
Dec 11, 2009
Your Imagination
They are in the fifteen gallon. The problem with floating plants is that I need a lot of light to hit my micro sword or else it will die. I want a nice carpet on the gravel. do you think I should just take the micro sword out? I'll take a picture sometime to show the set up, maybe tommorow?