What would you do with...


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
I have two, littletank, (can't find my third :( ) and they are CONSTANTLY doing the "happy dance" in the corner. I have vid of it, but it takes FOREVER to load on either Photobucket or YouTube.

I have access to...not much around here. All of your "standard" fish (angels, livebearers, the more common tetras, the more common barbs, loaches of various sorts, the more common cichlids like oscars, labs and "various" Africans, parrots, silver dollars, common/rubberlip plecos, that sort of thing). When I do get this tank going (it needs a heater to complete the equipment on it), I'll probably just go with a pair of angels and some sort of tetras.

Thanks for all the ideas, everybody!

Quick question...I'm not a *huge* fan of goldfish, but some of the fancies are kind of cute. I know they're "cold-water" fish and my house stays in the high 60s to low 70s, so could I do one fancy goldfish with the filter I have and no heater? Or could I get away with two? I don't want to overload my filter, but if I did it right, I think goldfish or two in this tank (for the time being at least until I can get some good-quality angelfish) would be kind of fun and different than anything else I have.

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Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
I would say yes 2 would work well in a 46 gal. I'm sure you know not to get common or comet goldfish or anything like that :p

a standard fancy goldfish will grow very big wide and fat which is why i would not get more than 2. my favorite would have to be the ranchu goldfish but that is just a suggestion :p What kind of goldfish were you thinking about getting?


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
I was thinking maybe a black moor and a red cap oranda, or maybe a couple of fantails.

So, I think I've decided on doing two goldfish. Will they do okay with driftwood and plants? Most of the goldfish tanks I've seen are kind of "generic" with themes and fake plants (except Newman's, but I don't consider his 40gal FBH a "real" goldfish tank :p ) and I'm not big into themes and I'm DEFINITELY not into fake plants. Now, I just have to figure out where I'm going to set up this tank! lol I'm running out of room in my little house.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
yeah driftwood wont alter your pH too much if your KH is over 5 dKH i believe...
those are kewl goldfish choices. I have had all of those breeds at one time or another so I can relate :)

If I was doing this tank I would just make it very simple. a layer of coarse gravel a the bottom, a black background, two goldfish of choice, a 5000K-6500K light bulb to show the best colors, and thats it. just a pure goldfish display tank where the goldfish are the main focus :D


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Ha! A goldfish display tank...in my bedroom where I'm the only one who'll see it! lol I've been wandering through my house for an hour measuring spaces and trying to figure out where to put this tank...and my bedroom is the only room in the house that has space for it. :p

I'm not a fan of barren tanks. I could maybe do the driftwood and some river rocks and that's it in the tank...no plants (other than maybe some floating hornwort since I have TONS of the stuff and if the goldies eat it, oh well, as long as it doesn't make them sick). I have no idea how many K my fixture is. I know it's a 60W dual bulb fixture, but that's it (and I'm too tired to check ATM). I know the driftwood won't change my pH much at all because it didn't in my 55gal and there's three separate pieces in there.

I'll have to sift through my driftwood collection tomorrow and see what I can find that I like. I also know a guy who has manzanita he uses for driftwood and he might give me a few pieces (very branchy and a very nice dark red and orange coloring...he uses it in his cichlid tanks).


Superstar Fish
May 2, 2009
Atlantic Canada
I'll have to sift through my driftwood collection tomorrow and see what I can find that I like. I also know a guy who has manzanita he uses for driftwood and he might give me a few pieces (very branchy and a very nice dark red and orange coloring...he uses it in his cichlid tanks).
Lucky you! You have fellow fishkeepers where you live. Hrmf. Seems fishkeepers (or knowledgeable ones anyways) are an endangered species (around here anyhow)!
Goldfish. Plain and simple and beautiful... Nice choice. I might do a garden pond this summer with a couple goldfish and turtles. :D I already got the OK from my parents! Lucky me how my mom loves turtles haha. I loove ryukin goldfish. I just find them extremely pretty, especially the red&silver coloration. Great body form too... Anyhow, I will stop boring you with how pretty ryukin goldfish are. haha.

About khulis- I would have a couple slithering around on the bottom of my tank if they hadn't been $15!

...good fish selection around here. Prices aren't as good....


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
There aren't very many what I would call "good" fish keepers in my area, Val. At least not that I know of. Most everyone I've talked to around here about fish have been of the "Goldfish don't belong in a 1/2 gallon bowl? Mine is fine in his small bowl" variety.

I'd love to have a pond out in my new rose garden, but I'm afraid my sweet (albeit dumb) dog would try to play with the fish. He loves it when I bring home new fish because he gets to inspect the bag or cup and he'll sit for hours and watch the fish tanks. He's never tried to eat a fish, but he definitely would want to play with it like it's his size. :p

And yeah, I got my kuhlis for $2 each, same as Doom.

I'm thinking about putting a small school of leopard danios (about 6) and some ghost shrimp in this tank as well. I checked AqAdvisor and with the two goldfish, danios and ghost shrimp I'd be 85% stocked and have 113% filtration if I stick one of my smaller filters on the tank as well (I have a Whisper 10i and an AquaTech 5-15 that I got for free the other day).


Superstar Fish
May 2, 2009
Atlantic Canada
!!stupid prices!!

Yeah, pretty frustrating how people think of fish as home decor. No research, just ask the pimple-faced staff at walmart. Yeah right.

My dog is probably gonna think the turtles are the bestest toy in the whole world. My dog has emptied more than one bottle of fish food (yummy...) and will probably think the pond is a great new water bowl. Hopefully I can place it where she can't get at it!