I have two, littletank, (can't find my third ) and they are CONSTANTLY doing the "happy dance" in the corner. I have vid of it, but it takes FOREVER to load on either Photobucket or YouTube.
I have access to...not much around here. All of your "standard" fish (angels, livebearers, the more common tetras, the more common barbs, loaches of various sorts, the more common cichlids like oscars, labs and "various" Africans, parrots, silver dollars, common/rubberlip plecos, that sort of thing). When I do get this tank going (it needs a heater to complete the equipment on it), I'll probably just go with a pair of angels and some sort of tetras.
Thanks for all the ideas, everybody!
Quick question...I'm not a *huge* fan of goldfish, but some of the fancies are kind of cute. I know they're "cold-water" fish and my house stays in the high 60s to low 70s, so could I do one fancy goldfish with the filter I have and no heater? Or could I get away with two? I don't want to overload my filter, but if I did it right, I think goldfish or two in this tank (for the time being at least until I can get some good-quality angelfish) would be kind of fun and different than anything else I have.
I have access to...not much around here. All of your "standard" fish (angels, livebearers, the more common tetras, the more common barbs, loaches of various sorts, the more common cichlids like oscars, labs and "various" Africans, parrots, silver dollars, common/rubberlip plecos, that sort of thing). When I do get this tank going (it needs a heater to complete the equipment on it), I'll probably just go with a pair of angels and some sort of tetras.
Thanks for all the ideas, everybody!
Quick question...I'm not a *huge* fan of goldfish, but some of the fancies are kind of cute. I know they're "cold-water" fish and my house stays in the high 60s to low 70s, so could I do one fancy goldfish with the filter I have and no heater? Or could I get away with two? I don't want to overload my filter, but if I did it right, I think goldfish or two in this tank (for the time being at least until I can get some good-quality angelfish) would be kind of fun and different than anything else I have.
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